House Liath AED report 1


House Liath AED report 1


A new month, a new report. Let's get down to business.

Welcome new members

Since the founding of House Liath, the following members have joined the Brotherhood under our banner.

Jamar Luck Texas

Give them a warm welcome if you haven't said hi to them yet.


We've had some notable promotions in the last month(ish) since our founding.

Lucifer Romanov has been promoted from Knight to Mystic. Welcome to the Equite levels bud. You earned it.

Nyx Erinyes was promoted to Alcolyte.

Texas was promoted to recruit.

Nice to see our Journeymen and Noviciates doing so much activity.


There are a few projects in the works.

Wiki: Rekio and Ceasar Come up with a wiki article for House Liath. Undetermined timeline.

Fiction update: Kah, Blackhawk, and Caesar

Update/ fix fictional history for BT Grey Wolf. Eventual expansion to BT Viata and House Liath.

There are other things in the works that you will be updated on as we are able to. Rest assured we will attempt to be as transparent as possible with what we are doing.

Prepare for War

With the next GJW coming up soon, I encourage everyone to prepare yourselves. Expect some practice competitions at some point to prepare for the war, projected to begin the next 3 months.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? If you guys simply want to talk, feel free to contact me via telegram or email. Same goes for Kah, Ceasar, Dolash, and the rest of the summit. We will respond eventually. You guys are what keeps this House running. Always keep that in mind.

Also, I have to finish bv thanking Lucifer for coming up with this beautiful pledge/ oath of alligence for House Liath.

Pledge: Stronger than steel shall I make my will, Vast as space shall my knowledge become, By my oath shall I always enforce the balance between Darkness and Light, By this vow shall I give my all even if death be my fate, For when Light threatens to burn away Darkness, For when Darkness threatens to consume Light, I, as one of the House Laith, swear that balance shall never sway as long as I live. Bho Sgòthan tha sinn Rugadh agus bho Darkness dhèanamh till sinn. (Light from which we were born, to the dark we return.)

What do you guys think?

Great report Blackhawk!!! :)

"Bho Sgòthan tha sinn Rugadh agus bho Darkness dhèanamh till sinn."


Good stuff! That motto reads like gaelic. Is it a Star Wars language?

Every competition we do until the GJW makes us that much sharper. There are plenty running clanwide, so let's get them done!

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