Welcome to the new and improved Dinaari House report. As you may have noticed; we have fancy new graphics. Big thanks to the HRLD and the Art Team for making these for us; specific shout out to Selika; thank you so much! Couple things have been on my mind, first and foremost; how do we make the house better for you? We have a lot of gaming comps that have been rolling out; and it seems we have small participation. I have some thoughts brewing utilizing both Diablo 3 and Star Conflict Competitions. We will also be bringing back the Dinaari Presents series of games; with flash and hopefully D3/SC games. What other games would you like to see?
We have grown by a few new members; they all seem to be dormant. Good recruiting, to those who recruited members; but let's focus on how they can find their way in the club. We need to continue recruiting for our house. We are still behind in membership from those Ecky jerks (meant in jest). I am also interested in starting a leveling plan for D3 and SC within our house. A game night where we work on leveling those in the group. I'm thinking Thurday will be our new game night, starting next week. I'll be on D3, and will try and grab some others; let's work on getting more CF's and leveling your characters! I'll be on at 6:00pm my time, I'm in the mountain time zone.
Bloodfyre-Tarentae shared his thoughts on the new Star Wars Aftermath book. It does contain spoilers but you can read his review here.
The herald put out an exceptionally long report; but the focus was on the Telegram Chat for the DB Art Club. I have idled in the chat for a while; and find most of it to be amusing. You can check out the HRLD Report for a direct link to the chat.
Also looks like Nero's going to go into a comotose state with the new guns they have for non-force users. They all look pretty sweet to me. Now it's a matter of figuring out which one to buy him as a gift.
There are a couple competitions worth mentioning.
I love to see Aysteda's promotion! Let's try and work on our new recruits and get them going on that path upward!
-SW Omega Kira
Quaestor, House Dinaari
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Woo Aysteda!