House Marka Ragnos Quaestor Report - The GJW is Over. What now?


House Marka Ragnos Quaestor Report - The GJW is Over. What now?

Hey everyone!

This report will cover GJW results, the GJW Survey, plug Quentin's RP, talk about recent Awards, and other stuff.

News - Great Jedi War Results

First up, CNS placed 5th in the GJW. That's a top 5! Out of 7…

It could've been worse; it could've been better. I wouldn't feel too disheartened. We had a lot of members who were busy with non-DJB things and it was just the perfect storm of that and burn out that caused us to not put on as big a showing as we did last time. On the plus side, it shouldn't be too hard to do better next time!

Clan GJW rewards include:

  • 80 million credits for the clan summit to use on new possessions such as starships and ground forces. I think HMR's share is about 20 million.
  • Either a custom frigate-sized starship or 4x advanced fighter squadrons for the clan's fleet. We are currently working on this.
  • Ascendant Sensor Suite (This goes on a capital ship in the clan fleet and lets us detect other special technologies)
  • Everyone gets a Seal of Transcendence for each competition they completed
  • We also had a number of merit awards go out, which I will list soon.

That said, our GM recently put out a survey for the GJW. If you have opinions about the GJW or GJWs in general, and want to comment what you liked or didn't like, please complete the survey!

GJW Survey

Other News

  • We got a new GM and DGM
  • We got a new Justicar
  • Pazaak is back as a supported platform!


There were a number of merit medals awarded after the GJW. If you're on Discord, you probably saw them as they went out, but below is a summary. I want to say, HMR as a whole seems pretty active. Even if we didn't do every competition in the GJW, we had some of the highest participation percentages in phase I and II, meaning even if we didn't do everything or place a lot, most of us participated in at least one competition.

If you didn't get an award, you probably got an email from me detailing the Medal XP system and what you should expect in the future. This is public information, available to both you and me, so that is why I shared it.

If you didn't get either, it's because you recently transferred in.

First up we have a new member, and he's torn through a lot of early stuff. Everyone welcome Ravir!.

  • Ravir was awarded his first Dark Cross and Anteian Cross, and promoted up to Journeyman 2!
  • Macron was awarded 1 Steel Cross
  • Koji was awarded 1 Steel Cross
  • Arcadia was awarded 1 Steel Cross
  • Ashia was awarded 1 Steel Cross
  • Sato was awarded 1 Grand Cross
  • Pel was awarded 1 Sapphire Blade
  • Sang was awarded 1 Sapphire Blade
  • Locke was awarded 1 Sapphire Blade

That is honestly a lot of rewards, even after a GJW. It's great to see. Congratulations all!

Transfers and Stuff

I wanted to make this an actual section due to the amount of movement.

  • Ravir joins us as a new member
  • Tasha transferred in
  • Teu transferred in
  • Hades transferred in

Welcome to you all. Make yourselves at home. Please don't burn anything down.

Ongoing Stuff

In addition to a number of competitions currently running, our HSD Quaestor Quentin is running a casual RP on discord. I think it ends in a few days, but if you want to join, tag him on discord!

For those of you already in it, are you enjoying that? Should I try to run something like that? I could see myself doing something that could develop the House storyline(s) (that I haven't really worked on). Maybe when Quentin is done, I will run one for the Clan, or maybe I'll just start one for the House!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

That's all I have for today. I could talk about upcoming plans, but I don't want to promise anything I won't deliver on. I'd rather surprise you.

That said, we will be looking at what to spend our GJW credits on. I like to try to buy stuff the House can use as a whole. Last time, we bought a repair station, so we could repair and maintain our own ships without sending them to the Dark Council. We also added a XQ1 station and a few good fighter squadrons at it, intending to open an elite fighter pilot school like in Top Gun.

I haven't put much work into either of these yet, but once they're fleshed out I hope they'll make good locations for fictional activities, since they're both space stations with things going on at them, rather than just being another capital ship floating around the void.

Some other stuff I want to do:

  • Run an RP
  • Flesh out existing HMR locations
  • Create a wiki page listing all of our Possessions so they're in one place.
  • Run fun events

That's it for this report. I'm looking forward to months of casual activity and building things up in the wake of the GJW.

Until next time,

Epis Locke Sonjie
Quaestor | Marka Ragnos

Top Gun pilot school is a must, let's totally develop that further and add more fighter squadrons.


Also, good job everyone with your rewards!

Let's go HMR!

Great Report Sir!

Totally gonna use matches. :p

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