Greetings! This month I have a lot of great stuff to share with you. First, I am super excited to start working with everyone on the next chapter of House Excidium. The best part of this club is that we can weave a story together as friends. As a kickstarter, I’ve put a good bit of work towards taking a fresh look at what the House could become. I am pleased to report the fruit of my labors, complete with a pretty graphic and a short teaser fiction. Second, I get to brag about all of you. Third, some rumblings about a Clan Event. What fun!
Before I jump right into it, I have a few special introductions. The House has a few new members! Everyone welcome Somnium, Valkas Palpatine, and Cyris Oscura! Excidium is glad to have you and I look forward to helping you thrive.
And now, time to smash headfirst into the future!
Every member of the House leaves an imprint on its history, including the Quaestor. Ever since the Clan Summit appointed me to this post, I’ve been thinking about how Blade would make her mark on Excidium. I’ve combined that with my love of telling awesome stories and I’ve come up with the below. I give you Blade’s view of House Excidium.
Did you read everything above? If not, go read it…
I’d like to hit on a few key takeaways as you digest what this means for your character.
As much as we are known as a party House (especially with a Zeltron at the helm), we do have to earn our keep. As a member, your income from Excidium will center around the ‘Bingo board’. Accomplish the mission or help someone else do it. Either way, it’s payday.
Our characters are not perfect at everything, but we also aren’t stormtroopers with team units. Everyone has skills and a price to pay to use them, especially since all of you have unique abilities. I think we even have gasp a pilot.
Tacitus Athanasius likes to hide amongst the House. Don’t expect them to brag.
Excidium is nothing like Shadow Guard. We work as individuals who don’t follow any rules. Some of us are criminals and some of us are not, but in the end the Emperor doesn’t acknowledge our existence. We do what must be done.
Lastly, Blade controls the ‘Bingo board’ and her motives are to kill “bad people”. This will be her ‘Bingo board’ that happens to accomodate the Emperor’s goals. Her goals and the Emperor’s goals don’t always agree. What does this mean to you? It means that she may slip in some of her own targets. How will you know the difference?
Overall, It is not revolutionary but it does give a unifying theme to our House. View it as a flexible framework. I only provided the support beams. It is up to all of us now to write a story around it, together. Now, if you think this overarching story is like the movie Suicide Squad, don’t worry. No one is getting explosive chips put inside them.
So think about how your character makes their mark on Excidium and let’s write a wonderful story together!
So, where do we go from here? I am still thinking about this one and so should you. Let’s figure this out together, especially since a new Clan storyline is about to unfold. I’ll have a fiction competition coming out soon to help this along as well. Next report I’ll have some more information on this topic (ideally with your input), but for now here is a taste of what’s to come...
Blade Ta’var busily tapped away at her datapads, typing on one and then another in a frantic beat. The ‘Bingo board’ waited for no man or woman, especially not for its QUA who took a vested interest in its composition. The Sith had joined Scholae Palatinae for one reason and one reason only: the eradication of bad people. She was finally in a position to enforce that vision and she wasn’t going to waste the opportunity.
The Zeltron’s face turned sour as she quickly skimmed the targets provided to her by the Clan Summit. She usually agreed with the list and the harsh judgements ascribed to each offender, but one of them got her attention. She opened the file and found nothing worthy of guilt, yet he was marked for death. Unfortunately, two words in bright red pronounced his doom: ‘Jedi Sympathizer’. The Warrior bit her lip, staring at her desk’s left drawer. She could use it, but was he worth the risk? A fresh scoop of shame hit her like a ton of bricks.
How is this even a choice...He can help the Jedi.
Blade looked at the kill list and sighed. She could save a life for once, if she was willing to take the risk. The Quaestor retrieved her special secure datapad from her drawer and put in one word: ‘Incoming’. She didn’t know how many breaths she took as she waited for a response but soon enough she got it. The word ‘Acknowledged’ appeared on her screen along with two case files. She opened both of them. One of them held instructions for a drop point. The other was a new target from her friend Alethia Archenksova. She balled her hand into a fist as she read it, anger coursing through her as she read each gruesome detail.
“You’ll pay for this…” The Arcanist whispered in a cold rage to no one in particular.
She quickly sanitized the case file and then forwarded the clean version to Shadow Nighthunter. She didn’t even bother putting it on the ‘Bingo board’. These assassinations would remain a secret, and so would Blade’s retrieval of the Jedi sympathizer.
“Shads, Excidium needs your help again. Target information sent over. Meet me at the shuttle in an hour.” The Warrior ordered, waiting with bated breath as she looked at her comlink.
“Yes, ma’am. We’ll be ready.” The Battleteam Leader quickly confirmed before rushing off to prepare. The link shut off and the Quaestor brooded over the two case files Alethia had sent her.
Some time passed before she pulled herself away from her morbid thoughts, only to find that it was almost time to meet up with Shadow. She checked the ‘Bingo board’ again and smiled as she watched the members of Excidium reviewing it. Her dashboard was lit up with intel offerings, posts for ship and weaponry repair, explosive ads put up by demolition experts, and solicitations by trackers for hire. A smile turned into a grin as she imagined everyone fighting over who would get to the target first. The lure of a handsome reward was more than enough to compensate for the danger, while those who stayed away from the front lines counted their credits in relative safety. This was the new way of life in Excidium and the Warrior felt proud to be its leader. Together, they would rid the galaxy of evil, whether they knew it or not.
The Zeltron looked at her own short list of targets, even she had to still earn a living. She preferred it this way anyways. She felt like a live wire, ready to go and more than willing to deliver the ultimate end to any she deemed guilty. One name made her pause: the lone Jedi sympathizer. Visions of the future filled her mind, images of a thriving Jedi Order saving the galaxy. It felt so far away and yet...
How precious it is to save a life. Thank the Force.
“Prepare my ship. We’re taking off.” Blade ordered her ground crew via comlink as she strode purposefully out of her office. A glint of yellow made her turn her head for a moment as she passed a reflective wall, her eyes a vivid yellow with an outer circle of red.
A Sith’s eyes
Self-hate filled her soul, but she merely ran away from it, heading towards her ship with only her objectives in mind. She would deal with the consequences later, her dreams her most ardent torturer. She let her quickening heartbeat prod her forward. People needed killing and more importantly a bright light in the universe would not be swallowed by darkness. No matter what the cost.
The Emperor Xen’mordin recently teased a new Clan story arc named The Order Campaign. It will be consist of multiple events, the first of which is named OPERATION STARFALL. That is all we know for now but here is a link to the teaser on discourse.
First, I’d like to thank Shadow and Alara for their continued good work. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! Secondly, our shadowy friends have some interesting plans set for sometime soon. I won’t steal Shadow’s thunder, so suffice it say it is going to be cool. If you’d like to join the mayhem, let me know. We can set you up with a trial. If you pass, Shadow and Alara can teach you the secret handshake to get into the secret [undisclosed location] by the [undisclosed location]. Yes, it’s that secret but also cool in an edgy sort of way. It’s like that feeling you have when your hair moves perfectly with the breeze and as you land a super cool jump-slash combo. I’ve been playing too much Jedi Academy lately…
If you have any specific questions about the team, reach out to Shadow Nighthunter or Alara Deathbane.
Great job everyone! A lot of people participated this month and together we turned out a solid team effort. So give each other a pat on the back. You deserve it.
Johnny Blackhurs promoted to Acolyte!!
We crushed it in the Personality Matrix competition. We took all placements with Blade Ta’var claiming first, Rosh Nyine taking second, and Alara Deathbane seizing third. In addition Zehsaa Hysh, Shadow Nighthunter, and Kylex ensured that we crushed participation, taking 6/8 entries. #Proud
ACC fights! I love seeing these in my inbox as it helps build connections between our characters. Recently we had two master-student fights. Alara Deathbane and Shadow Nighthunter faced off in a nice showdown. Kylex and Rosh Nyine also crossed blades in a great fight. In addition, Alara Deathbane took on the Imperium Quaestor. Bonus points for Alara. So to everyone who participated, keep them coming. Your doing great!
Rosh Nyine had an excellent month. Not only did he have the highest participation rate in competitions, but he also placed in the majority of them. In addition, he did a great job in collecting clusters of every kind and even picked up a Pendant of Blood for best PvP score. Bravo! Special mentions go to Archangel Palpatine, Zehsaa Hysh, Kylex, and Shadow Nighthunter.
Graphics are now a clusterable thing, and several of us have already started to collect them. Congratz to Zehsaa Hysh, __Cyris Oscura, Rosh Nyine, and Archangel Palpatine.
Shadow Academy Star: Valkas Palpatine with 11 courses and 2 degrees. Much learning. Wow. He was even mentioned in the Headmaster’s report. :) Special mentions go to Rosh Nyine, Kylex, and Johnny Blackhurs.
Society Rank Promotions! We had quite a few this last month.
Lastly, I want to recognize everybody for your efforts and accomplishments. Every bit adds to this community and I am want to thank all of you for taking some time to ensure the craziness of Excidium reigns supreme. You’re the best.
As mentioned above, a Clan event is somewhere on the horizon, but to occupy your time till then, here is a quick summary of ongoing competitions. For the full list, please look here. Remember to check out all the tabs!
Alone in the Dark by Kylex: Write a fiction about how your character deals with weathering out a storm alone in the dark. Or are they…It looks like fun so go do the thing! 4 DAYS LEFT.
Core Memories- Young Adult by QUA Ta’var: Write a fiction about your character’s Core Memory as a young adult. How did this shape the man/woman/thing that your character would eventually become? 8 Days Left.
Even Dragons must fear the dark by TA: A fiction competition by Shadow and Alara for Tacitus Athanasius. Remove a threat to Excidium by taking out the leaders of an enemy group called Silver Wings. 7 DAYS LEFT
Silent Death Citadel: Interior Design by TA: A graphics competition by Shadow and Alara for Tacitus Athanasius. Design a room/hall/chamber within the citadel. Why? How you decorate the inside of something speaks to the values of a group. What does it say about Tacitus Athanasius? 7 DAYS LEFT
Where Paths Must Cross by TA: A graphics competition by Shadow and Alara for Tacitus Athanasius. In order to keep a watchful eye, we have outposts everywhere. Create an image of one such outpost and describe its design and location. 7 DAYS LEFT
Mi Amigo: FOR JOURNEYMAN and below. Write a story about your challenges in the Shadow Academy (homework, teachers, etc.) and how you and a friend help each other out to get through them. Highly recommended. Ends in 7 days!
Returning from Death: Write a story about Boba Fett coming back from the dead and include your character in the story. Are you against or with him as he tries to take someone down?
Tempest Fugit: A fiction about your character thrown back in time to 32 BBY. Palpatine has just become the new Supreme Chancellor. What do you do? Ends in 6 days.
They whom from the darkness came day: A fiction about your character’s reaction to the First Order after they attacked the Republic in Episode 7.
The Thirteen stories: This collection of fiction prompts has you simply responding to a quote and writing how your character would interpret it. If any quotes speak to you it is an excellent opportunity to write about how your character view it. I recommend this one.
We do so much more than just the numbers that are tracked on the website. We are a community and I’d like to take this time to show off some awesome things we’ve done as a House that don’t quite fit anywhere else. Thank you for your contributions!
Drawing by Zehsaa Hysh: “Some of CSP in the crazy rid of their life. Hanging out the window is Jorm, next to him is Drake, back seat is filled by Rosh, and the poor guy on the roof is Delak.”
Sweet MTG cards made by Kylex
Drawing by Zehsas Hysh: Young Cyris as a baker
Becoming One with Vader. FEELZ
CSP continues to represent in the DJB wide JA competition. Everyone give your support to Delak Krennel as he fights for the right to win the gold!
Elincia Rei as new CSP PCON!
Mune Cinteroph as new CSP Rollmaster!
Character Sheet Sandbox Now Exists! You can make any build of your character you’d like, even pretend you’re the GM. It doesn’t save, but you can certainly take a screenshot and try out as many combinations of rank, order, and skills as you’d like!! You can find it in the Character sheet admin menu.
The Next Chapter of the DJB has been released. Give it read here.
Possession are in beta testing. Evant (former CSP member) is now the Dark Brotherhood Regent in charge of it. Get excited to buy things!
Fist bot now operational on telegram DB Gaming Telegram channel! Bye bye IRC.
New weapons and stuff from the Herald and her staff. Look here.
New DJB Fiction Chat to discuss all the things relating to fiction with the VOICE. Check it out [here - Log in to view join link].
Time has flown by quickly since I took over as Quaestor. We have done a lot of great stuff, so kudos to everything you’ve done. You make Excidium come to life. Never forget that. Moving forward, there are a lot of exciting things on the horizon. We discussed a Clan event coming soon, Tacitus Athanasius events coming soon, and the big reveal of the future vision for Excidium. If you skipped anyone of that, go back up and read it. Exciting times are coming and I look forward to everyone shaping the future of this great House. Keep up the good work and do all the things!
In particular, start to think about our next chapter. Explore how your character leaves their own mark on Excidium. Talk to the rest of the House about how the details might look. Apply this to the new Clan storyline coming up and complete your character sheet if you haven’t already. Lastly, reach out to myself, Shadow, or Alara if there are any competitions you would like to see but haven’t got the chance to participate in yet.
To the Future of Excidium!
[CSP Chat - Log in to view join link]
Kylex asks: “If you are born blind and deaf, what language would you think in?”
Blade: I’d think in Galactic Basic Standard. That sounds like a rough life. Might as well pretend I am in Star Wars all the time.
Johnny Blackhurs asks: “What lives under my bed?”
Blade: Too much stuff. You really should clean it out.
Mune Kitsune asks: “Rum or Vodka!? :D”
Blade: Tried it out. Besides making me slightly buzzed while writing this report, I can say that I prefer Rum.
Jorm Na’trej asks: “To which degree is Blade honed, and what grind profile?”
Blade: She has trained over many hours to hone her body to the perfection required to destroy men and women alike. How about this for a grind profile?
Kylex asks “Are lobsters like mermaids to scorpions?”
Blade: Yes. Sadly relationships between them have a bit of sting to them.
Lucyeth asks “Why can’t the Syracuse Orange play some defense?”
Blade: Should I stop distracting them?
House Projects
Tacticus Athanasius
Such activity, much wow
Competition Spotlight
Member Spotlight
DJB News
Final Thoughts
Q&A Time!
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Woo first!
Excellent report, Blade. Great info, like the charts, and very good .gif selection!
Awesome work Blade!