House Empire's Chosen Report 3


House Empire's Chosen Report 3


Excert from Fiction Update:

They barely noticed the figure breach their circle. Some gave him a barely noticeable side eyed glance, while others seemed fully offended by his presence, staring intently into his soul. But they could feel nothing.

The figure spoke under the loud tones, “I am…” but his voice could not be heard.

One of the Council members hushed the rest, and others followed. One unrepentant member continued speaking loudly, “We must fortify our…” but he was cut off by another member, “Quiet! Someone has entered our chamber!”

One of the elder members spoke in a hoarse, soft voice, “What is the meaning of this?”

The figure spoke, “I am Master Lanis. I am here to save our Republic and take the throne.”

A younger member responded, “We do not recognize your authority, Lanis. We will decide the future of this government.”

Lanis chuckled, “You have failed. You failed us when the Lord died. You have failed us when the Sith Clan prodded and poked our people for information. And now, you continue to fail us. I am not asking.”

Lanis reached for a weapon underneath his cloak, but a Council member whipped up some air from the outside and drew it under the hooded, lifting it off their head.

Anyone who wants to see the rest of the fiction go here.

Quaestor Report

Woo! It’s been awhile!

My last report was in October, I believe. What’s happened since is a lot of things surrounding our world. COVID has pretty much knocked many people and countries out of the park. The world is in a different state now. Lots of stress surrounding jobs and work. It’s tough to be here and I get that.

We had our last major Clan event in October, which was quite a success.

And we’re going to have one soon. There was never a final fiction for our last event and that’s for a reason. More to come on that.

New Members

We have quite a few new members with us: * Kamjin "Maverick” Lap’lamiz has joined us from a long time ago * Ellac Conrat joined us in December of 2020 * Kah’ri Marru joined us in December of 2020 * Dukwtape joined us in December of 2020 * Thanatos87x joined us in November 2020 * Tyr Varen joined us in January 2021 * Randroy Tobvent joined us in January 2021 * Sincped joined us in January 2021

Lots of new members and many more active Telegram conversations!

Aedile's Corner

Sorry for being absent, guys. My previous got broken beyond repair and it happened in the worst time, when I could not afford buying a new one. Fortunately, I am back in the business, so you can expect more activity and work from me in the upcoming months. Hopefully, my new laptop will stay for some longer time :) This time, I am providing Aedile's Corner to Dek's report :)

I aim to provide you with the best experience possible. You can expect regular polls regarding how we can improve your stay in our Clan even more enjoyable and to make you more happy. However, if you have any ideas, questions or comments, do not hesitate to reach to me or Dek or the Clan leaders.Remember that we are here for you :)


It has been a wonderful time, when we saw a lot of well-deserved shinies were awarded to our wonderful members. Let's take a moment to recognize your hard work and dedication. Excellent work! 1. Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz – 11 Crescent, 24 Clusters of Ice, 2 Clusters of Graphite, 26 Clusters of Fire and 1 Pendant of Blood 2. Reiden Palpatine Karr – 1 Crescent 3. Malodin'Tater – 1 Anteian Cross 4. Sykes Jade – 5 Crescents, 1 Steel Cross 5. Rayne – 4 Crescents, 2 Clusters of Grapgite, 1 Dark Cross 6. Xendar Thendaris – 2 Crescents, 6 Clusters of Ice, 1 Anteian Cross 7. Cello – 1 Dark Cross 8. Ellac Conrat – 2 Crescents, 47 Clusters of Fire, 2 Pendants of Blood and a promotion to Acolyte 9. Kah’ri Marru – 8 Crescents, 84 Clusters of Fire, 3 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Dark Cross and a promotion to Acolyte


Obviously with this fiction we have a big comp coming up. Prepare for some events by myself and Xantros! We want to make more regular reports together, since we both have things to say.


Great report and fiction! So excited for the event!

Great report and what a big turnaround we have seen. Congratulations and keep it up!

I could get those battle plans back in less than 3 hours. Great report!

Great job on the report! And a nice cliffhanger for the fiction. I am looking forward to where it goes.

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