House Imperium Address - A Time To Muster


House Imperium Address - A Time To Muster

Quaestor Logo

Imperium Logo Inverted


So there is no confusion; this is not a report, a status update, or even an announcement; all of which are designed to catch you up on information - which you can expect to receive these regularly and with consistency from your Battleteam Leaders, the Aedile, and myself as we move forward.

This is an Address. Which is something I like to differentiate from the reports, announcements, emails, etc. you will receive from this House Summit. This will be our mission statement, our mandate, our pledges; it will be what we need give attention to and what areas we will focus on to do so. Therefore this will be a piece of information we will refer back to should we lose our way. Mistakes, hiccups, and fumbles are part of the learning process; but failure is not acceptable. So we will use this as a resource, a tool in our belt, to ensure our success forward. Once every four months, a new address will be posted with an updated stance for the House as we further refine what our goals are and celebrate the success we make. I encourage you all to get familiarized with these documents so you are aware of the direction we are headed.

In the sections below, you can expect to find an outline of key focuses we will be keeping and from which we will be progressing over the course of these next months. I do not apologize for the length of this article. It is lengthy because it needs to be, we have a lot to focus on and develop over the next few months, year, and beyond. Updates and reports from this will be kept at a better length, but I believe anything in this address needs to be...well, addressed.

Additionally, I typically do an introduction with each new position I take up; however, it hasn’t been long since I first took over as Battleteam Leader and put out this report doing just that

I encourage you to read that report to get a head start on getting to know me, and I HIGHLY encourage each of you to send me something similar about yourself so I can get to know you all better. This house isn’t about the website it sits on, or the clan it sits under. It is about a community of people, and that community is who I serve. As we go forward you will find I will be focused on developing our community as a whole, but I can’t do that without knowing the people in that community.

Always remember; Your Will, My Hands.

SBL Raiju Kang
Qauestor of House Imperium

Imp Divider

Position Changes

As many of you are aware, we’ve had a number of position changes over the past couple weeks. Unfortunately, this is a reality of a big change like Consul. There’s always some sort of shuffling and realignment; but thankfully we have been sorted with a dream team. Recently I extended the Aedile applications to offer people some more time if they wanted to edit their application or get to know me better before they applied. I had a couple great applications, and we have been able to field them in some capacity. Introducing our new Imperium Summit:

Once again, you may have noticed I refer to summits as positioned members or leaders. This isn't an accident. The most important thing to know about my views and leadership beliefs is that I view leadership as being more than just a position as Battleteam Leader, Aedile, or Quaestor.

People can be leaders without a title, just as there can be positioned members who aren’t in fact leaders. Obviously, the second should be the avoided but more importantly; the first should be encouraged, celebrated, and promoted. Despite being a growing club, there is only going to be a finite amount of positions but that shouldn’t prevent people from contributing to the unit, making a name for themselves, or creating merit and consideration for the next time they are up for promotion/or a position opens up.

So if you are looking for an opportunity, don’t be discouraged about the lack of open positions. Instead, reach out to Dek and myself and let us know. We have plenty of opportunities available for non-positioned leaders (you!) and we are happy to hand over reins of projects to those that express an interest. You just have to let us know!

Imp Divider


As you may have noticed, we have opened up a new Battleteam. I mentioned initially in my Battleteam Leader application that this could be a potential goal for us as we develop Project Krennic and see how the discussion goes. As it were, we have had a lot of good discussion (the nerdiness of that group can’t be understated ;D) and we have seen two clear themes arise from the discussion. Additionally, already the battleteam lists eight members and as I’ve mentioned before; I don’t like having battleteams with more than 6-8 members in it. For Battleteam Leader to perform the critical duties of one to one (1:1) communication and representation, they can’t be overwhelmed with too many members. I find the best performances come from those that stick to the above limit and as such I’ve requested that we have another battleteam opened. As such, the current battleteams and their themes will be:

  • Project Krennic - Imperium’s Military Division
  • Project Pellaeon - Imperium’s Intelligence Division

There’s a couple things I want to clarify for the entirety of the house. Are these going to be the official names? Maybe, that is the membership’s decision. What will these military/intel groups look like? Well, that again depends on the membership. What started these teams? Once again, that is for the membership to decide.

When I came in as Battleteam Leader, I promised to develop a member drive unit. I will be holding true to this. Sparky (Wagglehorn) & Calindra have both received my staging plan for the Battleteams and are completely on board with the development. We will be the guiding hands to see things through, but we will be looking for your input as to where these go. Themes have been decided. But the concepts (as I’ve been defining it as) have not been. Will they be a recon group? A squad of tainted dragoons? A specialize fighting group using fear and tactical brilliance? Well, yeah probably for that last one but how they do this will be up for the members’ imagination.

Today, both teams are open for recruitment and members who were in the existing battleteam can be freely moved to the other unit if they wish. Let Calindra or Wagglehorn know what team you want to be apart of, and they will see to it. Once we have heard from a decent amount of people, these teams will start working on these concepts regarding them.

Imp Divider

House Roles

On the topic of appointments and battleteams, it’s important that the membership knows what to expect from their summit. Additionally, of course, the summit needs to know what their role is. I’ve already gone over this with Dek, Wagglehorn, and Calindra. However, I want to release information on these roles for the entire House to view; so we are all on the same page. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.

Quaestor (Community Development)

Nature of the role: Serving as the head of the house and its chief administrator, Quaestors in Scholae Palatinae find that they must have a high level of flexibility and innovation. In contrast to the positions listed below (Aedile & Battleteam Leader), Quaestor is a broad role that requires the individual to have their hands in several pots at once, success relies on these individuals performing well with multi-tasking, making goals, ability to prioritize, and able to work well under pressure/stress. With a broad focus on the development of the House as a whole, they can be associated as Community Development officers.


  • Preparing a vision statement for their assigned House to rally around, this includes elements of;
    • Theme
    • Storyline
    • Projects
    • Wiki articles
  • Constructing and prioritizing a list of goals for House to accomplish, an aspect that is continually developing
  • Selecting an Aedile and Battle Team Leaders that are successful and work well with their internal community (House) and external community (Clan & Club)
  • Training new selections on their roles and responsibilities, & developing a leadership foundation that can take over once the Qauestor moves on
  • Maintaining high communication levels with the house, including monthly reports
  • Developing the membership
    • Communicating with new and old members
    • Providing content that is engaging and entertaining
    • Insuring membership is properly rewarded
    • Understanding individual goals of the membership
    • Providing opportunities for individuals to obtain these goals
  • Mediating conflict when required, and being able to provide solutions that avoid continued stress, friction, and of course - trips to the Chamber of Justice
  • Maintain House calendar for project deadlines

Crossover duties as a member of House Summit:

  • Bi-weekly review of House membership information (assess for activity level, activity potential, add notes, etc.)
  • Bi-weekly review for promotions/awards & making recommendations, recommendations should at the very least have both Quaestor and Aedile - additional recommendations can be made by the Rollmaster, Clan Summit, Battleteam leader, Dark Councillor or Society Leader
  • Coordinating House events and running House-level competitions
  • Set an example, both in conduct and activity (i.e. being an example in following the rules of conduct, participating in competitions, on message boards, etc.)
  • Welcoming new members and getting them connected, typical order of process should be:
    • Rollmaster contacts new member with welcoming letter about Clan & Club
    • Quaestor contacts new member with welcoming letter about House
    • Aedile announces new member to clan mailing list
    • Battleteam Leader contacts new JM3s, inviting them to join their team

Report Info:

  • Club & Clan level info since last Aedile report
  • Theme & Storyline
  • Character Highlight
  • Project Updates
  • Other high profile news

Aedile (Activity Coach)

Nature of the role: Serving as the lieutenant or second-in-command of the House, Aediles in Scholae Palatinae are our communities’ natural cheerleaders and mentors. Their specialization should be in hyping the consuming of content that has been created for the House, Clan, and/or Club, and celebrating the success that the membership has. This requires an individual who is highly energetic, has a good public presence, and has working knowledge of the platforms content comes out on. While it isn’t necessary for the Aedile to be active in all realms of the Brotherhood, though highly encouraged, they need to be able to promote all forms of activity and help members in their pursuit of entertainment. As second-in-command, the Aedile may be tapped in for other house projects and will also be an advisor for the Quaestor on the house’s direction; however, their primary role should be seen as an Activity Coach.


  • Promote content for consumption, be it:
    • Fiction, ACC, or Poetry events
    • All levels of gaming, from tier 1 supported games down to flash games
    • Shadow Academy courses, degrees, and any events
    • House, Clan, or Club level competitions
  • Announce Activity achievements of members (Society updates, first CF/CE/CI/PoB, merit awards, etc.)
  • Assist with House goal setting and prioritization
  • Promote career opportunities for membership, though highlight internal or club level opportunities over other units.
  • Assist with training Battleteam Leader, focusing on their efforts a content creators (developing competition ideas, scheduling in the House calendar
  • Approving Battleteam and and house-level member-forwarded competitions
  • Maintain House calendar for competitions, helping to schedul House events around planned club and clan events
  • Coordinate with Battleteam leaders and member-forwarded competitions into House calendar
  • Maintaining high communication levels with the house, including monthly reports
  • Developing new platform and competitions ideas
  • Maintain working knowledge of Voice and Fist offices
  • Encouraging, and mentoring, members into unfamiliar platforms that the club supports
  • Mediating conflict when required, and being able to provide solutions that avoid continued stress, friction, and of course - trips to the Chamber of Justice

Crossover duties as a member of House Summit:

  • Bi-weekly review of House membership information (assess for activity level, activity potential, add notes, etc.)
  • Bi-weekly review for promotions/awards & making recommendations, recommendations should at the very least have both Quaestor and Aedile - additional recommendations can be made by the Rollmaster, Clan Summit, Battleteam leader, Dark Councillor or Society Leader
  • Coordinating House events and running House-level competitions
  • Set an example, both in conduct and activity (i.e. being an example in following the rules of conduct, participating in competitions, on message boards, etc.)
  • Welcoming new members and getting them connected, typical order of process should be:
    • Rollmaster contacts new member with welcoming letter about Clan & Club
    • Quaestor contacts new member with welcoming letter about House
    • Aedile announces new member to clan mailing list
    • Battleteam Leader contacts new JM3s, inviting them to join their team

*Report Info: *

  • Club & Clan level info since last Quaestor report
  • Member Activity Highlight
  • Activity Numbers
  • Project Updates
  • Competition News

Battleteam (Activity Core)

Nature of the role: Serving as the head of their small unit and its chief administrator, Battleteam Leaders in Scholae Palatinae find that the position serves as a real test of the micro-level of their unit management skills. Focusing on a core group of 3-5, motivating their small group becomes the essential part of this position. This could come in the form of encouragement, mentoring, sharing successes with the group and larger house unit, and hyping activity for consumption. Bridging the different between leader and administrator, Battleteam Leaders will also focus on representing their group in needs, communicating with the House Summit, and insuring their membership is properly rewarded and recognized for their efforts and successes. Much like the Aedile is not required to be active in all forms of club activities, the Battleteam Leader must be knowledgeable about these areas and should look to engaged in activities that their core group is interested in. As a position that serves a small, core group; Battleteam Leaders are in the best position to provide experiences and context that is tailored to all its membership - making it a foundation of club activity and experience.


  • Preparing a vision statement for their assigned Battleteam to rally around, this includes elements of;
    • Theme
    • Storyline
    • Projects
    • Wiki articles
  • Constructing and prioritizing a list of activity goals for House to accomplish, an aspect that is continually developing
  • Selecting an Battleteam Sergeant to (where necessary or beneficial to the clan) that are successful and work well with their internal community (Battleteam) and external community (House, Clan, & Club)
  • Training new selections on their roles and responsibilities, & developing a leadership foundation that can take over once the Battleteam Leader moves on
  • Maintaining high communication levels with the Battleteam, including monthly reports
  • Providing content that is engaging and entertaining
  • Insuring membership is properly rewarded
  • Adding Battleteam competitions and projects to House calendar for project deadlines
  • Promote content for consumption, be it:
    • Fiction, ACC, or Poetry events
    • All levels of gaming, from tier 1 supported games down to flash games
    • Shadow Academy courses, degrees, and any events
    • House, Clan, or Club level competitions
  • Maintain working knowledge of Voice and Fist offices
  • Encouraging, and mentoring, members into unfamiliar platforms that the club supports

Crossover duties as a member of House Summit:

  • Bi-weekly review of House membership information (assess for activity level, activity potential, add notes, etc.) Battleteam Leader: Is responsible for their Battleteam members
  • Bi-weekly review for promotions/awards & making recommendations, recommendations should at the very least have both Quaestor and Aedile - additional recommendations can be made by the Rollmaster, Clan Summit, Battleteam leader, Dark Councillor or Society Leader
  • Set an example, both in conduct and activity (i.e. being an example in following the rules of conduct, participating in competitions, on message boards, etc.)
  • Welcoming new members and getting them connected, typical order of process should be:
    • Rollmaster contacts new member with welcoming letter about Clan & Club
    • Quaestor contacts new member with welcoming letter about House
    • Aedile announces new member to clan mailing list
    • Battleteam Leader contacts new JM3s, inviting them to join their team

Report Info:

  • Storyline/Member Highlight (This is specific to the BT, and topic flips back and forth each month)
  • Battleteam specific news
  • Competitions Available
  • Battleteam Adventures

Imp Divider

Moving Forward and Upward; Key Focuses

1) Recruitment - Random joins have just as much luck being successful across the board - but recruited members fair better. This is not news. This is something that we have had repeated to us time, and time, and time again. Recruitment efforts must be increased to build the foundation of the new Imperium. This can’t fall on a single person, nor a junior member. It should be something we all take the lead on and we need to engage the current membership to get out and promote the clan as well. Note, this isn’t about bringing new members just to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood; it’s about getting them to Imperium - which direct recruiting is the most direct way.

2) Leadership Development - This was a shared goal across all the applications I’ve seen. We need to create a strong line of succession, with active and participating leaders on every tier of this unit. This includes developing and empowering a strong membership foundation that can be worked into this line of succession as well so the best possible candidates, and therefore best future for our house, are selected. Areas we will be looking at are those who are consistently involved in regular activities, project developments and management, and recruiting.

3) Accountability/Organization - Unfortunately, there has been key responsibilities of the summit that have been missing of lately. Whether this is position confusion, burnout, or just plain lack of knowledge; going forward we are going to be making a better organized house with complete transparency from the summit. We are going to focus on changes like the calendar being regularly used for accountability for reports and projects, sync’ed with the DJB site for transparency, deal with issues of making timely awards, create an outline of expected roles and duties of each position (done), and regularly review ourselves with constructive feedback for the leaders - to help struggling individuals correct their mistakes. By the time we are done, Imperium will have the best structured system of an house.

4) Renew House Theme - Activity in the club starts at the home unit. Put frankly, Imperium needs to get its purpose straight, develop an engaging theme that will have a long term investment in the house (read: long story line) and will inspire inclusion and direction. Whether this be interesting story lines getting participation, showcasing fiction and art to the outside world to bring in new members, or to get members involved directly in the planning and release of this.

5) Open the Sandbox - As mentioned above, we want to see members included in the lore of our house. Not just as characters in the story line, which itself will be a priority, but to get the members involved in developing it and making it their own. If no one is playing with the tonka truck, it's up for grabs in the sandbox. This will mean larger project groups, and therefore test project managers, it will also assist our membership retention so investment in our journeymen isn’t wasted when they reach Equite and seek opportunities.

6) New member experience - When recruitment succeeds, there needs to be a welcoming, friendly, and engaging experience for the recruit to touch down. It needs to be both nurturing and supportive so to increase the likelihood of the recruits making it closer to the higher journeymen ranks and out of the danger zone of dropping. Additionally, we need to be able to encourage the return of members or provide a supporting environment for others that transfer into our unit. Regardless of when or how someone lands in Imperium, they should feel at home.

7)Address the problems of negativity/toxicity - A thorn for both new members and experienced, which can cause new members to drop and vets to transfer, is the issue of negativity, toxicity, and even bullying. While many of our members are in a more mature age bracket, the recruits we get likely wouldn’t be. Furthermore, frustration can amass itself in active, engaged members when their peers aren’t showing the same effort. Those that are providing a positive, pleasant experience for others will always be encouraged to maintain membership - those that do not, will be encouraged otherwise.

Imp Divider

House Projects

Okay, so we identified the situation. What are some actionable items we plan to work on? Below is a list of key priorities that we are going to be working on as we move forward. Since being positioned as Battleteam Leader (and continuing now as Quaestor), I’ve been involved in a lot of conversations; from clan level, to the individual emails I’ve sent out to each Imperium member. From these conversations we are shaping our plans on addressing each of the items below and as we get back into the routine of consistent reporting you are going to see the Quaestor and Aedile reports dividing up what areas they will be covering.

Please understand this isn’t a complete list of what we are working on, just the key focuses we will be working to address and we will continue to add to it with each report:

1) Recruitment

  • Rogues
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Other social clubs
  • Other Star Wars clubs
  • Social Media
  • Other

2) Community Development

  • House Identity
  • Develop Membership’s characters
  • Fill out the House Wiki
  • Establish a core group

3) Leadership Development

  • Open Two Battleteams
  • Identifying non-positioned opportunities for members to develop themselves
  • Promote growth opportunities within the clan/house so we aren’t losing members

4) Lore Development

  • Open the Sandbox

5) Accountability/Organization

6) New member experience

Imp Divider


As you guys can see from the changes above, we have quite a bit to work on and hammer out.

Should you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the material above, please contact me directly at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Your will, My Hands.

SBL Raiju Kang
Qauestor of House Imperium

Looking forward to working with you all!

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