The Anchorage
Karness Muur Operations Center
When Kz’set was deep in thought about something, s/he had a habit of staring blankly into the distance. It wasn’t meditation per se, but whatever information hir eyes was feeding into hir brain was entirely irrelevant. Other things were working through the synapses that were far more important. Things had hir far more preoccupied, recent events involving a short lived attempt by recent captives to escape. It was something that reminded hir of something s/he hadn’t thought about in awhile. Something s/he had tried to either bury or find ways to gain strength from.
It wasn’t that long ago that the Verpine was much like them.
S/he knew what was going through their minds then and what was going through them now.. Desperation, pain, the desire to ignore reason in any attempt to escape their fate. True, s/he’d escaped that life, the Dark Side saw to that. The Force had freed hir, just as the Sith Code said. But not all had that chance, most would be forced to endure the pain forever. To serve as others saw fit until they died, were killed, or somehow escaped. It’s a life that he was forcing others to endure despite enduring it himself. Why wasn’t the question, this was the way of the galaxy. The weak serve the strong.
The real question is why was this troubling hir?
Ah, springtime. Well, at least it is if you’re in a part of the world that has intermediate seasons. With spring comes flowers, the pollen they generate, the sneezing that causes, oh, and the Fading Light ACC Tournament. From what we’ve been told, the event will be set on the planet Begeren, so familiarizing yourself with it might be helpful. I’m not sure if there’s still time to qualify for the ACC to get involved, but I’d go ahead and do so anyway. Who knows, there might even be House and Clan ACC events in the future.
Now, I realize that since this is a single elimination tournament, there’s a good chance that we’re going to have a lot of folks that get knocked out well before it ends. Don’t fret, we’ll get you guys something to do. As always, I’m open to suggestions to fun and exciting events of all kinds. Just shoot me and/or Callus an e-mail and we’ll make it happen.
Let me close with one last point. It’s been my goal to make Karness Muur a place with a rich fiction behind it. I want this place to be alive, vibrant, and more than just a bunch of folks that play flash games. I want to do more in depth fiction involving a number of characters and explore facets to them we can’t do in regular fiction competitions. See above for an example. I can’t do it alone. So please, if there’s something you’ve been wanting to do with your character, let Callus or I know and we’ll find a way to explore it. I’m open to lots of possibilities, well, not sure I want to do the Hangover thing again.
SBM Kz’set: Dark Cross, Seal of Loyalty
OP Callus Bo’Amar: Steel Cross, Dark Cross
SW Brimstone: Dark Cross, Seal of Loyalty, Scroll of the Master
OP Callus Bo’Amar: Crescent with Amethyst Star
SBM Kz’set: Cluster of Ice
SW Brimstone Cluster of Ice
DJK Zednich Cluster of Ice
OP Callus Bo’Amar: Cluster of Fire x108, Pendant of Blood
Today I had the opportunity to attend my sister’s college graduation, it was more of an obligation, but I digress. The speaker at the ceremony was one Charles Bolden, for those that don’t know he is the current head of NASA and a decorated marine and astronaut. I grew up in the same neighborhood as he did and the high school football stadium is named after his father who was a longtime teacher, coach, and philanthropist. Now normally these speeches are long and boring but I really liked what he had to say. The gist of his message was to take your life and go with it. Whatever you want to do you have that potential, it’s not going to be easy but that if you really want it, then the hard work is worth it. While not quite brotherhood related I just wanted to share with you an inspiring word from a man who has done some pretty awesome things.
I know I’m going way out my usual genre for this one. While I’m a sucker for alternative and classic 80’s and 90’s rock , this comes from the Pandora always picks this while I’m doing DJB Stuff file. It also seems to fit with the coming ACC Battles. I’ll be fighting Till’ I Collapse. Oh, and since I got on a roll on YouTube recently, I thought I’d throw in a BONUS INTERLUDE! With the upcoming ACC Tourney, everyone is about to be Kung Fu Fighting. Oh, and it’s a particularly appropriate video, trust me.
As for the Moment of Zen, I’ve got something I’ve been sitting on for awhile. It’s totally random, I know, but it’s freaking awesome For your laughing pleasure, more awesome animal videos
~SBM Kz’set
The Insect with the Mostest!
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<3 report fiction and that sounds like a solid commencement speaker, Callus!
Animal video link broken