If last month was a busy one, this month knocked things up a notch. BAM! The biggest news is of course the results of Restoration (which I’ll go over in more detail) and Vivackus stepping down as Consul (also, more later). With everything that’s going on, however, I can’t articluate how amazed and proud I am of each and every one of you, but I'll give it a try. You’re a powerHouse (Yeah, I said it. Deal with it.), and Ajunta Pall really showed what it was capable of. So with that, let’s get into it.
We are now all done with the three month Restoration competition, and Ajunta Pall really saved the best for last. House Ajunta Pall captured ten of the eleven possible first place event finishes, including the team Battleplan event. Twenty-one of the total thirty-two crescent awards went to Ajunta Pall, meaning we took home 65% of the possible crescents for Ascendant. As much as the placement finishes and crescents make me proud, the participation from Ajunta Pall was even better.
House Ajunta Pall generated eighty-nine competition entries across the events of both rounds of Ascendant combined, which is nearly two and a half times the number of entries that you guys put out for Broken and Building put together. Counting the entries in the parent Restoration: Ascendant competition, that number goes up to 102. The clan summit had received some audit data from the Dark Council that tracked from February to the end of May, and in that time the entire clan only had 202 competition entries. You guys did just over half of those numbers in the four weeks of Ascendant. Pats on the back are deserved for this showing, and as I said before I couldn’t be more proud of all of you.
This event really serves as a warm up for us, though. We’ve all heard the whispers of some big event on the horizon between Plagueis and some other unit, and after that we’ve got the Great Jedi War at the end of the year. The activity we were able to put up for Ascendant shows me and the rest of the clan summit that Ajunta Pall is ready to do well when the chips are down, as they will be later on this year.
The full results for the event (which I’m sure you’ve all ready by now) can be found here.
In case you’ve been cut off from the Internet on a deserted island this past week, Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, our beloved Dread Lord, has hung up his spikes and stepped down as Consul. I’d encourage everyone to thank Viv personally for his service to Plagueis and the Brotherhood as a whole. He’s helmed Plagueis to great affect over the past year, guiding us through Fading Light, the Great Jedi War, and Restoration these past three months. He’s also done a lot of work behind the scenes for the Brotherhood as a whole, things not everyone will ever be aware of. Trust me when I say we all owe him a lot, in ways most people will never know. Give him a hearty thanks for that work!
Pravus has announced applications for the postion of Consul here. They close tomorrow, but I’d still encourage anyone to get an application in. Even if you don’t get selected (which most people won’t, there’s only one Consul!), it’s good to get your names and ideas out there on the radar. Also, these sorts of applications are often looked at when filling other leadership positions in the Clan, so you never know when a Consul applicant that doesn’t get picked might end up in another job based on that application.
OK, I lied last month. I’m not looking at a Journeyman again this month, mostly because the guy I’m looking at just got promoted to Equite last month. I do, however, want to spotlight Ra’gnar in this space because of what he’s done over the past three months. He is, in short, the MVP from House Ajunta Pall (and probably Clan Plagueis, too) for the Restoration event. Other members might have earned a few more points or medals, but nobody has done what Ra’gnar did, not in the entire Clan. Ra’gnar entered every single event for the entire duration of Restoration. All nineteen. A few other people got close, but all of them missed an event here or there. A couple got to seventeen, but that’s as close as anyone got.
Entering every event over the course of three months is a serious accomplishment, and one that’s not easy. You don’t get to be late for one, decide that you just aren’t motivated enough to do trivia, or take even one event off to go hit the beach one round. You’ve got to be Cal Ripken Jr., Lou Gehrig, in short, the iron man. Ra’gnar did something nobody else did: Everything. Give him the props he deserves, everyone! He’s earned it.
The future looks bright for House Ajunta Pall, even as the Plagueis fictional story seems to be going somewhere a bit darker. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K… I mean, the Anchorage. If you haven’t yet read it, take a journey over to the forums and check out the final fiction update for Restoration. There might be some hints as to what is coming down the pipe for us...
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Great job in Restoration, guys! Awesome work, Ra'gnar!
searches feverishly through data of entries
Ok, yeah you win. Good job. Next time, might not be so lucky.
Congratulations AP for the fun battle we had.
Good job rags on promo and shinys
This was a lot of fun, now please keep that mallet away from me.