Good evening Imperials and welcome to the summer edition of the House Imperium report! Yes, things are livening up in this house, as we have new members such as James joining us as a new recruit! No, not THAT James...
Another Imperial by the name of Duke also joins our rank and file. Please welcome and encourage his talent. I have high hopes for his rise to knighthood!
We also have an old member coming to us from the deep unknowns of rogues, please give a warm and cheery welcome to Raijin!!
This report is going to be packed with goodies, so without wasting time….
A big congratulations to the members who participated, you all did a fantastic job!! But a special shoutout to the Imperials who placed; Well done to Reiden on achieving 6th, Kell on achieving 8th, and James for coming 2nd in PVP Gaming!
Also let’s not for our brothers over in Excidium for putting up a great tackle on this event, you all did well!
You can find the official scores here:
Speaking about the report, let’s take a moment to mention the second half of that report.
The Caperion System
A backwater system with very little settlements past the prime planet, and civilisation slowly reaching out to the stars with adequate technology. You may be thinking well why bother settling here, when there’s far richer systems out there?
But what do you define as rich? Or a complex story? Should you really take this as its face value?
This is the wiki page:
But I am going to dive further into it and show you how far the rabbit hole goes.
The Caperion system is a collection of six planets and six moons which orbit around a single G-type main-sequence white-yellow star called Caperion. It is located in the galactic east edge of the Unknown Regions.
This sentence tells us a lot. It tells us that we have a normal star, with a dozen land masses we can explore, each of them very capable of having outposts or buildings on. It is also located on the western area of the galaxy which is largely unexplored by the Star Wars universe, so we won’t be spied upon by desperate First Order or Resistance eyes. But let us look at the planets we have truly unlocked.
The wiki tells us that this small, fast planet is hot, volatile and requires all people on this land to be wearing state of the art environmental suits. The landscape changes rapidly, one day you could be standing on a plate of cool ash and granite, the next your ship could be swallowed by the magma. This isn’t a place you would want your apprentice to be trapped on….or is it?
There’s also the moon, Xejtrok which, for reasons our nerds haven’t found yet, is falling apart and creating an asteroid field around the planet. Pilots be aware, and fly responsibly.
With an oval orbit around the sun, a rainbow moon called Ly’palion, and toxic flora and fauna, you can bet that Qor would be visiting this. The temperatures of the atmosphere can range from a water boiling 120 degrees, to the calm and cool 10 degrees that would frost your front lawn. This is a type III planet, meaning that an extensive suit isn’t required, but preferred incase you burn.
Our home. Habitable, breathable and very beautiful, Seraph is the planet that most Clan members may be living on. This planet can range from dense jungles and mountains, to expanded oceans and rivers. All forms of life, sentient or not, can thrive here, as well as build something powerful. But, the challenge isn’t to explore and travel this earth-like planet, it is the locals. Xenophobic in nature, these natives of Seraph can be difficult to deal with, as our Rollmaster knows. But the summit of the Clan will have your back in this, sometimes.
The moon, Ragnath, is similar to its mother in most ways. However an issue with low gravity has caused pockets of towns to implant gravity generators in order to live here.
Used mainly as a mining operation for the rich and powerful of Seraph, this ice giant has vast oceans of ice, while a thin atmosphere carpets the surface. This planet is trivial compared to the moon that orbits nearby.
Known as Ulress, is home to the scum and villainy of the system. Densely packed into upgraded buildings, armouries and spaceports, the smog-filled moon is difficult for even the native governments to penetrate.
A gas giant swirling with bands of red, orange, yellow and white, this planet could be a rich mining field for the powerful factions of the system. But only if you can handle the storms.
Their moons, Korgollo Major & Minor are both considered to be terrestrial. The nerds of the Clan are still researching what this means.
The planet no one wants or needs to remember. Encased in ice, with a deadly cold that could kill a man in seconds, and so mountainous that avalanches are a daily occurrence. Geologically, it is a rich planet, which is why the natives have resorted to placing the most evil and deadly of criminals into this environment and forced them to work until their days end. Do not receive a sentence here, or you’ll regret it.
Below, are some competitions that are still running, you can fill your boots and pockets with as much crescents as you desire:
Don’t forget that Eli is hosting a Clan-wide battleplan competition that allows you to test your skills for the nearby war!
Subscribe here:
Activity Sheet:
Congratulations to all participants in Excursion, you did this squid proud!
Fist Report:
So much has happened within the last month, that I’ve kinda left this report to go into the next month. I’ll try to be more punctual this time.
Be on the lookout for some competitions for you Imperials, and always stay awesome.
Also, a reminder that the Aedile application process ends today! So good luck to all applicants!
Levi asks: bacon and eggs or vegan bacon and sadness?
Levi asks: Is there any plans for Imperium and Excidium co-operating in the conquering of our new system?
Qor: Of course. The mission to infiltrate, influence and imitate the natives of the Caperion system will not be easy. It will take the worst scum and villainy of the galaxy to pull off the scouts, marking, blackmailing, heists, assassinations, burglaries and tax injections that will secure our hold on Caperion. But it will also take the best soldiers the Clan has to offer, and that’s the sweet honey of the Imperium bee hive.
Levi asks: Why you still playing Pokemon Go?
Qor: Because Pokemon is bae? GOTTA CATCH ‘EM ALL!!
Mark asks: I appear twice in a week, once in a year, but never in a month. What am I?
Qor: C’mon dude, that was too trivial to be a real riddle from you!
Levi asks: Fictionally what is Lex’s opinion of Brae as the QUA of Excidium?
Qor: Fictionally speaking, Lex is quite content that someone with a head for numbers, statistics and credits is at the helm of Excidium now. He admires the Lord of Business from a distance, however, because he knows that Elders of the Brotherhood should be feared and respected as such.
OOC: Braeby you left your panties at my place!
Xantros asks: How Lex finds sushi?
Qor: Sushi good. Dead fish on bed of rice is yum for stomach. Squid on bed of rice is bad. Must run from man with large knife :P
We’ve got some small time projects that could need some extra hands, if you want in on these, just give me a PM on Telegram, or email me using [Log in to view e-mail addresses] & [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Until next time folks!
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Quaestor Qor Palpatine
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Awesome report squid 👌