Second report from the Liath QUA has arrived! We’ll be talking about some upcoming events, a series of comps that came out, what the administration is doing, and what it means to be a leader. No fiction this time, I promise I’ll start writing report fictions to put us in a direction where we can develop and grow, I just had a night crew and am running off of very little sleep and very much a lot of coffee and energy drinks.
New Ties just ended, and I want to congratulate and thank everyone that participated. We’re waiting on results, but don’t you worry about that because Frosty has assured us that he will be diligently working on getting them to us as soon as he can. Like Harvey Dent, I believe in Frosty and know the Snowman is hard at work so a little patience is very much appreciated.
Competitions are also underway, with Ranarr being hard at work churning out six for you all to do. Because there are six of them, and I’ll have posted links to them in the Telegram chat, I’ll just leave you all with a link to Competitions and inform you that the name of his competition’s start with Ranarr’s Rumble.
Link: (Markdown is hard guys, for real.)
Last but definitely not least on this list is the Great Jedi War. It’s coming up folks, slated to hit us around June (which is also when my wedding is, none of you are invited so please don’t show up...Krom.)
Since we opened, the House Summit has been hard at work. Dolash has been working on Viata and how they fit within Liath as well as creating a wiki page for our home base on Salam. He’s also been perusing other wiki pages for the Summit and fixing them when needed. In essence, Dolash is my Wiki guy. If anyone in the House would like to help him, don’t hesitate to poke him on Telegram and talk with him about it.
Rekio has been reorganizing and restructuring the Grey Wolves, coming up with ideas to make them truly awesome and make NFU’s have something they can be proud of. For any that are curious, Rekio took control of the Grey Wolves to help whomever was to be the BTL next have a structured unit that they could run with. He’s doing an awesome job, and he still owes me a beer.
I have spoken to Altheia Archenskov, leader of Satele Shan, about setting up a House feud with them after the GJW. Should definitely be a good time, so keep an eye on that as details develop. I’ll also be sweeping through our roster and making sure everyone is getting the medals they deserve. If you think you deserve one, please don’t hesitate to send me an email or Telegram message tooting your own horn.
Each month, I figured I’d have a little thingy either being inspirational or explanatory on something. This month it is what it’s like to be a leader. First, if you want to be a leader, vocalize it to someone who can make it happen. The Clan Summit has agreed that no longer will we be picking members without an interview process, so if you are like me and think your applications are horrid but you really want the position, we’ve created a process that should help with that.
Second, being a leader isn’t about holding a position. Leaders are members that others talk to and feel comfortable around. Leaders take time out of their day to share a funny image or humorous story or a link to a website that talks about a lady being swarmed with scorpions (Looking at you, Oberst.) They compete in competitions and gently push others to activity as well. But that’s not all a leader has to do. I wish it was, cause those are the easy parts of the job that I love so much.
A leader has to be ambitious, pushing oneself to do more than the average member and give them a standard to aspire to. A leader has to be able to be self-reliant and dependable, once given a deadline or a request, they should be able to get it done within or near the time given. They should communicate with others and inform their partners in the Summit of what they are doing and what they have done.
Lastly, a leader is someone who can recognize when they are taking up space on the roster or when they are an important part of it. When I was younger, I admittedly was what I call a toxic leader. A toxic leader, in my opinion, is someone who takes a position and then does nothing with it. They make excuses, they say they’ll do things and then don’t, or they will start projects and then other members have to finish it for them because the toxic leader disappeared halfway through. When it gets to that point, a true leader will look at oneself and realize that even though they may not wish to step down, it might be the best thing for them and the unit they are in if they did. People get burnt out, people lose interest, and I would much rather people were honest with themselves and the Summit when it comes to that than lie to themselves because getting burnt out is dangerous stuff. When it got to that point with me, I needed a break. I stepped down, and it pained me to do so, but I would rather see a member step down because they recognized they needed to than be forcefully removed and have hard feelings about it because they thought it was a temporary issue. We all need breaks, we all need time to reload and do other stuff, there is no shame in asking for that.
These next few months will be exciting for Tarentum. Keep an eye out for big changes and opportunities to grow and have fun. We're working in Liath to develop a unique system where the Grey Wolves are our muscle, and the Viata are shamans and medicine wo/men that will occasionally need to see some aggressive negotiations.
You stay classy Tarentum. I love you. Like a friend, like a friend that you go to the mall with and see an attractive lady walk by and you get all nervous because you're with your friend, and you guys are just friends but it's awkward cause there is this mutual attraction to each other but no one ever says anything cause we're just friends, but I know you'vve thought about it, and I've definitely thought about it, but no one really says anything. That kinda love.
See ya all later!
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