Hello all and welcome to the new age of leadership within House Imperium, I am delighted to introduce you to the team we are building. A revolution has came into our house, one with benefits and joy and one with tears and rage. I am of course talking about SUBTERFUGE but we will get into more details about that later. If you are keen and interested into making a reputation for yourself, then we have the guide to do just that. Please read on and I hope you enjoy!
Shadow Guard has been designed to be a protective unit for House Imperium Leadership, it is also used in battle as a Stealth Infiltration Unit. When the house is under attack Shadow Guard strikes quickly from the shadows and then just as fast retreats to them if there is sufficient force to take out. In times of war Shadow Guard was created to be used as deep infiltrators. They are tasked with sneaking over enemy lines to try and take out the enemy leadership.
You can find their emails below, should you wish to join the team.
If you are artistically adept, you can find a college or high school-based program here: http://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/all
Delak Krennel: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Zagro Fenn: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
There are competitions for you to enjoy created by us in the summit and even some of our more productive members!
Fight against the zombie rabbit foes in An Unwelcome Visitor as Private thumper! Spray and pray, soldier!
Landon hosts another Star Conflict comp for us to defeat the noobs! Join in!
What if everyone in Imperium turned light? Tell us in Alignment Shift!
Are you sitting comfortable, kids? Then let us begin! Tell us your best war stories in There I was…
Gotta catch em all! by turning a wookieepedia article into a pokemon!
Can you crack the code? find out in this puzzle/cipher competition.
Roll a 20 for a critical success in Dungeons and Krayt Dragons! by writing your character on a quest!
What is your favourite weapon? Tell us in this competition made from Bentre!
Are you a force to be reckoned with on the Battlefront? Prove it in Drac’s comp!
The mission is suicidal, but the rewards are high, can you break him out? Write a prison break story in here!
Are you a poet and you know it? A poetic month gives you the chance to harness your skills in comedy, tragedy or romance.
Why so serious? Fool the people around you and an image depicting this!
Race to level 30 and High Dark Zones are hosted by the FIST Praetor for Division players
You have two options, hunt down the Jedi scum or join them. Which do you choose?
If you need us for anything, you find my email and Blade’s below for all your questions, queries, ideas and just for company if need be.
Lexic: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Blade: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The time has come, the gates of chaos have opened and the message is clear. Excidium are traitorous scum! They must burn in their beds! They must be drawn and quartered for show and humiliation! Their banners must be destroyed and their homes razed to the ground! In the name of the Emperor we will use any means necessary! We will barge through their doors and destroy everything in our path! And we will profit from the shadows, become darkness and triumph through…SUBTERFUGE!!
As you may have seen, the civil war is on against House Excidium, explained in the Emperor’s report. Its packed full of information about our first year as a clan, what the future holds for us and what Subterfuge is all about. I’m going to reiterate the competitions below for you, just so you know what there is and how to submit to win.
Subterfuge is now live! Like in the past, this is a multi-competition event. Individuals will like always, earn points for participation and for placing in these competitions. However, as this is a feud, both houses will be going at it to earn the most points. participation numbers do count on the house level for overall points! Some of you may remember last time where Excidium took out a win, in part thanks to their great participation numbers. And now for the competitions themselves!
Traitor!: PVP Gaming is here once again. Despite being a house feud, this will be based on an unweighted PVP score from matches against anyone in the club submitted to this competition. This is because I wanted people to be able to participate in this, and not struggle to find someone to PVP against.
Rapture of Battle: This is the feud’s fiction competition. There are two prompts to be found in this competition, one for House Excidium members and one for House Imperium members. Make sure you are paying attention to which one you do!
Smack Talk: Poetry, about bringing down your rival house. There must be some form of poetic structure on these, no free verse prose.
Foul Cur: This is the graphics competition where you are to depect just what you would do to the rival house members to prevent them from succeeding in their “goals”.
The Tomorrow That Never Was: As a bit of an inverse to the graphics competition, this comic maker event has you depicting what your precieved vision of the system would be like if your rival house succeeded in their goals.
The Brightside: This is a caption contest. There is a SW related photo you will see once you subscribe, that you are then to give a funny caption to.
Enemies of the State: This is the trivia for the feud, focusing on both houses and members. This one will give LoS to the top two instead of crescents like the other competitions.
As you see, there is a lot to do, many things to win and a good challenge for all members with talent and gifts. All that I ask is when you challenge someone, follow the golden rules. Play fair, be nice, make it a healthy rivalry, not a toxic one. And always give a gentlemanly (or womanly) handshake afterwards, but most importantly have fun! I dislike reading about scuffles in chat because someone was beaten or they didn’t like the words coming from another member, if someone starts picking on you then please tell one of us. Do not take it on yourself.
But yeah, have fun!
The Grand Master’s Invitational Tournament has ended and the winners came out top with an outstanding performance! I want to give a big congratulations to Turel Sorenn and Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae for their beautifully written battle that stretched out for 27 pages in Google Documents, just let that sink in there. You can view the match and it’s glory here, as well as the fiction and the Combat Master’s report here.
The Day of the Jac arrived a few days late and I can certainly agree the people chosen are exceptionally talented members in the brotherhood. Their activity out swamps many others, so congratulations to everyone who was rewarded! Also a special congratulations to our own Jester for receiving his first Grand Cross of the Dark Side! I spell out the entire name because it is awesome and I want to steal it.
Ernordeth and the FIST staff have released a special post upon the outbreak of the Division. A Tom Clancy game set in NYC, where you fend for yourself with modern weapons, collect awesome loot and take it to the Dark Zones, places of no man’s land that only the smartest can survive. Ernor details some finer points about the competitions he is organising, as well as possible players you can join with for some weekend banter! You can find the update here.
Just echoing what I said earlier in the report, Evant our homeboy VOICE, has released a competition in where you choose to aid the Jedi in capturing a CR90 Corvette on Coruscant, or choose to aid the Sith and ambush these Jedi, taking the corvette for yourself. The choice is yours, read all about it here.
And finally, TOR Overlord Beef has created a new SWTOR telegram channel because the old one had some nasty bugs eating away at the circuitry, causing a ruckus for us distant dark siders. We couldn’t save the fragments of the channel, so we abandoned ship and commandeered a new one. Enjoy!
I’m going to test out something new here and I hope I pull it off well, because my lord this level of activity takes a superhero to keep up with. Now usually, I would section activity up by Dark Council sectors, instead i’m going to try and section is personally member by member. So i’m going to use Blade as the first example and go from there. Good job everyone!
Apprentice Inquisitor IV
Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight
Clusters of Fire: 121, Clusters of Ice: 4
Markdown 101 passed
Clusters of Earth: 98, Pendants of Blood: 1
Clusters of Earth: 82, Pendants of Blood: 1
Clusters of Fire: 142
Apprentice Inquisitor IV
Clusters of Fire: 57, Clusters of Earth: 5 Clusters of Ice: 2, Pendants of Blood: 2
Scroll of the Master awarded
Clusters of Fire: 91, Clusters of Ice: 13, Pendants of Blood: 1
As you well know, Blade, Eli, Dek, Delak, Zagro and I are working to make sure this new House is built properly, strongly and also by your standards. This is a huge project with many aspects to cover from History, interaction with other houses and clans, the finer details of our own vendettas and wars, the description of our headquarters, it’s leadership and really anything else you could think of. This sounds like a wall of text, and in the beginning it most likely will. But with your help and in groups we can build this wiki into something that will catch the eye of others, and become a great example to read. So I am asking for your hand.
If you have some ideas that can be included into the House’s history, a niche that could be unique to our persona, or a piece of history you wish to write that can fictionally sum up how the foundations of House Imperium were placed, we would love to see these ideas in the flesh. You can email Blade, Delak and myself about these ideas and if you have an excerpt of what you would like to place in, this will be an excellent option as well. I’ve always held an open mind to reading other’s fictions as we all have our own structure and rituals, so it will be no different here. Some good examples to write are:
Sub-units of troopers and heavies.
Insignias or blurbs for strike teams.
A barracks with a mission statement and training scheme.
A spaceport or dock to get off the March Isles.
A solid description for House Imperium Base, if there’s any specialised rooms etc.
A main base for Shadow Guard and their training grounds.
The latest images and video from the Episode VIII set in Dubrovnik are here, thanks to TheDubrovnikTimes and StarWarsDubrovnik. Check them out:
TheDubrovnikTimes has a video with much better quality of the stunt performed on the set yesterday that we showed you.
Curiously in their report The Dubrovnik Times mention that Mark Hamill was spotted in Dubrovnik:
Star Wars VIII started filming on the 9th of March in Dubrovnik, with the first two days being set ups and rehearsals, and will continue until the 16th of March. The leading actors arrived in Dubrovnik yesterday and Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker, was spotted filming on a well-known Dubrovnik beach.
We are yet to see a prove that Hamill is in Dubrovnik. Yesterday another local news site stated that Hamill was on set, but we saw that this was not Hamill. I wonder if this report relies on the info from yesterday or they indeed spotted Hamill in the old city.
StarWarsDubrovnik shared some new photos from the set, showing:
Landspeeder that’s probably going to be crashed into one of the prop wall pillars. Pillars with various degrees of damage were set up along the Main Street and now we know why.
So there’s definitely going to be a chase sequence that will end with a crash.
Also they shared several photos with a huge green screen that has been placed at the western end of the Main Street, next to Onofrio’s fountain.
StarWarsDubrovnik uncovered another Episode VIII filming taking place on Dubrovnik’s City Walls:
Dubrovnik City Walls complex, the main landmark of the city was announced as one of the filming locations, but so far there was a consensus the production only reserved the walls in order to prevent the people from filming of photographing locations within the Old City centre.
Thanks to our watchful eye, we came into possession of photographs proving filming is going to be done on the City Walls themselves as well. We can see the film crew setting up operations as well as a big green screen at the base of Minceta Fortress, the biggest fortification on Dubrovnik City Walls.
You can find more news at: http://www.starwarsnewsnet.com
Reiden asks: who is Brain in this situation? :P
Blade: Still up for debate. I can paint Lexic pink.
Lexic: Well, I do look fabulous in pink!
Xen asks: Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses?
Blade: 1 horse sized duck. For the challenge, and I'll call it Nessie ^^
Lexic: Horse-sized duck, that I will fix with a saddle and ride into battle on the back of my new beast!
Wally asks: And what else also floats on water?
Lexic: I can’t say, there’s kids in here
Blade: My totodile
Dark Greetings! For those who don’t already know me, my name is Blade Ta’var and I am your new Aedile. A bit about myself, I like to do a bit of everything, and most importantly have a lot of fun doing it. My current game list is all of the older Star Wars games (XWA,TIE Fighter, X-wing) and my prized Jedi Academy, which is my favorite game. It’s been a blast gaming with the House already, and I look forward to our bright future. I am also pleased to announce the inauguration of Skald’s Corner, where I will be updating everyone on House projects and my overall thoughts on the House. Let’s get right into it!
The most significant event for the House is the Feud, and I’ve decided to make a Feud Tracker for it. Imperium’s colors are royal blue and black, and Excidium’s are blah gray and neon green. Here are a few insights I’ve gleamed:
Overall, the House is doing a great job and has a slight edge in the Feud, BUT Excidium has the potential to match us. Keep an eye on the green in the tracker because that could become a sad reality. I also fully expect that Excidium spies will read this report and use this tracker for their own benefit, so lazy. Therefore, let’s cream them in participation. If it comes down to the wire and you aren’t completely happy with something, your submission is still worth crucial points. It may also give you enough points to win a free high quality avatar from Cyris (top three participants in the feud). Yes, you heard me correctly. Free avatars from Cyris. For victory, fun, and free avatars!
Lastly, I’d like to recognize members that has shown exceptional Feud activity:
Delak Krennel for competing in almost every Feud competition and gaining second in Traitor!
Zagro Fenn for competing in almost every Feud competition! (That is participation)
Dek Rott for multiple competition submissions, particularly in areas with equal participation from Excidium
Congratz! Some of you are very close to making this list, so keep up the great activity!
Skald out! Drops mic
I believe my Aedile touched base on the House Feud nicely, so I don’t feel like I should echo her words anymore. But I would like to see people continue to play fairly, treat each other with respect and just have fun while you’re competing.
Also, Blade was promoted to Knight the other day, her progress to this stage is an icon of inspiration, talent, valour and a strong heart. I am truly thankful that I got to learn from her and continue to do so with her as my Aedile and partner in crime! I won’t include the entire fiction below, but I will give you the link.
Again, congratulations Blade! I am thankful you chose me as teacher and friend.
Until next time!
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Darkity sable Squid!
Join Shadow Guard
All the competitions
Brotherhood News
Such activity, much wow
Imperialist plans
Episode VIII?
Q&A Time!
Skald Corner
Grats Blade!
Quaestor Lexiconus Qor
Aedile Blade Ta’var
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Rah! Badass house coming up!