“War, what is it good for?” -Tolstoy (ok, is this meme being overused yet?)
Obviously the 13th Great Jedi War: Discord is upon us. As we head home to Orian to attempt some havoc upon our great home, the Dark Council calls on us for Clan-work. And despite our desire to avenge, we take heed and go to the Lyra-3K-a system.
So what’re you gonna do about it, Marka Ragnos? How will you fight for your clan, Sadowans? I know I’ve seen our great clan leap into action, and I cannot wait to see the wrath of Naga Sadow own this war and reap the rewards! Oh, and we have some great propaganda, courtesy of the Muz.

And I can already see the goodies flying in, as you’ll see below. #SADOWNED!! And btw, here are a few key links thus far:

Glory and Honor
Ok let’s recognize our HMR members for all their efforts and shinies. This goes back to my last report on June 23, and may include some war work. But I am so pleased to see all the work here. Good stuff, folks!
Shout out to Hilgrif, Hades, Koji, and Ciara for about 800 Clusters between just the 4 of them!
- Trainee Mu’L’Guh: 8x Clusters of Fire, 1x Competition
- Trainee Marbus: 1x Ruby Crescent, 1x Competition, 5x Shadow Academy Courses, 1x News Comment
- Knight Hilgrif: 1x Emerald Crescent, 1x Pendant of Blood, 119 Clusters of Fire, 279x Clusters of Earth, 2x Clusters of Graphite, 7x Competitions
- Knight Marcinius Turelles: 1x Competition
- Mystic Xolarin: 1x Amethyst Crescent, 2x Sapphire Crescent, 1x Emerald Crescent, 1x Cluster of Ice, 5x Clusters of Graphite, 3x Competitions, 1x Parent Comp, 2x News Comments
- Battlemaster Armad: 2x Competitions Welcome Back!
- Battlelord Hades: 1x Emerald Crescent, 3x Clusters of Fire, 3x Clusters of Earth, 204x Clusters of Earth, 1x Competition
- Battlelord Pel Tarentae: 1x Emerald Crescent, 1x Ice Cluster, 1x Competition
- Augur Teu Buhkari Sadow: 1x Competition Welcome Back!
- Warlord Kojiro Keibatsu: 56x Clusters of Fire, 9x Competitions
- Augur Maji Keibatsu Sadow: 2x Competitions
- Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae: 1x Ruby Crescent, 3x Amethyst Crescent, 2x Sapphire Crescent, 5x Clusters of Fire, 3x Clusters of Ice, 134x Clusters of Earth, 2x Clusters of Earth, 8x Competitions, 1x Parent Comp, 2x News Comments
- Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu: 6x Competitions, 1x News Comment

Short and Sweet this time. Just GO… TO… WAR… Do all the things. <Other sayings to make you do stuff go here>
- Mad Propz

Nice report Sir!
Long Live HMR