House Dinaari Aedile Report #3 - The one where I dropped the ball.


House Dinaari Aedile Report #3 - The one where I dropped the ball.


Hello and welcome to my third report as the Aedile of House Dinaari. First off, I'd like to apologize for dropping the ball and this report being as late as it is. I can promise it will never happen again.

Also, big congradulations to Mark for earning his Amethyst Kukri, if y'all don't know who Mark is, he's the most active member in the entire DB.


​In the realm of Fiction, we've had several important things happen over the past month. The Combat Master released new Antei Combat Centre exams, be sure to take a look at those if you're interested in doing stuff with the ACC. On that same front, help me in congradulating Mark for winning the CM hosted Rivalries event. He had seventeen matches, eight of which he won. Moving on from the ACC, the fiction society is now officially up. Make sure to read The VOICE's report that gives you all of the information about it.

On the gaming front, the FIST released the CEs for all the new raids, they're raids right?, for Destiny: The Taken King.

In the graphics section, the Herald staff have opened up a lot of new sabers to the lower ranks, and gave the ability to display two sabers on your dossier to Equite 1+. Vyr has made a new form for requesting custom weapons. Read all about it in his report.



  • Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

    • Amethyst Kukri
    • Clusters of Fire x70
    • Crescent with Sapphire Star x1
    • Clusters of Ice x7
    • Crescent with Diamond Star x1
    • Crescent with Amethyst Star x2
    • Pendants of Blood x2
    • Clusters of Earth x18
  • Arvalis Raith

    • Crescent with Sapphire Star x1
    • Crescent with Topaz Star x1
    • Crescent with Emerald Star x1
    • Dark Cross
  • Omega Kira

    • Crescent with Topaz Star
    • Pendants of Blood x1
  • Raiju Kang

    • Cluster of Fire x1
  • Serenla

    • Crescent with Topaz Star x1
  • Armags C'Hiesa

    • Clusters of Earth x4
    • Clusters of Fire x21


  • Tyron Kesh
    • Initiate to Apprentice
    • Apprentice to Novice
    • Novice to Proselyte



  • Fiction Society: Inquisitoris
  • New Custom Weapon form
  • Mark got an AK

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