House Karness Muur Aedile Report #1


House Karness Muur Aedile Report #1



Hello and welcome to my first report as HKM's Aedile! Most of you probably already know me. I'm Azmodius Equesinfernum, former Aedile of HAP, and best buddies with my boss and your Quaestor: Furios. With the reshuffling of the summit, I am very pleased to be here with you all and just as excited to see what Arden and Ronni will bring us in their new roles as Consul and P-con. However, I am even more excited for our new Rollmaster, your former Aedile, and hat connoisseur: TuQ'uan. TuQ has been an amazing leader and I hope I'm at least half the Aedile he was. Now with that out of the way, lets get on to giving y'all some recognition!



Aedile Moment

Azmodius and Ozzy

For this one, I'll just go ahead and tell y'all a little about me. I live in Texas (hence the "y'all") with my best friend y'all know as Furios. I was born in Odessa, Ukraine and I am fluent and literate in Russian. I study mechanical engineering and work for a small oil company. I love Star Wars (obviously), Deadpool, anime and just about anything that seems nerdy/geeky. I listen to anything that isn't pop-country, but lean towards Heavy Metal. My favorite "classical" (Baroque) composer is Bach and while I loved Poe when I was in high school, I love the works of Lovecraft more.

As for Azmodius, he is an Arkanian/Omwati mix with a focus on Martial Arts and Saber forms. He loves animals, to the point he feels they are better than sentients. Azmodius and Ozzy Pawsborne, his orange tabby, are really enjoying moving into the Korada Monastery where he can train and drink gallons of vodka with his master, Furios. While Az isn't necessarily "evil" he does follow the dark path (as do we all) in that he derives his power from his emotions. A semi tumultuous history has left him with a strong distaste for Jedi and an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Upon joining the Dark Brotherhood, Azmodius adopted his master's ideals in that his only goal was to become the most fearsome warrior in existence.



  • HAP Quaestor Report - Kelly brings up the ACC event that is so perfect for newbies, I may actually sign up myself.

  • Plagueis Proconsul Report #1 - Ronni's first report as P-con (of Plagueis, she has bukoo experience as is plainly seen in her report that you all should read)

  • House Karness Muur Quaestor Report - Furry-O's tells us about wiki pages and how we all need to have them. Mine probably isn't the best to go by, but its got neat stuff and if you need any help, Furios and I are always here for you!


Well after a long day of work, followed by a trip to get my radio fixed, and then taking the doors off my car, I am pooped and going to get a head start on resting before my last final tomorrow morning. Wish me luck and Furry-O's will be hitting you all with his report in about 10 days.

jeep on jeep off

Mah beh-beh.

D'aww shucks. I have faith in ya!!

I gotta be honest: I had to look up "bukoo" in the urban dictionary because I had no idea what it meant.

Great report, dude. Karness Muur, you treat Az well. He's good people.

You'll do well on your final, Az. I believe in you. Also this is a great report and I'm glad I read it. 10/10, 5 stars, 5/7

Ps, tis probably more recognizably spelled "beaucoup".

Great report!!! Good Luck with your last final!!! You can do it man, I believe in you ;)

Oh and Thanks for the mention blushes :)

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