Happy Valentines Day, Muurians!
If you don’t have a Valentine, don’t worry, we’ll be your Valentines!
I hope you are all staying warm and safe in all of this crazy winter weather. I for one can’t wait until spring arrives, but there are some fun things coming before we get there! If you haven’t heard yet we have Operation: Antiquity coming up soon! This is a Co-Op event Plagueis is going to be taking part in with Clan Naga Sadow, this is shaping up to be really fun competition and I am really excited to see how we work with CNS.
Check out Ronnie’s report for the event teaser fiction here.
Now let's get to it!
Well, not as many shinies to report this time around, but still well done to all of you! Keep up all the activity and keep filling our inboxs with your wonderful entries. Also a big shout out to Vacen, he must have been bitten by the gaming bug. Hmm I wonder why, Drac ;) :P
A huge shout out again to Vacen for all of his work at jumping through the ranks. From Initiate to Proselyte in a matter of three days. Good job Vacen, We can all see that you will be going far.
I want to spend my moment this month to talk about positions in the Brotherhood.
Taking on a position in the Brotherhood is not only really important in making the club as amazing as it is but it is incredibly rewarding. If you want to see change in the Brotherhood you this is your opportunity to bring your own touch to the different aspects of the club from leadership positions to helping out with the different societies. Not every position is grandiose and there is definitely some work involved and some of them may even push you into trying new things, but that is part of the fun! One of the things I personally find most rewarding about holding a position in the Brotherhood is being able to help and encourage members, but that’s just me and everyone gets something different out of giving back to the club!
Now I know from personal experience that applying to a Brotherhood position can be daunting. I have been extremely apprehensive about each position I’ve applied for. If you have any interest at all in an open position, PLEASE put in an application. Not only is it good practice, but you may surprise even yourself and what you are capable of. Plus, one of the great things about applying for positions in this club is that many people are willing to give feedback on your application and tell you how you can improve not only in regards to the position but in your application writing skills.
If you would like a hand with any applications you are writing please don’t hesitate to ask someone for a second set of eyes on it, I know from experience that your fellow members are willing to help out.
If anything holding a position looks really good on promos and recs ;)
So go out there and work it!
As always there are some great competitions running in the Brotherhood, both at a club wide level as well as a few designed specifically for you!
Who Loves to shoot Zombie’s? - Ends 2/28/19 - You are Cupid and need to shoot zombies to protect the lovers of the world!
[PLA] Your Valentine Has Arrived - Ends 2/28/19 - TuQ sent everyone a Valentines card, but it’s in pieces. Complete the puzzle in the shortest amount of time!
[PLAG] Escape Room - Ends 3/15/19 - Gather your team and see if you can find the clues and escape!
Decode the message: Green Level - Ends 2/15/19 - Solve this fun puzzle in the fastest time. Also this puzzle has a twin.
From CSP, With Love - Puzzle - Ends 2/17/19 - This fun Valentine’s day puzzle is brought to you by CSP. There is also a wordsearch, flashgame, and short fiction that Mune and Elincia made for everyone.
A:VD3: Prom Night - Ends 2/28/19 - Arcona has brought the entire Brotherhood a severe case of VD again this year! Check out the whole series of running and upcoming comps.
[Voice Workshop] Dramatic Irony - Ends 3/11/19 - Wally has brought us the second entry in the Voice Workshop, this time the challenge is to use dramatic irony.
[Brotherhood Rising] Multi-Objective Prompt I - Ends 3/13/19 - Wally has three prompts for you choose from acting as a prelude to “Brotherhood Uprising”.
[ACE] What Must Be Done - Ends 3/8/19 - A casual team Run-On, with three wonderful and open ended missions.
[FIST] Quarterly Gaming Challenge - Q1 2019 - Ends 3/31/19 - The FIST monthly comp edition. Placements in these comps will be a part of the GMRG score calculation.
Winter Puzzle Series - Ends 4/2/19 - More of Kord’s awesome puzzles.
One Epic Year Of Trivia - Ends 5/31/19 - There are only a few months left Rhylance’s trivia series, go out and test your knowledge!
As always, this is just a sample of the competitions available to you right now, you can find more here
Justicar Report #2 - The one where Bubba reviews his first year as Justicar, offers some advice and clarifications and opens up applications for Appeals Panelists, Right Hand Of Justice and Left Hand Of Justice. If helping out the Chamber Of Justice sounds like something you’d be interested in, please check out all of the details in the report. Applications will be taken until February 18th.
Combat Master #1 - The one where our new Combat Master Archenksov makes an introduction, talks about updates and answers some questions.
Voice Report #19 - Brotherhood Rising - The one where Wally clarifies some terms, offers some updates and highlights some projects.
Fist Report #27 - The one where the FIST Dracaryis looks at the new GMRG system one month in, offers an update on the GMRG invitational and defines the baseline for Hearthstone (with some help from Scudi AKA Kelly).
[Brotherhood Rising] Prelude - The one where the Brotherhood is introduced to the prelude to the newest story arc!
Next time we see each other will be finishing up our event with CNS, I can’t wait to see what you all bring to the table. For a little bit of motivation I got you a present!
As always, if anyone would like to reach out for any reason, Tahiri and I can be found on [Telegram - Log in to view join link] (if your not on Telegram yet, I’d highly recommend it. It’s free and our primary form of communication.) and by e-mail with very little delay. We pride ourselves on being open to chat and easy to get a hold of!
Until next time,
TuQ and Tahiri
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Great report, you two! Lots of tasty little competitions to be a part of. Operation: Antiquity is going to be a blast!
Do all the things peeps!! Also hope everyone has a Happy and Wonderful Valentines Day <3 <3 I love you all <3 :)
Lovely report! Go out and do stuff, peps!
ahhh, combo reports.