House Ajunta Pall Report - July


House Ajunta Pall Report - July

Sphere of Influence

"What is the status on the situation with Hyperdyne?" Consul Aabsdu asked of the quaestor.

Standing on the bridge of the Transcendence, Teylas stepped forward. With a smirk on his face he reported, "It will be under my control within the next few weeks."

"Good," the Dread Lord nodded as he turned his head slightly, "I'll leave it in your hands. What of the situation with the Anchorage?"

"Teams are still exploring the station. There are many levels that have yet to be fully explored, but there is certainly something unnerving about that place. You will be pleased to hear that repair facilities are finally up and running. The Harrower is the first ship to be scheduled for repairs of battle damage from our engagements with the One Sith; the first of many ships. There was only so much repair we could do in the field without a proper repair facility. With the help of Kz'set, I've been able to get the Anchorages' repair facilities up and running," the Anzat reported.

"Admiral Ranin will be pleased. Some of our ships have been nearly incapacitated by our engagements, and she's been screaming for proper repairs," the Consul somewhat grudgingly spat out. "Are you departing for Cadinth to oversee operations there?"

"Yes. Furios has been monitoring the situation with our assets in the field, but I will be returning to finalize our… oversight… of Hyperdyne," Teylas responded as he nodded, receiving one in return from the Dread Lord, and making his exit from the bridge to return to the Ascendancy.

A Month in Review

Apologies for the small fiction, but with the Clan Plagueis feud going on… I've been doing all the writing! And yes, in case you haven't heard, Plagueis is currently boasting an internal House vs. House feud called Sphere of Influence! Currently we're in the second round of competitions and Ajunta Pall is whooping up quite a bit with almost twice as many points. I've e-mailed many Ajunta Pall'ers or caught them on IRC about participating, and I'm happy with where we are, but I know we can do better. Ajunta Pall was the workhorse for most of the Crusade in both participation and placement, so lets keep that going here! Here is the list of current competitions going on for this round:

So please participate in these! Also remember that if you subscribe, but do not participate, it will be a -5 points to Ajunta Pall. So don't subscribe unless you plan to follow through! Many of these are fun, easy competitions and I've certainly enjoyed doing them as a good diversion from the real world.

I also will not be following this section with shinies for the first time. This is because I want to wait until next month, when Sphere of Influence is over, so that I can announce all the placements and awards from that along with the other, non-feud awards at once. It'll be awesome, trust me.


There has been lots of advertisement about the Clan feud through reports and stuff. So lets keep that train rolling. Also, many members of the Disciples of Dreypa can expect to be getting emails from your BTL, Marduss, sometime in the next few days. So stay tuned, folks.

Other relevant reports:

I'm tired of these motherf*ing ghosts on this motherf*ing space station!

Damn you markdown!!!!

Next report will be in depth fiction. There may or may not be ghosts. :D

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