House Imperium Aedile Report - May 2015


House Imperium Aedile Report - May 2015


Wherein Operation Red Fury is hyped and some long awaited status spoilers on Battle Teams are announced. Other long-range items are expressed and some summer plans for CSP.


The Entanglement Competition has transpired and I will say as a house, Imperium knocked it out of the part. Sheer participation was highly conspicuous as were the contributions of our gamers. From the organizational level our core of hyperactive and strong performing DJKs and junior Equites are receiving much notice.

Red Fury is underway between CSP and Naga Sadow. This, while styled as a co-operative event is another great way for Imperium to strengthen itself in several ways. First, it will keep our skills honed and ready. Secondly, it will allow for recognition, awards, promotions for deserving members. And finally, it is a damn well written storyline that I for one am excited about. There are 12 events that can be found here

Dante and I will be putting together further Imperium lore competitions after Red Fury. Expect a graphics event along with a few fiction and idea focused items to help us along this path.

Finally, Dante and I have discussed the Battle Teams and some of the proposals have been warmly received and a plan of action is underway for implementing them. However, administrative aspects are being ironed out first before any roll-out will be introduced. I understand there is some frustration on this delay however it is to ensure we have the BEST product available.

Imperial Intel

  • Mobilization continues for the joint strike against the Red Fury pirates. Auxiliary forces are not being called up at this time for expeditionary maneuvers. However, all units will be on 48 hour alert in case domestic risings occur.

  • The disturbances on Ptolomea and Caina have been contained. Nothing has been leaked to the public and a media blackout on the subject is in effect. Several key Dark Jedi and support forces continue to pursue the dissidents and more intelligence is forthcoming. The Emperor has issued a decree to the Imperial forces that the Cocytus System is to be considered hostile for the foreseeable duration.


Awards, Promotions, Transfers

*Welcome NOV Marnak all the way from Scholae Palatinae!

  • Kell Dante 6 Clusters of Ice, 3 Clusters of Fire, 4 Crescents
  • Xantros Legion of the Scholar
  • Zagro Fenn 6 Clusters of Ice, 1 Crescent
  • Drake Starfire 1 Crescent, 1 Anteian Cross
  • Aule Jr. 3 Crescents, 1 Anteian Cross, TONS of Clusters of Fire
  • Delak Krennel 5 Clusters of Ice, 3 Crescents
  • Chrome 4 Clusters of Fire, 1 Legion of Fire, 1 Crescent
  • Ulfsark 1 Crescent, TONS of Clusters of Fire
  • Reiden Karr 1 Crescent, 1 Legion of the Scholar
  • Landon Cruise 7 Crescents, 1 Steel Cross, TONS of Clusters of Fire
  • Anahorn Dempsey 2 Crescents, 1 Anteian Cross, 52 Clusters of Fire
  • Upsidexumop 1 Crescent
  • Drun Syg 3 Pendants of Blood, 27 Clusters of Fire

Final Word

May has continued where April left off: a full speed run. Transitioning from one major clan level event to an even larger and more high profile one is no easy task and we have overcame this obstacle so I want to thank everyone for putting in the effort and having the desire to perform for the good of Imperium.

Keep up the good work and the results of our efforts will be well rewarded and fulfilling. It continues to be my honor to work with you all and to forge Imperium!

For the Empire!

KP Zagro Fenn

Wahoo! Ballin report Zagro!

Good luck in your upcoming event with CSP! I'm sure it will be a brutal battle between you guys and CNS.

Corrected: Good luck in your upcoming event CSP!

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