House Karness Muur Quaestor Report #2


House Karness Muur Quaestor Report #2


Due to the fact that a plot update just got released and our schedules just got a whole lot more full with our new subterranean enemies, I am not writing you a fiction this month. Instead you may all read the previously mentioned plot update here. Read it thoroughly if you want all the edge in these comps.


Strap yourselves in, kiddos! Clan Plagueis is going for a ride and you’re invited to join us on the field (or in this case, in the caves) of battle. We've got a short and sweet report for you today, filled with news and insight.

News and Events

The Enemy Below

Even vs. Odd


  • First thing’s first, The Enemy Below is on Right NOW! I know it just kind of popped out of the ground but it is a standard Clan Plagueis event and adds action and conflict to the Manifest Destiny storyline for the clan. So get out there and give it your all. Awards could be earned by anyone who participates well. All the subsequent competitions are under the parent which is right here.

  • A hearty congratulations to our Fist, Dracaryis on his brand new Sapphire Blade. Couldn’t have been more well earned. You can give him your congratulations in a comment here.

  • Our esteemed Combat Master has opened up a Creative Writing Workshop for a Trial Run as well as posting this month's report. So if you want to improve your writing or read about the changes in writing policies, give them a go and a read.

  • There are also Gaming and Herald updates for your viewing pleasure.

Quaestor’s Words

Before we get into it, the summit has Kelly and I tracking all event activity so at the end of your day’s work, shoot us an email or a Telegram message letting us know what more you've completed.

This month I'm addressing the nature of events in the club. The events we run within the clan have multiple points in the competitive sense. Aside from the obvious and still important reason being to have fun, I think of them as little quizzes for all of us to check our competitive growth on. Then the multi-clan events act as tests. Finally the club-wide events are the real deal. In other words have fun but you can also see this as an opportunity to practice for the major events like Great Jedi Wars and Vendettas. These events are tracked on both clan member placements and our clan participation levels. Since the club-wide event placements are generally won by the biggest and baddest, participation success is for everyone. That being said, I highly recommend that everyone makes sure that participating in quantity is practiced and covered first.

Another bit of useful information is the fact that awards are handled differently in events, from clan-wide to club-wide. On top of your usual crescents and novae, they're breeding grounds for merit awards. Showing the leadership that you'll be there for the clan when we need you is significantly more valuable than your everyday, run of the mill type activity. Since condensing a ton of participation in these relatively short events is that much more noticeable and impressive to us, I advise that even if you don't participate in between, it's quite beneficial to come out for the events, no matter the size.

One last thing, make sure you're cooperating well with the HAP members. I haven't heard about any problems yet and I don't really expect to, but I feel like it needs mentioning just in case. Play nice.

In Conclusion

Well it's almost April already. The next month should be quite busy with The Enemy Below taking up a majority of your DB time.

Also, as a personal bounty, I challenge each member of Clan Plagueis to push themselves and complete at least 10 entries over the next three weeks of The Enemy Below. As you can imagine, the ideal would be to participate in all 24 events but I think 10 is enough of a start for some of the less experienced members. No matter your rank or skill, participation is entirely possible, so get out there and make us proud.

See you next month!

Furios Morega

Bounty Poster

Participation in events is beneficial to the development of your own character, your Clan, and the Club as a whole. Producers create the content, and we enjoy it, creating a perfect loop of fun and games and shinies.

I'll take you up on that challenge, Furios. I hope others will as well. great report!

Hello from the other side(and the same side I guess too) well put together report, quite informative and a nice mention of the value of reports from both a leadership perspective and that of a normal member.

Sadly, I cannot take Furios up on his challenge. That just means the rest of you will have to do more things to make up for it! Right?

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!! Also, as usual, you find a way to state the same thing in a way that nobody else has. In this case: Merit medals. You're absolutely, positively, beyond the shadow of a doubt, right in that these events are a great way for our newer members to not only "show up" and knock out the participation quota for promotions and get merit medals for a lot of participation (a more challenging requirement) but, that it's how we as members show our dedication to our clan. The very reason we award these medals is that you've shown we can count on you to be a high functioning member of our society when we need you most. And the quiz vs test analogy... I've mentioned to the newer members of our clan. Your mention was an excellent reinforcement of my preaching (nagging). Excellent report, masah (dark version) Win-Mace! :P

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