Tubes of pure white lights gleamed across the tiled walls of the lab, their focus onto a single desk with a very grotesque cadaver. A pearl-robed being hunched over the subject, his tools proficiently dissecting away, then the Quarren slowly leaned up and sighed.
The bones of a Wookiee are so hard to cut, the ligaments must be calloused by calcium.
Lexiconus Qor dropped the laser scalpel and ran the back of his hand across the sweat beading from his ridged forehead, it had been an extremely long day. Qor looked over at his tool tray, which was perfectly organised with all the tools a great surgeon like him needed. And a cold glass of crystal-clear water. His lips tasted dry, his throat difficult to swallow.
I could do with some water…
The Quarren turned from the table to approach his tray, but a buckle in his knee stopped him in his tracks. With his feet curling inwards, Qor’s hands quickly lunged for the first ledge to support him.
Fingers sunk and squished into the cold flesh on the table, but at least he didn’t injure himself. Qor heaved to stand and slide his curled feet into their proper position, his arms weak and shaking, he couldn’t make it.
“Will you just get up?!” A shout came from the lab doors, which Qor was surprised at forgetting to hear the doors open. Blade Ta’var walked across the marble floor, then watched the Quarren struggle to his feet, shaking her head in disapproval. Her eyes slowly glanced over to the corpse on the table, she’s seen that before.
“Master, I know that body. There’s a drawing of it on your desk...under a bowl of cake.”
Qor was pleasantly surprised by this news, he gave Blade a soft pat on the back.
“Oh, I honestly thought I brought it with me. Good, did you bring it?”
“No, I thought you’d like the exercise.”
Blade smirked and turned away, she did not bring it. But their small talk was cut short, as a cold washed over them and the lab doors hissed open.
“He’s here, Master.” Blade whispered, she too felt the intimidating effects of their superior, who glided through the lab and stared into the Quaestor’s eyes. Blade gave a short and very respectful bow, before standing to the side of Lexic. Her hand slid very carefully onto her lightsaber.
“I heard you’re an apt mechanic, Lexiconus. Are my sources wrong?”
Cyris’ one good eye stared at Lexic, his gravely voice booming across the lab. As Lexic fiddled with his laser scalpel, many questions whirred through his head.
“I am a good mechanic, yes sir. But why do you need my skills?”
The Black Hand moved to the cadaver behind his subject, and slammed down a blueprint paper, his hand rolling it out.
“I have a project for you, Doctor.”
Lexic really wanted that water.
Hello House Imperium, and welcome to the summer edition of the house reports! The birds are whizzing through the air, your pets are bouncing and tumbling through the vicinity and the cool, refreshing feel of cold water is pure pleasure. But enough of that, we’re dark siders! We revel in the idea of bathing blood, grotesque rituals and victory! So let’s see how victorious Imperium has been this month.
Tension and whispers are in the air as we approach the final countdown to the new feud against CNS. Aptly named Project: Shattered Ties. This only tells us so much about the feud, but one thing’s for certain. We will win!
Evant the VOICE, is currently looking for two magistrates to replace our mighty Consul and his counterpart. If you feel you have the creative uniqueness, the sheer determination and the mighty resilience for this job, apply!
I wanted to leave this till last because I believe it is vitally important to stress. At the end of february, I was advertising for a new Aedile to follow in my footsteps and fill the role that I needed. I needed a vigilant head, one who could create eye-catching content and be a great motivator for the people. When the successful applicant moved in, a young Zeltron, she was already making a name for herself as a great and unstoppable gamer. The impression is that she could not be beaten by anyone. When she was comfortable that her gaming experience was up to standards and she could teach it, she branched out into other areas.
The ACC Journeyman Tournament opened up and the Zeltron Aedle tried her luck. Battle after battle, we Imperiums saw it wasn’t just her gaming abilities that were unstoppable. She could weave emotion into the fight, perfectly describe how Resolve works mid-battle and she even plays the crowd to her pleasure. Now as a finalist, our Zeltron Aedile has just one obstacle to prove just how good her fictional prowess is. Right now, she deserves nothing less than the support and rallying roars of her fellow house members. Help her if she asks, cheer her up if her morale is low and above all, roar the name BLADE in appreciation of her efforts.
Victory is yours, Blade, go get it! - ACC Battle
Below, are some competitions that are still running, you can fill your boots and pockets with as much crescents as you desire:
I believe the results in this sheet shows that we are all patient and ready members. With the feud only several days away, there is a determination to get stuck in and people are training themselves in activity. Well done all of you!
Recently, we gained another member from the Rogues. Mune Cinteroph or Mune to most, is a bright and very talented artist with a great sense in cosplay. He gave us an insight into his talents and I can say I am honestly astounded by them. Here is a couple of examples below.
As you can see, Mune is an exceptional artist! Now we have a screenshot of some Imperium frontliners testing the laws of gravity on Korriban!
Now onto the legacy of #AskPinkyandtheBrain
Delak asks: why will u only play bf if sparky is there? Secret crush? :p
Kor asks: I'm preparing a dinner party for some friends and really want to impress them with my cooking skills. What's the best way to prepare Quarren? Deep fried or boiled?
Jorm asks: will you two take up Fractured Space so we can make up a CSP armada and steamroll punks in and out of the DJB? ;P
One last thing. After looking at the data from the activity sheet, I noticed we are losing activity from members. Whether this is because people are enjoying their summer, they’re stacked with work or just not motivated enough, then I understand. But to you guys who have lack of motivation, I will gift you one idea; BE the motivation! Make your own products, organise comps, host gaming sessions, challenge others in battle, doodle whenever you can and above all, follow your heart. This is the time Imperium rises and becomes a worthy house against all who oppose us, we need the consumers and the producers.
That’s all from me, folks! Until next time, have a great summer!
I'll just cuddle this boat until they're gone..
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Lab squid?
Clan Reports
Go Blade!
Check the Activity Sheet
Mune is an awesome artist
Blade can skydive forever
Questions answered
Quaestor Lexiconus Qor
Aedile Blade Ta’var
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You'll be pleased to know, the dinner party went great!
It was quite yummy :)
Great report Lexic!
Sweet Report Lexic! Loved the Spotlight Section! :)