Hi, as I was able to introduce myself in Drac’s report there’s no need for me to tell you who I am though you would be wise to remember my name. There may or may not be a test at some point. Also I hope to have some more fancy looking report stuff done for my next report.
As in my opinion any good leader should be I am reachable on a number of different platforms such as IRC, email and Telegram. The latter of which is still new to me but it is an active platform despite it not being official, I encourage everyone to at least give it a go, if you don’t like it you don’t have to use it ever again. I do however understand people who are active in other forms of communication and don’t feel Telegram is for them.
So I’ve been talking with Drac about a small event as was mentioned in Drac's report to fill the gap between now and the co-op event with Tarentum, however upon further consideration and consultation, we have decided to instead modify our original idea into a trio of post event/reflective competitions open to you guys. There will be a Fiction, Graphics and Gaming. The Fiction and Graphics will reflect the status of HAP and the gaming is to keep you all in a competitive mode. At some point I am sure that we will be hosting a full event with fiction and everything for you guys. Aftermath: Fiction, Aftermath: Graphics & Aftermath: Gaming
Ok I’m not sure if Drac or anyone has recently asked for this kind of stuff but if you could I would very much appreciate an email or something letting me know what types of competitions you prefer, I know some have already done so. I know we’re good at mobilizing our numbers and the results of the previously mentioned HAP event will go some way in helping us but I know that sometimes we can produce quality in competitions we’re just entering for participation.
Sometimes it’ll be different types of stuff filling in this section of my report and is actually a late addition, as this is typed I plan the report to be up in 10 minutes. This month I was hoping to do a question based thing but only received one question so I’ll answer it anyways, I’ll also answer questions via email and you can choose if you want it to appear in my next report.
Answer: The short and boring answer is I don’t have one but I’ll go on to explain why anyways. I was about 9 years old on a family day out and one of my aunts decided it would be a good idea to trick me into drinking some kind of alcoholic beverage claiming it was blackcurrant. Needless to say it tasted nothing like it and besides a few rare occasions I’ve not drunk a sip since mostly because of whatever I’ve tried at various points not being to my taste. Anyways that should be a good enough answer.
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So that is it for now, however I hope to have much more good news to report on and I’m confident I’ll be much better adjusted to the change from my previous to current position
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In my desire to get this report up I forgot to encourage you all to email an application for a BTL spot to our awesome RM Jai'de before the 30th of Septemeber, I know there's a few ideas around about what to do with them and I'm sure you vould offer your own ideas up to her.