House Ajunta Pall Report #6: Relax, Reflect, and Recharge.


House Ajunta Pall Report #6: Relax, Reflect, and Recharge.



Dark greetings everyone, we want you to know that we are super proud of all of you for all of the hard work and participation you all did during the war. Great job! Now we can sit back relax a bit and get ready for the next phase of things to come. Which might be coming up sooner than you think ;) Stay tuned!

  • Shinies
  • Shout outs!
  • SA awards
  • Competitions
  • News
  • Conclusion




Alrighty, so I asked you all to go out, participate, and do your best during the war. Which most of you did, and great work!! Now we get to see all the shinies you guys got for the war, among other things ;)

  • Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj - 1 Gold Nova, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 9 Clusters of Ice, 8 Clusters of Graphite, 14 Seals of Discord.
  • Silent - 1 Gold Nova, 2 Clusters of Ice, 8 Clusters of Graphite, 7 Seals of Discord.
  • Tra'an Reith di Plagia - 1 Gold Nova, 2 Clusters of Ice, 2 Seals of Discord, and an Anteian Cross.
  • Ranarr Kul-Tarentae - 1 Gold Nova, 1 Bronze Nova, 1 Crescent with Ruby star, 6 Clusters of Ice, 2 Clusters of Fire, 20 Clusters of Graphite, 27 Seals of Discord, and a Steel Cross.
  • Muse Nashesir - 1 Gold Nova, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 10 Clusters of Ice, 12 Cluster of Graphite, 14 Seals of Discord, and a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.
  • Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj - 4 Cluster of Graphite, 4 Seals of Discord.
  • Khryso Mallus - 1 Gold Nova, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 2 Crescents with Topaz Star, 7 Clusters of Ice, 8 Clusters of Graphite, 13 Seals of Discord, and an Anteian Cross.
  • Ahsik Warren - 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 5 Seals of Discord.
  • Sen'tai Denari - 1 Seal of Discord.
  • Wrathus - 1 Gold Nova, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with Topaz Star, 3 Clusters of Ice, 4 Seals of Discord.
  • Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae - 1 Gold Nova, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 3 Clusters of Ice, 4 Clusters of Graphite, 30 Cluster of Fire, 13 Seals of Discord.


Shout out!

Alright so first things first, biggest Shout Out is the Awesome awards certain members have gotten for all of their great work before, during, and after the war! Congrats to Tra'an Reith di Plagia and Khryso Mallus for their Anteian Crosses. A big hug and Congrats to Ranarr Kul-Tarentae for his Steel Cross. And give a big hand, and Congrats, to Muse Nashesir for her Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Wooooot!! Well done all of you and great work. We’re so proud of you all!

Let’s also give a big hand to our esteemed Consul Ronovi for her stabby stab Amethyst Kukri! Woot, way to go!!

Second, let’s give a big Thank you to Ranarr for his quick and super fun, war cool down series, Plagueian Playground! Congrats to Khryso Mallus on getting 1st place, Furios Morega di Plagia for 2nd, and Brimstone for 3rd! Thank you again Ranarr. Those comps were super fun!

Third, Clan Proposal. The polling is over and verdict is in, the Proposal is now headed towards the higher echelon for discusion, revision, and hopeful approval. Thank you to everyone who gave their opinion in the poll. If you weren’t able to fill it out or forgot/just saw this, you can always email or PM the summit with your opinion. It matters to us what you think, and we appreciate your feedback.


SA awards!

Congratulations to Courier Ahsik Warren on his streak in the Shadow Academy. In one day he did 5 courses, including both Philosophy courses! And he also passed the ACC Qualification course, and got 2 more degrees, this time Dark Mavens! Way to go dude! I can tell that this is not end, not nearly. Good job! * Courier Ahsik Warren - Dark Maven - Philosophy, and a Dark Maven - Combat.



Alrighty, now that the war is over, doesn’t mean there aren’t any more competitions out there. On the contrary, there are quite a few out there, and more are on their way wink, wink

Clan Competitions:

  • Scandal on Aliso! - Ends 9/29 - Scudi wants us to write a scandal involving a member of Plagueis. Get cracking peeps.

  • Blackmailed! - Ends 9/30 - Furios wants to see the what sort of dirt you can ‘draw’ up on your fellow Plagueians. Let’s see what sort of dirty underworld or good thing our clanmates are into.

DJB wide:

  • The Pictures in the Sound - 9 - Ends 10/3 - Atra gives us yet another of his wonderful Pictures in sounds comps. Listen to the music and let your inner art muse draw what’s in your minds eye.

*Gaming Support Test: Dauntless - Ends 9/30 - For gamers who like Dauntless, and want it to be a supported DJB game. Get your entries in.

*Fall Puzzle Series - Ends 12/02 - Kordath has brought back his ever popular puzzle series yet again. Go have fun you puzzle freaks. :P

As always, this is just a sample of the competitions available to you right now, you can find more here.





As always, if anyone wants to reach either of us with questions or just want to talk, Wrathus and I can be found on [Telegram - Log in to view join link] (if you're not on Telegram yet, I’d highly recommend it. It’s free and the DJB’s primary form of communication.) and of course by email. We’re always open to chat with, and easy to get a hold of!

Until next time,

Tahiri and Wrathus

ooohh, shiny!!!!!!!!

good report

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