Welcome to the another edition of House Excidium’s monthly report! This last month was pretty busy on my end, and there was a fair amount of activity within the House itself. As a result, I am super excited to unveil the completion of two of my bigger projects. In addition, there is some news on the fictional front that helps us plot a course to the next big Clan event and the GJW itself. I’ll cover all of the above, as well as a review of the ongoing competitions and news circulating around the DB itself. This is one of my more enjoyable reports and I hope you enjoy it as well. ^^
Before we get into, it’s time for my favorite announcement. We have new members! Everyone extend your warmest welcomes to Ra El, Katyusha Neige, Derek Cinn, Tarelyn, and Damaper Sunhunter! So many at once, some of which are already well on their way to Knight! Good job and welcome!
As always, the story of our Clan and the Dark Brotherhood marches on. At some point there will be another big Clan Event, and then we have the GJW itself. In the meanwhile, our Proconsul Elincia Rei has published a fiction update for the Clan that takes place after the events of ‘Midnight’. It tells a story of the Clan Summit’s leaders trying to keep everything together, and shows her calling on the Houses for help to keep the Empire from falling apart. It even evokes some emotional scenes as Elincia Rei revisits Teyr after its destruction.
Please read the latest Clan fiction update from our dear PCON.
Did you read them? Go read it or at least skim it.
So the Empire is in a chaotic state, and trust is at a premium. Where does this leave Excidium? How do we move forward from this?
Some interesting tidbits:
Excidium now finds itself called upon to help out, but in a different sort of fashion. The House has to keep an eye on what is now a fragile empire. Can the Clan Leadership be trusted? Only their actions over time will tell us their true intentions. So yes, the House will be a bit difficult with the Emperor and his representatives moving forward, but they remain loyal to the Empire’s best interests throughout it all. What comes next? Help us write it!
In that regard, some suggested readings for everyone:
While doing the above, keep the following in mind:
I am so excited for these projects, both the ones completed recently and the one that is still ongoing! OMG! Let’s do this!
Now that the Clan Events are complete, I’d like the House to explore the time between the aftermath of the ‘Midnight’ event to where Excidium will end up as a result of our reaction to being betrayed by the CSP Emperor. This event came with a lot of loss and there are real consequences to the neglect and betrayal wrought by the hands of our Emperor. We just need to write it happening.
UPDATE: This is taking longer than expected, but it is still coming. Now that the foundation of the House has been laid with its new wiki and fleet, this has become a top priority. The current target is to run this in March.
The journey was long and hard, but in the end we did it! The Excidium Wiki page has now been completely rewritten, including every scrap of knowledge on the House going back to its very creation. It has its History, Organization (Leadership, Dead Pool), House Dominion, Fleet, a section on Understanding Excidium (Alliances & Enemies, Motivations), and its Leadership History. This effort was nothing sort of massive, and I am so excited!
Why do you ask? This wiki forms the foundation of this House moving forward, since it contains everything we know about it to date. This is huge. Anyone can now look at this and know exactly what we stand for in all its glorious ~16 pages. Everyone can now use this as a tool to not only learn more about the House, but help Excidium develop its way forward. Please take the time to read it all, and feel free to ask any questions!
I want to recognize those that helped me out. First, the major contributors, who invested significant time into the project, besides myself. Thank you Jorm Na’trej, Archangel Palpatine, and Dek Ironius II. Jorm Natrej and Archangel Palpatine were major content contributors, while Dek Ironius II provided the overall structure and the coding. He also took the time to teach me a few things. ^^. Second, the minor contributors, who invested some time into the project. Thank you Shadow Nighthunter and Alara Deathbane for your help on the Tacitus Athanasius section and your feedback. ^^
You all made yourselves available when needed. From the bottom of heart, I thank you for joining me on this journey. You have made a lasting impact on the House, and I am very proud of you.
This project took a while, but I am happy to say that this is complete. Excidium was given a sub-Fleet to use so that we could go about our various missions as we protect the Empire. With that sub-Fleet came the responsibility of describing its use and purpose fictionally. In addition, the Regent mentioned that we should include how these ships are used.
Well, all that is now in the new Excidium wiki page. Check it out!
This Fleet info includes its purpose, what it’s comprised of, ports we visit, information on Excidium’s Cover (super important to read), info on how each of the ships is generally used, ship cosmetics (yes, we like to paint our ships in many colors and designs), deployment patterns, conveniences the Clan offers, and its Training.
It is utterly amazing, and I want to take this time to single out two people in the House that did a lot of great work on it. Everyone please join me in thanking Jorm Na’trej and Archangel Palpatine for their support in this project. They put in a lot of time and helped create the Fleet we have today. This stuff has a lasting impact on the House and I encourage everyone to participate in projects in the future. Great work guys!!!
No new changes to this, but just here as a reminder. Please continue to leave feedback so we can improve this as time goes by. This is also included in the House’s new wiki!
Everyone who publically published their Personality Matrix to the DB as a whole has been added to a shared folder with everyone’s matrix. This is an excellent resource for writing and a good resource when you are first learning about someone’s character. This should be particularly useful for upcoming fictions and run-ons! If you have one and it is not in this folder, let Mune Kitsune know!
This battleteam has been thriving lately! Several new joins, lots of telegram chatter, and an ongoing Legacy competition series. I am pleased with your progress, and I look forward to seeing what you all get up to next. I encourage everyone to get in your Legacy submissions if you haven’t already. This is a great series of competitions. Go do the things!! Lastly, some happy announcements!
Katyusha Neige, Derek Cinn, Tarelyn, and Damaper Sunhunter have joined Tacitus Athanasius!!!!
Now, every new member of TA has to prove themselves in a trial. Derek Cinn, Tareyln, and Damaper Sunhunter still need to undergo the trial, but Katyusha Neige has successfully passed!
Congratz go to Katyusha Neigh for passing the trial to become a recognized member of Tactitus Athanasius!! Read the fiction here!
Interested in all the excitement? JOIN TACITUS ATHANASIUS!
If you have any specific questions about the team, reach out to Shadow Nighthunter.
Great job everyone! Keep at it!
Katyusha Neige promoted to Acolyte! (JM2)!! (A recent join and already Acolyte. Congratz!)
Tarelyn and Ra El to Novice!!
Zehsaa Hysh received a Steel Cross!
Kylex received a Dark Cross!
Jorm Na’trej received a Dark Cross!
A good job to Katyusha Neige, and Ra El on their first character sheets!
Shadow Nighthunter received a Scroll of Indoctrination!
Archangel Palpatine received a Legion of Scholar!
Shout outs to some heavy hitters this month! Great job Alara Deathbane, Zehsaa Hysh, Kylex, Archangel Palpatine, and Lucyeth! #Proud
ACC fights!: Kylex took on Talis Demorte, and sadly lost, but that is how we improve. Keep at it! (Link to battle in the Member Spotlight further below.)
Congratz to No one :( for the most Clusters of Graphite in Excidium! Come on, let’s fix this for next time.
Congratz to Blade Ta’var for the most Clusters of Ice this month in Excidium!
Shadow Academy Star: Katyusha Neige did a wonderful job in the Shadow Academy this month, completing 9 Shadow Academy courses. Awesome job!
Society Rank Promotions!
Lastly, I want to recognize everybody for your efforts and accomplishments. Every bit adds to this community and I want to thank all of you for taking some time to ensure the craziness of Excidium reigns supreme. You’re the best.
Here is a quick summary of ongoing competitions. For the full list, please look here. Remember to check out all the tabs!
Legacy: Your Story In at least 500 words, write a story about one mission that brought you to such a revelation or at least greatly impacted who you are or what you've become. Maybe include what it really means to be a part of Tacitus Athanasius, and the impact TA has had on you.
Legacy: Your Greatest Success In at least 500 words, write a fiction of your most successful mission and your moment of triumph, and perhaps the trophy you received from your success. Make it an interesting tale for future assassins to come, so that they will learn from your legacy.
Legacy: That One Target Create an image of that "special" target that you had to face. Perhaps this target is from one of the two Legacy Fictions "Your Story" or "Your Greatest Success." Add a little caption saying something about this Target. Especially if it ties into one of the Legacy Fictions.
Beware of Cackles in the Dark.. In at least 500 words, write a fiction of your trial on Dathomir.
Legacy: The Predator Within In at least 500 words, write about a mission where you discovered your inner predator, and how you came to discover the hunter within.
Legacy: Stick it to Ya! Create Telegram stickers for our battleteam, TA!
Hugs are in the Air Valentine’s Day is approaching so, create a graphic depicting two DB characters hugging each other, taking care to depict their reactions and at least a basic scenery.
Hands up! A graphics exercise where you draw as many hands of any DJB-Canon species as you can.
Eyes Forward! A graphics exercise where you draw as many eyes of any DJB-Canon species as you can.
My Callsign Draw your own character’s personal logo.
CDW: The Star The February chosen tarot is “the Star”. The Star encompasses balance, clarity, spiritual guidance, hope, influence and inspiration. It is your past, and the Force is a stranger to you still. You are tasked with writing a character fiction about your character’s past. Delve deep and explore your character’s feelings, her/his experiences when the Force first comes to her/him in a substantial way. What was going on? How did your character call upon it? Was it a life changing experience? In what ways?
Gladiator! Write a fiction, at least 250 words, where you tell of the story of how your character and anyone else along with you, escaped a barbaric set of games similar to the Hunger Games.
The Thirteen Stories: A fiction competion series with one competition left. The last one has us writing about the quote: “Legends are made, not born”.
A series of changes: A fiction competition series where you write about dramatic changes to your character. The first one up is when you find your gender has changed overnight!
The Dark Brotherhood Needs You! Create a recruitment/motivational poster for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, to encourage the membership during these dark times. It can be for a specific clan or house, or perhaps your character is aligned specifically with The Iron Throne or the Lotus Rebels, the options are vast and varied.
A Fex-ing Encounter Tell your story about when you went to Fex in search of rare materials and the curious little creatures you found along the way!
Riddles in the Dark Riddle Time!!
Pictures in the Sound Listen to the provided song and draw a depiction of what you see in your mind's eye. The goal of this competition is to capture the emotions that it evokes within and draw it.
A Mile in their shoes. Write a fiction about what happens when a CON or PCON from one clan switches with another and the interesting things that come of it. For example, imagine a Jedi becoming CON of a super dark clan.
Source Filmmaker Sceneapalooza An interesting art exercise at making a scene using source filmmaker.
Sticker it to the Clans!: Create a sitcker pack for the DB to use on telegram.
Gods of the Brotherhood Write a fiction at least 500 words in length - no maximum - that details what your character would do if he became a God in the Dark Brotherhood’s universe. Unlimited POWAH!
The Definition of Loyalty Write a fiction at least 500 words in length - no maximum - that details why your character is loyal, making sure to include in the story what they are loyal to.
A Lyrical Encounter Write an EPIC RAP BATTLE against your greatest rival only using the lyrics from your favorite songs.
A Dweam within a Dweam It's February, and love and romance are in the air. Your character has a crucial part to play in a wedding - either theirs or someone else's - and your task to describe how that weddings goes. Does anyone object? Who takes a slice of wedding cake to the face? Is it sappy or filled with violence? Write a fiction about it.
[HRLD] Favorite Things #1, Dinner Create an image of your character’s favorite dinner.
Parental Guidance: A fiction competition where you write a story from one of your character’s parents’ perspective. I am excited for this one.
We do so much more than just the numbers that are tracked on the website. We are a community and I’d like to take this time to show off some awesome things we’ve done as a House that don’t quite fit anywhere else. Thank you for your contributions!
Shadow’s Twins (yes, Shadow had kids) by Alara Deathbane
Damaper Sunrider by Kylex
Katyusha Neige with Mustache
Rogue One depiction of Jyn Erso, by Alara Deathbane
New GM report out. Always a good read. Check it out here!
Rogue One content expansion for the Possessions system. Check it out here!
New MAA! Everyone welcome back DP Howlader.
There is a new fiction DB podcast going on! Check out the details here. You can also reach out to Atra Ventus and Qyreia.
New Graphics Competition Archetype now exists. Check it out here.
Graphics Society still in progress.
New Available Species: Everyone welcome the Lasat to the DB universe. Check it out here.
Cooperative ACC matches are now a thing! Try it out!
Creative Writing Workshop still in the works.
Fictional roles set for Dark Council. (Thank you VOICE office.) More details here.
Pazaak cluster rates have lowered to .4 CFs per match.
Cool new Star Wars stuff, including Poe Dameron. Take a look here!
The VOICE created a handy resource guide. Check out the details here. It has all your grading rubrics as well. ^^
Loadouts now exist in the Possessions system! You can even have many of them. You can name them, add more details, and do a lot of very cool things. You should find it in your admin menu under ‘Manage Your Possessions’. Check it out!
New Covenant released! Check it out here.
January was a great month. You all did wonderful things and some huge House projects were finally completed (New wiki, New Fleet). Armed with a new wiki and fleet, the House has a solid foundation to kick off from, and it is my sincerest hope that it provides Excidium the tools it needs to launch itself even higher than before. I can’t even begin to contain my excitement in words as to what that future might look like, but I believe that it is closer than we think. Together, I believe that everyone here will make that a reality. So keep up the great work, loving the project volunteers, and aim for the stars!
Reminder: Continue to explore how your character leaves their own mark on Excidium. Talk to the rest of the House about how the details might look. Apply this to your stories and complete your character sheet if you haven’t already. Use ACC fights for character development, especially the Cooperative fights. Lastly, reach out to myself or Shadow if there are any competitions you would like to see but haven’t got the chance to participate in yet.
To the Future of Excidium!
[CSP Chat - Log in to view join link]
Alara asks “How will House Excidium take care of the Emperor now that he's a potato?”
Blade: *slides mission onto ‘Dead Pool’ * Who wants some extra money? For some inspiration….
Evant asks: “have you considered being an Ewok? :p”
Blade: As much as that sounds like fun, I’ll pass. You can be one though!
Sushi asks: “Do you have any hobbies that are non-DB?”
Blade: Yes. Nomming sushi is but one of them. I have it like 3-4 days a week now.
Katyusha asks “Why do you always seem to run out of sushi when i make you a lifetime supply?”
Blade: It’s a super power I’ve been cursed with as of late. ^^
Reiden asks “why are you so cuddly?”
Blade: She smells good and gives excellent hugs.
Alara asks “1.if you could have a pet, what would you choose? (2.IRL Blade, what would you choose?)”
Blade: Blade isn’t a really a pet person, but she’d adopt a loth wolf for Zoe (her daughter). IRL, I’d take a shiba inu or a English Chocolate Lab.
Alara asks “plans for Valentine's Day?”
Blade: Blade, the character, is chilling by herself thinking about her life. She probably will go party somewhere and make out with a cute stranger to drown away her sorrows.
March towards GJW!
House Projects
House Resources
Tacticus Athanasius
Such activity, much wow
Competition Spotlight
Member Spotlight
DJB News
Final Thoughts
Q&A Time!
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First! And you forgot my ACC with Derek as well :P
That one was judged in February. So it will appear on the next report. ^^
Love it!!! :) thanks for the shout outs. Can't wait to see what the future has for Excidium! Yay for foundations!