House Imperium - Quaestor Report


House Imperium - Quaestor Report


Imperial Scholae Guard Headquarters

Throwing his gear down as he walked into his suite atop the Imperial Scholae Guard Headquarters, Kell looked around and wanted to just crash in his nice, large bed, but he knew what he smelled like. Quickly peeling off his black fatigues and bodysuit, the Field Marshal headed for the latrine for a quick stop in the refresher before crashing into bed.

After what seemed just a few seconds, the alarm went off. Kell really wanted to just throw the thing across the room, but it was time to do the after action report for the last mission against the newest "rebel" group in the system. It seemed to him that they spent more time dealing with these cults and various groups than they did real threats. Maybe something fun would appear soon that would require the full force of Scholae Palatinae...

Forgotten: Entanglement

Great job guys! I want to congratulate the 10 of our members who participated in at least one event! That is above 50% unit participation, and we had members who placed 1st and 4th (Delak Krennel). We definitely took care of business against that other House in Scholae Palatinae... :) I really want to throw out a very good job to Reiden Karr who has done an exceptional job since his becoming a member of Imperium including 1st place and 2nd place finishes in Entanglement sub-events.

Red Fury

Fresh on the heels of Entanglement, Scholae Palatinae will begin a cooperative feud with Clan Naga Sadow on May 4. That is less than two days away so you guys get ready to rock some of these 12 events.

A look ahead

A number of House specific competitions will be put other by myself and Zagro over the next few weeks. Most will be short and fun competitions as well as a few that will help us chart the course that House Imperium will take within both Scholae Palatinae and the Brotherhood as well.

As our House name states, Imperium will be very pro-Imperial. While this doesn't mean that Excidium won't be allowed to have Imperial-centric characters, we do want to try and build up the Imperial basis of the clan through expanded role-play, fiction, poetry, and other opportunities.

Final Thoughts

I just want to give a shout out to my Aedile, Zagro, who has been doing a great job with trying to get our clan's participation in the ACC up. I have finished one match with him, and we are almost finished with another. I encourage each and every one of you to at least try the ACC qualification process. Even if you are not an experienced writer of fiction, the ACC is another way to perfect your writing in a laid back atmosphere.

Good luck to everyone in the upcoming Feud.



Sounds like you House v House event went pretty well, good luck to you guys in the Clan Event with CNS!

Should be a good event. CNS is a worthy foe, but it appears we will be working together with CNS as well in the fiction portion.

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