Greetings all my Muurfriends!
It’s that time of month already, so settle in and enjoy another report from Uncle Tuqqy. Due to some RL, I will be keeping this one pretty short. I will put a TL;DR at the bottom if you ABSOLUTELY refuse to read the whole thing, please at lead skip to this, I have something VERY important in this report.
Without further ado… let’s get this started.
Let’s get to some recognition!
Iios Singuard - 4 Clusters of Ice, 1 Crescent with Sapphire
TuQ’uan Varick - 7 Clusters of Ice, 30 Clusters of Fire, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarantae - 2 Crescents with Ruby Star, 3 Clusters of Fire, 3 Clusters of Graphite, 3 Clusters of Ice
Ra’gnar - 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
Gaius Julius Caesarl - 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
As always keep up the great work! These were all well deserved.
Keeping in line with the last few reports, I’m going to continue lecturing you in this section. ;)
Last month we talked about the importance on jobs in the Brotherhood, this month I would like to talk about something that everyone can do regardless of position or experience that makes a huge impact on the Brotherhood.
This may seem like a given but in the Brotherhood each and every one of us is responsible for generating content, whether that be by participating in competitions or creating competitions for others to participate in. Activity is the core of the Brotherhood.
Let’s start with participation. You may be asking me right now, what kind of competitions can I participate in? Well good question, and just because I can’t hear you doesn’t mean I can’t respond.
There are a TON of different types of competitions. Fiction, Poetry, Gaming, Graphics and Puzzles just to name a few. AND, one of the really cool things about our system is that we have so many creative members that people are constantly coming up with new competition formats. It’s really easy to find a competition in a type that you find interesting. A lot of my character development has come from competitions where I had to think a little harder about how TuQ would handle the situation. And for those of you who haven't been listening to the PlagCast (shame on you), Wally spoke at great length about this next point. It's a tad more relevant to fiction competitions but nevertheless I will reiterate it, try not to dismiss a competition just because “there is no way my character would find themselves in that situation”. Be creative and find a way, if it goes against every fibre of their being, write that into the story. There's no harm in trying!
Now this next part is a little bit more work, but highly rewarding. Competition Organization.
Now I will be completely honest, this is something I myself have only recently started doing, but organizing competitions is a great way to encourage activity in the Brotherhood as well as (to a degree) share your interests. Is there a video game or flash game that you love to play? Well then you can organize a competition based around it! I've personally found some really fun games this way. Members are always looking for fun, interesting competitions to check out and that's where you come in, if you have an idea you think would make for a great competition then I implore you to message a member of the Summit and we will work with you to make sure it gets done! We want to see you, the members, making fun and interesting competitions that you would enjoy participating in! It's actually a lot easier than it sounds to run competitions.
Now earlier I spoke about how rewarding it is to participate in and run competitions. I meant this in two ways, first it is personally rewarding to feel the sense of accomplishment when you submit an entry or post the results of the competition, it's an amazing feeling that always seems to bring a smile to my face. And B, participating in competitions earns you more tangible rewards, whether that be Clusters or Crescents (or in the case of a GJW Novae), every entry or competition made also earns you credits for some new sweet gear! Still not convinced? Both participating in and creating competitions is also something we as house and clan leaders take into account when we look at promotions.
And on top of it all you’d make me a happy TuQ, and in the end isn't that what we all want?
Now I hope I've done my job and got you all excited about competitions! I want to say one last thing before I move on, if you are interested in organizing completions but a little nervous A, don't be and 2) that's what the summit is here to help with. Feel free to message me on telegram or e-mail me and we can talk about your competition. If you still aren't comfortable, I am more than happy to co-organize with you!
Ok, I lied, one last thing and this is VERY important. Furios and I worked really hard on a survey for the members of HKM, we want to get a little bit of information from you the members about what interests you! So please click this link and fill it out for us, it doesn't take too long!
Well, I might as well keep the competition ball rolling with a few competitions to for you to go and participate in! Always remember, what I post here is just the tip of the competition iceberg.
Nash’s Rule Of Two - Fellow Plagueian, Nash, is hosting an art competition right now. All you have to do is draw an interaction between two characters, easy peasy!
Don’t Be Afraid - Delve deep into your characters psyche and explore their deepest fears with this competition.
[CC] The Collective Chronicles - Wally and the Inquisitorious are looking to learn more about our enemies in the Collective. Give them a hand and write about the origins story of a Collective NPC. You can also help decrypt a report on the inner workings of the different factions of the collective.
Home For A Rest - Shameless plug here. You're character is going on an all expenses paid vacation for 1 week, courtesy of your clan. I want to read about this week off, what are your plans? Where are you going?
A lot has happened recently in the Brotherhood! If you haven't already please check at least a few of these out.
House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #11: We’re Near To A Year - The one where Kelly admits that TuQ is a pretty swell guy! Oh yeah, and she some up coming stuff.
Voice Report #13: Da Wey - The one where Wally officially announces the new Magistrate to the Voice and highlights some upcoming projects.
Fist Report #17 - The one where Drac talks about some updates to existing games, removes support for a game and talks about staff changes.
[DGM] Report #1 - Short Change Hero The one where Vyr addresses the Brotherhood as the new Deputy Grand Master and highlights some upcoming plans.
PlagCast Episode V: The Podcast Strikes Back - The one where Laren talks about this really cool project called the Plagcast. This particular episode (like all of them) is well worth a listen, in this one the team has special guest Rollmaster Arden Karn on to talk about leadership and its various forms in the Brotherhood.
Like I said, keeping this one a bit shorter. Congratulations to Kelly for earning another TuQ Buck last month with the correct answer to the trivia question, Sifo Dias was in fact a mistake in the script, it was originally supposed to be a mispronunciation of Sidious but turned into a whole new character.
I have a tad bit of bad news now for you, unfortunately I am typing this up in a car headed for the airport so there will be no Trivia this month. I will try to make it up to you by posting TWO questions next month.
AND don't forget, our illustrious Quaestor hosts a Skype session bi-weekly on Saturdays around 8 CST, 9 EST.
TL;DR - If you've skipped all the way down here without reading the rest, 1) shame on you and B) you should go back and read it!
If you still refuse to go back here are the cliff notes.
We had some shinnies this month.
Please go out and compete in competitions.
Go create some competitions. If you would like a hand let me know!
This one is important, and I will hound everyone on this one. PLEASE fill out this survey. The sooner you get this done, the less you’ll have me pestering you!!
We have a few competitions going on.
Lots of exciting news in the Brotherhood.
Alright, until next time! And don't forget you can reach out to me at anytime for anything!
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TuQ's lectures are the best lectures.
Great report as always, buddy.
Everyone please do the survey.
Love Furios
Awesome report TuQ!! Love it all! :)