For a reason that was still unexplained to this day, Kz'set felt a pull to be on the bridge, or somewhere else where he could see out, when a ship was in hyperspace. Something about the mystery and beauty of it all seemed to calm the mind of the Verpine. There was a lot for hir to think about lately. Hir transition from overseer to Vassal of Karness Muur, the attack that claimed the Predominant, and the upcoming operation on Bosthrida were of the most immediate concern. S/he had to remain focused if they were going to succeed, and gazing out into hyperspace was helping Kz'set maintain that focus.
"Am I disturbing you m'lord?" It was the voice of Callus Bo'Amar that broke hir near trance.
"No." Kz'set replied. "Hyperspace lets me center my thoughtszzz. What do you require?"
Kz'set didn't really know much about Callus, but he seemed to have the confidence of the Dread Lord, which seemed to count for something. Still, he seemed competent and Kz'set valued that. The same was true for Zednich, a recent addition to Plagueis who more than proved his meddle on Ziost. The only member of his leadership he had any concern for was the Chiss given his recent loss of the Predominant. Hopefully it was as he said and it was unavoidable and not a sign of incompetence.
"A hypercomm message came in for you. Your presence is required aboard the Transcendence as soon as we exit hyperspace." Callus answered. "No specifics were given aside from it mentioning to 'come prepared'."
Kz'set nodded while still staring out the windows. "I think we both know what that means. Are our strike teams assembled?"
"Yes, they are." Callus replied. "And before you ask, I'll be keeping a close eye on the Chiss."
Kz'set chirped in approval. "Good."
This marks the first report for HOUSE Karness Muur and I must say it's quite a pleasure to be writing it. We've come a long way in the last couple months and that's good. However, this is no time to rest and relax, we must keep it up. And as it happens, we have our first chance going on right now. The Bosthirda run-on is in full swing and we got 6 Muurians (and yes, that's the proper term in case anyone was wondering) in the mix on our three teams. Let's show the DB what we can do and bring back some shinies!
For those who are looking for something else to do after (or during) the RO, there are a couple very interesting fiction comps being sponsored by members of the Clan. Bar Brawling is being run by our very own Zednich and involves, well, exactly what it sounds like it does. Meleu, my recently promoted apprentice, is running From Their Point of View. This event involves writing your character from the perspective of an NPC. So go out, write, and have fun. This is also a good chance to remind you all that we're always looking for ideas for comps for the house. So if you have a cool idea, feel free to shoot it to me and/or Callus. I have some ideas for stuff I'll get up after the RO, but it's all about what you all want.
(From date of last RM report)
Nariah - 1 Emerald
Kz'set - 1 Sapphire
Brimstone - 9 Ice
Kz'set 2 Ice
This month's musical interlude just happens to be something that's popped up on Pandora the last three times I've written a report. I guess that's god's way of telling me to put it in as an interlude. Also totally works going into a big comp. We Will Rock You!
As for the Moment of Zen, well, I'm going to stray a bit from tradition and instead give you something not in video form but rather in text. I recently placed second in a competition to provide the "answers" for a DJB themed Mad Lib. I thought I should share with you all the results.
One day, a member of Plagueis named Brimstone was piloting a salvage scow through space. He was doing a routine supply run, bound towards the planet Bonadan to restock on Corellian Sand Panthers for Plagueis. It had been a long and ugly war against the One Sith, and Brimstone was delicious. It would take a while to get to Bonadan; the Plagueian clapped his hand over his mouth as he showered loudly.
Just then, the comm inside his helmet screeched, he recognized the familiar voice of Montressor, who was flying in a loose formation along with him.
"Don’t forget, we need to get some more pandas when we get there. And if we have some extra time, I sure have been craving a panda!" said his fellow Plagueian, and this alerted Brimstone that he was also quite efficient.
Brimstone cranked the hyperdrive, eager to get this over with. Brimstone jerked awake suddenly, he warily had been probing in the head while cruising in hyperspace. If he had been paying more attention, he would have noticed his vessel was now out of hyperdrive, and being pulled in by the igloo of an enemy Hutt pleasure cruiser! The Plagueian shot at his controls, but it was no use. He held down the speaker on his comm and reached out to his traveling companions, "What is your position, I need some help here!" He could not see them anywhere out of the vorksnyr of his ship. Brimstone’s eyes filled with pungent as a new voice came in over the comm, a voice so fearsome and cheesy.
"You are mine now, Brimstone, your friends cannot help you!" the cheesy voice laughed. As Brimstone’s ship was pulled closer into the hatch of the Hutt pleasure cruiser, his Force senses crouched. He felt he knew just who’s ship this was, but… could it be? There was only one way out of this, Brimstone resolved. He must defeat him, once and for all.
The Plagueian gritted his teeth as his ship rattled, landing in the enemy ship’s docking bay. It seemed like hundreds of apples surrounded his ship, watching and pointing their potatoes at him. Brimstone tapped the canopy release hatch and slid out, whiskey raised by his head. As soon as his boots touched the floor the apples were upon him, patting him down and taking his blaster and prized taser. Suddenly, Brimstone heard a voice boom over the intercom in the bay, "Bring him to me!" The apples quickly led the Plagueian helplessly to the inner chambers of the ship. A door slid open to reveal a darkened beer. The figure that Brimstone recognized the voice from earlier belonged to, stood proud in the center of the beer, his visage shrouded in silhouette.
"Give him back his taser, and leave us… we shall festooned as men," Instructed the dark figure, voice raunchy. The apples quickly complied, and Brimstone moved into a crying stance, as he fingered the hilt of his taser. The figure stepped forward, and Brimstone was sure in the dim light now that this was the unmistakable Muz.
"I have waited a long time for you, Brimstone!" The cheesy voice bellowed, and he raised his taser high, preparing to squat. "Now I shall finally defeat you!" Muz lunged at him, swinging his taser effortlessly. Brimstone ducked out of the way just in time. But as Muz swung again, this time it was met with a the clang of a riposte. If he wanted a fight, he would get a fight! The pair continued to battle in an epic duel, each taser whooshing and tearing. Finally, at a critical moment, Brimstone’s taser struck true, sending Muz tumbling down a well-placed panda. Brimstone sat up straight, blinking his eyes awake. When he looked around, he was in his bunk back on the ship, good as ever. "Phew!" exclaimed Brimstone, wiping his nose. "It was all just a dream!" OR WAS IT
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Can't wait for the continuing adventures of the Blue one!
Lol like this will happen. Great report and imagination