House Ajunta Pall Report - October


House Ajunta Pall Report - October

The Anchorage: The Depths

Holstering his lightsaber to his side the Anzat commander of Ajunta Pall turned to his next-in-charge and nodded slightly. The group of six people were grabbing all sorts of gear: exploration, combat, medical. Teylas, staring at Furios with a certain intensiveness, was able to get the Aedile to finally speak, "Do you think the exploratory party is dead?" he asked.

"Hard to say, Furios. It's only been 12 hours since last contact, but that's a long time to not hear back from Marduss.

Evoroth stepped between the two leaders, "Our exploration teams since your initial breach into the bowels of the station haven't been able to find anything more interesting than science laboratories. I wouldn't worry." Not really reassured by the statement, the team finished gathering their belongings and the three Dark Jedi, joined by a medic and two Ravager troops, made their way to the designated entrance into the unoccupied territories of the Anchorage.

The team stood at the unassuming door, Teylas looked over the control pad to the side of the door. "Minimal life support has just been activated. We'll have gravity and breathable air." Without another word, the door creaked open to reveal the usual long, dark corridor that they had been used to from previous explorations into this area of the station. The team activated their respective flashlight utilities and began their trek into the abandoned sections.

Slowly and carefully making their way around the maze of darkened corridors they finally reached a junction. Furios cleared his throat, "This is the last known location of the team. Marduss reported in here roughly thirteen hours ago now."

"Okay. Everyone be on guard and look for our people. We've never explored this deep into the uninhabited sections of the station before, so we don't know what to expect. If you see, hear, or even smell anything off we're all right on the comm. Let's fan out," the Left Wing of Dread ordered the rest of the team.

Teylas began down the corridor to his left, alone. It didn't take long before the light from everyone elses equipment left his field of view and he was only surrounded by darkness and his own dim flashlight on his wrist. Turning corner after corner, walking corridor after corridor, he found exactly what he expected: nothing.

Down the corridor he could see a dim light. Approaching he saw it was creeping from a slightly ajar door. The dim red light was coming from one of the countless science labs they had passed and catalogued the past few weeks. There were several containment tanks along the wall, most of them deactivated, one completely crushed by the falling ceiling above it, and several others that were cracked open at some point. Walking up to the main console next to the tanks, Teylas noticed that it was activated; something that they hadn't seen before.

'Was the exploration team already in here?' he wondered.

Looking around some more he looked up, noticing something unsettling, "Blood splatter on the ceiling…" he looked over, "... and the wall. Great. That isn't ominous at all."

Teylas darted out of the room and shined his flashlight around. To the other side of the room from where he came in, the Anzat could see the blood shine against the dark grey wall paneling in the light of his flashlight. The trail of blood thickened up the wall and into one of the maintenance ducts of the corridor.

'Definitely not ominous… right...' he thought to himself. Activating his comm he spoke softly, "Found blood… be careful. It's hard to tell how old it is considering this section of the station sat in the vacuum of space for who knows how long."

As the comm deactivated Teylas could hear something coming from the distance. Tuning into the Force he could feel something. Something strong in the Force itself. He began to draw his lightsaber as he turned to face it coming towards him. Not even able to get his blade drawn before it was right on him he got one good look at it: dark brown, long, slender, hunched, quadruped with what looked like a strong, outer exoskeleton. A large mouth with sharp teeth, matching what could only best be described as the eyes of a predator. But Teylas could feel more.

A Sithspawn. An ancient one. And there was no chance he could stop it from pouncing him.

Upcoming Events

AHHHHHH! Cliff hanger! Horrible, we know. But next report will finish up this particular storyline regarding the Anchorage. There's always room in the future for more, though. ;) Stay tuned as we, the powers that be, decide how to wrap up the beginnings of this storyline. It may or may not turn into more than just a report fiction.

Fading Light 3 just started a couple of hours ago… so get to it. There are five events to do including a fiction, a trivia, a graphic, a puzzle, and a gaming event. Although participation won’t be the deciding factor of the whole event, it will count for tie-breakers and fleet points. Let me tell you right now that we always need fleet points. The more of those we get, the closer we get to giving everyone their own Plagueis sponsored capital ship. If we don’t get many fleet points, we all have to share a ship with Teylas. That is uncool as he can be a little touchy-feely with those face tentacles of his. So do it for honor, do it for glory, and do it to avoid face tentacles!

Participate now here.

A Month in Review

So as you must have read in the last report, September was our preparation time for Fading Light 3 (which has started). There were a couple of competitions, are a couple of competitions, and will be a couple after Fading Light (make sure to go do those or Furios will be… disappointed, not furious). All in all the past month has been rather slow as we sharpened our swords, tuned our sabers, and cleaned our blasters. Now it’s time to use these weapons. Show the Brotherhood whose top Clouse.


Furios Morega

  • Cluster of Fire x 141


  • Cluster of Fire x 10


  • Cluster of Fire x 5


  • Dark Cross x 1

Azmodius Megalex

  • Cluster of Fire x 4


  • Promotions from Initiate to Novice
  • Cluster of Fire x 84


Well, there we have it. Another month down for Ajunta Pall, and we're getting ready to get into the meat of another DJB-wide event (which should be posted by the time this report goes up). So let's do what Ajunta Pall has always done and go for the win.

In other news, people who were around for the House v. House feud "Sphere of Influence" will remember the type of events we had. We (or at least I) got some pretty good feedback from the denizens of Clan Plagueis on what they liked and what they didn't like. That being said, I'd like the people within Ajunta Pall, both new and old, to shoot me an e-mail and just let me know what type of stuff you're interested in for our future Clan events (I don't think 'feud' will happen again because the word "decimate" comes to mind). Do you like gaming, fiction (ugh, I know!), the types of games like the anagrams, trivia, URL links, and finding characters via hints? Shoot me an email; let me know.

I must be having a pretty good time if you haven't heard from me in 13 hours.

Could be Sithspawn, could be a party?

lol love the sithspawning

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