House Galeres Report: Rising from the Deeps


House Galeres Report: Rising from the Deeps


This past month was a complete kick in the pants for a lot of us, and for different reasons across the board. Real life isn’t always easy, and sometimes is downright harrowing. So here’s a shout-out to all of you for not freezing, not quitting, and continuing to be the great people that you are.

Admin Notes

Membership Audit

Full disclosure, we didn’t do so well on doing this thing that we set out to do. So new goal: do it in March. Rather than going out and just doing it for a select group though, we’ll be reaching out in a more general manner via PMs on Telegram, and through e-mail for those that don’t have TG. Some will be from Sera, some from me, some from both. We don’t have a specific structure in mind for this, so input/output may vary.

Roleplay Sessions

We’re currently in the middle of our pre-event RP for the thing we have coming in a couple weeks (we wanted to give you guys a little buffer to breathe post-Clan event). That said, expect any RPs during the event timeline to be more relaxed in nature to allow folks to focus on their competition submissions, and generally try to reduce burnout potential as much as possible.

And, if you have feedback on our RPs, don’t forget that we have the feedback form in the pinned messages in the House TG channel. You can find it in the pinned messages menu, or flip back to February 10th. We can’t improve the experience if you don’t tell us what we’re doing right and what is maybe not so right.

Wiki Work

Hey you! Yes you, with the face! Do you like to do things? Do you like to get shiny things for doing those things? Then we have a job for you!

Currently, there are a lot of things across Galeres’ bubble of influence that need some TLC, and while Sera and I could do most if not all of it on our own, that would be 1) extremely time consuming for us, and B) not fair to all of you that are looking for stuff to do that’s not just competitions.

Wiki work comes in three parts. First, we identify the article(s) and/or their constituent part(s) that need updating. Second, the editor makes suggested edits to the page (ideally through a Google Doc so we can directly see the work being done). Third, final tweaks and approvals. For the one doing the editing, not only is it a good opportunity to get some service work credit, but it’s also a great way to learn the history of the House, its assets, and have a direct impact on its recorded history.

If interested, shoot us an e-mail and we’ll get you working. If you have one or more articles in particular that you want to work on, let us know and we’ll tailor the project timeline as much as we can.

Event Calendar Continued

We’re keeping this bullet point calendar here for you guys to keep up that expectation management as the months and events go by. Of note, the anticipated pre-Vendetta event we thought was coming mid-March or April is no longer on the table. This is reflected below in crossed-out text to show the changes.

  • March: Club event for lead-up to the summer Vendetta AND House event to get this Eldar ball rolling again.
  • April: Break time, minus any offset from the House event.
  • May: Anticipating free breathing room. possible start time mid-month for the Club Vendetta. Nothing set in stone.
  • June: Vendetta in full swing, possibly ending mid-month if it starts in May.
  • July: Break time.
  • August: Clan event; another step on the train of monster creatures or whatever Lucine and Rhylance are cooking up.
  • September: House event that will be half plot, half development for Eldar.
  • October: House mini-event with spoopy themes because October. Less plot, more antics.
  • November: Break time.
  • December: Hey look, Sithmas and Life Day are back. No House/Clan events planned.

Upcoming House Event

We don’t have the competitions submitted into the system yet, otherwise we’d link them here. If you’re not in Galeres chat for the pre-event RPing, here’s your general situation:

Sardinians from the Aifreann continent on Eldar have been caught raiding the Keadeans on their continent of Tairiku for weapons, food, and seemingly genocidal political reasons. With the ongoing mission of reestablishing positive contact across all of Eldar, it falls to Galeres to travel to the other side of this world that has, until now, been left to obscurity. Meet the people, find out what they are doing, and combat this insurgency if able.

Competitions you can expect are:

  • Fiction
  • Graphics
  • Puzzle
  • Codebreaker
  • NPC-creator



This last month has been a hell of a time for news. Let’s get to it, shall we?

  • To begin, our Clan Event is about to wrap up! Check out some of the quick and dirty competitions, and get those submissions in! Are you gonna save Celeste? Or are you gonna be sleeping with da fishes?
  • Your wonderful Quaestor and Aedile were hard at work alongside the rest of the Voice Staff brewing up a new Skills Update!. I highly recommend checking out the report, and double checking your sheets to make sure everything is lined up after the changes.
  • The Brotherhood has a brand new spanking Grand Master in the form of Evant Taelyan! Give him a warm welcome, and keep on the lookout for new things to come!
  • We also have a new Deputy Grand Master as former Justicar Dacien Victae, otherwise known as Bubba, steps up to the plate! He’s JST the man for the job!
  • In speaking of Dark Council vacancies, our Herald, Selikah Roh, has announced that they will be stepping down . Applications are ongoing, so if you think you’re up to snuff on your art and admin skills, give it a shot!

That said and done, let's take a look at all these comps!


  • Make sure to check out the final round of our Clan Event Deep Waters Rising before it ends tomorrow! Got some quick comps up for grabs, and a plot of divine import to struggle against! Show those “gods” who’s boss!
  • Although Valentines Day has passed us by, it’s never too late for romance! Get your novella brain going and write something up for this fiction comp ending on the 10th!
  • And to pair with the last comp, a bit of romantic graphics for all the fluff you just wrote!
  • Make sure to watch your back. The Ides of March approach, and there’s an assassin on the loose. Are you their prey, or the shield that will turn their dagger aside? Write about it in this fiction comp
  • Are you a fan of the old Republic? The really old republic? So old that the graphics look like play-doh? Than this comp chain is for you! We’ve got some easy puzzles, flash games, and fiction comps in here folks, so make sure not to pass it by!
  • Don’t forget the GRMG Comps this month. Squadrons, Hearthstone, Destiny II, all good comps up for grabs!
  • Last but certainly not least, we’ve got just the right comp to shatter all your illusions of grandeur. Just don’t spend too much time staring in the mirror, or your face will freeze.


Activity in the Last Month

Note: this only reflects Crescents, Clusters, and other Awards, and does not directly reflect participation.


  • 2x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 3x Clusters of Ice
  • 9x Clusters of Graphite


  • 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 40x Clusters of Fire
  • 30x Clusters of Earth


  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 3x Crescent with Emerald Star


  • 2x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 15x Cluster of Earth
  • 11x Cluster of Ice
  • 2x Cluster of Graphite


  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 58x Cluster of Earth


  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 7x Cluster of Ice
  • 2x Cluster of Graphite
  • 1x Legion of the Scholar


  • 5x Cluster of Ice
  • 2x Cluster of Graphite


  • 1x Crescent with Topaz Star

Q&A with Q&S

We didn’t get a whole lot of questions this month, so we’ll probably try to run it again next month with a little more lead-in time.

Nero asked…

[Your] hashtag isn’t as memorable as RedandHorny. Can we change it for the memes?

  • Q: No.
  • Sera: Horny is Karran’s title. Kicky, Sera shall remain.

Do we have a doc folder for the not-yet-wikied updates to the stuff for our planet?

  • Q: Nein. See the above note on wiki work though and ping us if you’re interested.
  • Sera: No. Looking at what needs to be done, we’ll probably start with a new page for Fort Blindshot, our HQ, and move on to create pages for the Keadean and Sardinian species. There on, we’ll just need to see.


Final Notes

As always, I can be reached by e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or on Telegram with @QyreiaArronen (PM or through our group chats). You can find Sera at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or @OrionR on Telegram. And if you’re bored, feel free to follow my meant-for-recruiting-but-still-fun in-character Twitter feed @TheRedQek!


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So. Much. Wiki.

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