Welcome to another rendition of the House Marka Ragnos Report. You might have noticed that we didn’t have one in January. That is because I’m a lazy Sang and had taken the whole month of January off. Sadly, they wouldn’t let me go on holiday, so I was stuck at work pretending to be on holiday.
We’ve had some massive changes both here in Naga Sadow and in the Brotherhood. They’re contained with the report below.
I’d also like to say that I’ve been in Naga Sadow now for almost a year. My one year anniversary comes up on 22nd February, so if you see me on that day, wish me happy anniversary!
Now, on to business.
Valhavoc has retired from FIST. He served for two years and Sarin and Mav are looking for his replacement. You’ve got until the 15th February to apply. If you like gaming and want to increase the number of supported games in the Brotherhood, then go apply for it and gain my eternal gratitude. SUPPORT TOTAL WAR GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!OMGWTF!1111
Ood has stepped down as Praetor to the Headmaster after millennia of service. It’s not been announced yet via report, but Farrin is replacing Ood as Praetor and Mirus will be taking on the role of M:HM. With Farrin being the Consul of Tarentum, will we see a new Consul taking over the Clan of Death? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
If you’ve not been keeping up with the ACC Invitational Tournament since Sai and I went out, it’s gotten down to the final two. Timeros of Arcona vs Turel of Odan Urr. Check out their match and enjoy the fantastic writing skills of the two of them.
Also, I just want to give a shout out to Qyreia, Atra and Locke for placing in the top 3 of the December Celebration competition. Way to represent CNS!
For more in depth analysis, check out the reports.
So, you might have noticed that there’s been a major change in CNS in terms of House Shar Dakhan. That’s right, our sister House has a new summit in the form of former Ragnosian, Darkblade, who has decided to return to us because he missed us too much and take the reins as Quaestor. My man, Benny, has taken the spot of Aedile, with Qyreia moving up to take over Devil’s Shroud. Finally, Scarlet has resigned as BTL of Sapphire Squadron and Mactire was chosen to take over.
I’d like to say thanks to Atra, Inarya and Scarlet for their service to Naga Sadow. It was a pleasure working with you, Mr Hairy Canadian. <3
Darkblade and I have also decided on a little experiment. HSD is no longer using Battleteam Sergeants, while HMR will continue to make use of them.
Finally, Locke and Cethgus are working on a March event. We had a bit of feedback after a dismal showing in Operation Cobalt. We decided that fun, easy competitions are what you guys want. I’ve been lobbying for horrible, hard, evil 2000 word minimum fictions to keep Shikyo happy and to make sure he doesn’t do horrible things to me. He has a vivid imagination.
Below you can find the latest CNS reports.
You may have noticed that we have a second Battleteam in HMR again. I shut down the Night Raptors due to a lack of BTL candidates, however Muz came to Locke and myself and proposed reopening an extremely old Battleteam and let Muz run it. This is to highlight the importance of the BTL role in the Brotherhood. A good House can’t operate without great BTLs to provide activities for their members. It’s also one of the most thankless jobs, closely ranked second after Grand Master, so Muz has a good idea of what he’s taking on.
It’s great to see so many people wanting to get involved in both teams and I’m pleased to highlight Aexod, who has held my hand through countless SWTOR flashpoints and then promptly kicked my butt in duels. Sneaky Loyalist!!!
I’d also like to welcome back all of our veterans who have returned to us, along with newcomers from the Shadow Academy and other Clans. I’d like to name drop Ophelia in this regard, who has come to us from Plagueis and has settled in well. When they approached me, I told them just how crazy you guys were and how much of a family CNS is. I hope they feel part of it already like I do. You guys are just too damned nice!!!
We’re also working on our...I say working, but we’ve got a list of work to do and I’m sat here looking at it and going, who can I get to do it so I don’t have to. So yeah, we’re looking at updating the House Marka Ragnos wiki page and I’ve got a long list of things that need to be fixed, thanks to Ophelia for putting it together for me (My awesome delegation skills at work).
I will be pestering my summit to do work, but if you want to do some stuff for me that looks good on your activity list for that reward or promo you’re working towards then hit me or Tasha up.
I’ve also been argui-discussing a storyline with Locke. I’m really wanting to steal one of his fictional inventions that are just too good to pass up. The Night Walkers (We really have an obsession with the night in Naga Sadow, the Night Hawks, the Night Raptors, the Night Falcons, the Night Walkers...How about the Twilight Eagles?) are a shadowy force cult who think we suck. I’m sure that those of you who are veterans have seen and done it all, but dammit, I’m loving the ties to the Mithraic cult in their design. Look out for these sneaky buggers in some House fiction that I WILL be releasing in February.
Finally, Tasha has been pushing me to be nicer to you all and thus I’ve done a buttload of ACC matches. Got three Death Posts to write up after this report. I’m against Tasha, Mactire and Ophelia. I want you, the readers, to decide their fates. Do I, Sang the Jedi, kill them off horribly or let them live? YOU DECIDE!
As usual, here are links to some of the competitions running and coming up. Special mention to The Picture in the Sounds, as that ends tomorrow and is being run by Atra. Go listen to some music and send him a picture.
For more competitions, check them out here
Essentials 5: Organisations, Essentials 4: Ranks, Essentials 3: Paths & Orders
Transferred into House Marka Ragnos from House Shar Dakhan
1 x Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 x Steel Cross
16 x Clusters of Earth, 5 x Clusters of Ice, Dark Maven: Lore, Races & Species, Mandalorian Studies, Galactic Languages, Alchemy Studies, Sith Core, Sith Legends, Dark Maven: Combat, Advanced Lightsaber Studies, Leadership Reports
5 x Clusters of Earth, 1 x Cluster of Ice, 91 x Clusters of Fire, 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star, 2 x Crescent with Amethyst Star, 5 x Pendants of Blood, ACC Combat Studies
Transferred into House Marka Ragnos from Odan Urr
1 x Cluster of Ice, 19 x Clusters of Earth
4 x Clusters of Ice, 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star,Transferred into House Marka Ragnos from Plagueis, Dark Brotherhood Basics, Dark Savant: Writing and Philosophy, Dark Maven: Writing, Poetry Studies, Writing Studies, Loyalist Core, Mercenary Order Core, Run On Studies
239 x Clusters of Earth, 112 x Clusters of Fire, 2 x Crescent with Diamond Star, 1 x Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 x Crescent with Amethyst Star, 2 x Pendant of Blood, 1 x Anteian Cross
15 x Clusters of Earth, Astronomy Studies, ACC Combat Studies
52 x Clusters of Fire, 5 x Clusters of Ice, 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star. 1 x Crescent with Amethyst Star, 2 x Crescents with Emerald Stars
1 x Crescent with Emerald Star, 1 x Anteian Cross, 2 x Pendants of Blood
5 x Clusters of Ice, 2 x Crescent with Sapphire Star, Dark Savant: Tactics, ACC Qualification, Combat Tactics II, ACC Combat Studies
Transferred to House Marka Ragnos, Promoted to Proselyte
Transferred into House Marka Ragnos, Promoted to Novice
1 x Cluster of Ice, 54 x Clusters of Fire, 5 x Clusters of Earth, 1 x Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star
9 x Scrolls of Foundation, 2 x Cluster of Ice, 24 x Cluster of Earth, 1 x Cluster of Fire, 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star
Tasha = Italics
Sang = Bold
Originally back when I was a young warthog, I wanted to be a Quaestor because I really wanted to get promoted and get a Clan title. This time around? It’s because I’m a glutton for punishment. My bro called, told me he got Proconsul. I was drunk at the time in Bradford and I was like, I’m coming to CNS! Put the transfer in and applied for HSD Quaestor because I was like...I’m going to make CNS awesome again and because I was a drunk idiot. I didn’t get the spot but I was asked to take over HMR and so, long story short. I’m Quaestor because I was drunk when a bro called me...
Speak to Kvothe, he knows many names
Ja, Hauptmann Ventus. We shall destroy those liberals! (I think I’ve enjoyed playing Secret Hitler too much).
That would be up to Sang.
If you did, don’t tell me about it or involve me in any way. I want plausible deniability, Opie.
Marcus covered this excellently in his last RM report when I asked him as a troll question. Locke even wanted to cover it in his next report and sulked when I got Marcus to answer. So, I’m going to go steal Marcus’ answer.
Naga Sadow has always acted as a second family to me which is something that I, and the rest of the Summit, try to extend to all our members. It’s this feeling of belonging that I believe contributes in large parts to that familial feeling we have going here. Part of that same family are the NFU members. They’re the ones who see what we take for granted: The extraordinary feats of strength, of mental abilities, and accept that they cannot perform these things. Does that stop them? Of course not. They push on. Of our armed forces, they are the best that’s on offer and they pledge their services to the Clan and the Dark Council, just like we all did. They provide a unique view and skillset to the galaxy we populate.
That being said, we’ve got four..wait, three NFUs in HMR and I’ll be damned if they think they’re a second class member. Our NFUs are respected, valued and are seen by this summit as commodities that should not be wasted.
I agree with what Marcus and Sang said. NFUs are equals alongside FU and also part of our clan family. I don’t think there is anyone in our summit who think of our NFUs as second class citizens.
I still want to chop off one of those annoying face tentacles.
Wow, maybe Tasha isn’t ready to be a Jedi just yet...
Sang has a dark heart? He’s a Jedi angel.
That would have to be discussed in detail a bit more.
Do you have my money? That aside, depends on when we have a free month and Locke allows us. I’m always happy to do a joint event as it gives me a chance to do the Happy Sang dance.
Better not be me again.
Probably not, that was a once in a lifetime event caused by a dilemma that was swiftly overwritten with a damned update!!!
We’ve got competitions coming out, I’m encouraging members to be involved in writing fictions for me to use as HMR canon in fictional development and we’ve got a clan event in March by Cethgus and Locke.
Hopefully BBQ
I hope it’s hamburgers and hot dogs
I will open one up while Sang is away on some business.
When you have the money to pay for your booze, you drunken layabout!!! That being said, I’m sure I can persuade the local authorities to legalise 24 hour drinking on Tarthos.
What do you think, Blue?
Yep, i’m in trouble.
That depends...
I’m doing ACC...
I’m doing work...
Heya all, Tasha'Vel here and I have to say there has been quite a whirlwind of activity that's been happening and I'm loving it. We have had several new and a couple old members come back that have just been amazing. Some highlights are Raist killing it in the Shadow Academy, Teu and Aexod gaming, and Shikyo jumping into telegram. I am impressed and very happy with all of you keep it up guys.
Also in the news that I would like to make a special mention is Ophelia Delacroix d’Tana. She is the newest member who has decided to join our happy home here in Marka Ragnos. In no time at all, she has already been fighting away in the ACC and fitting into our awesome clan just nicely. I have really enjoyed being able to get to know a bit about the character and work with her on some possible future ideas. That being said, welcome to Marka Ragnos!
Now for a bit of some sad, but good news. As you all know Night Raptors is no more, unfortunately we just couldn't get enough activity going so we have moved everyone that was in Night Raptors to Shadows Bane. Aexod is the current Battleteam Leader with DarkHawk at his side as Battleteam Sargeant. If you have any questions BT related please email or message them, they would be happy to answer any questions.
Now for the good news. Night Raptors may be no more, but in its place the Night Hawks have awakened. Muz Ashen, a former GM and elder has stepped up to become the new BTL of this team. So far several elders as well as some journeymen have joined and are eager to get this Battleteam ready for battle. I know that with these two Battleteams, there is sure to be a lot of action and tons of fun ahead. Good Luck to the both.
And lastly, Operation Cobalt has finished. There wasn't as much of a turnout as we had planned, but all in all was still awesome to see everyone that was able participate. As of right now there are several comps going on for February, I suggest you check them out. Other than that, we are still working on some future plans as to where to take Marka Ragnos fictionally. So for now, enjoy the comps and we will keep you posted as to what may happen in the future.
And that's about all I have at the moment, so if you have anymore questions or comments please feel free to message me or Sang in Telegram or email us.
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I'm kinda sad you didn't use the picture for my query, Sang. xD A lovely read!
Nice reporting.
Excellent report as always! Enjoyed the question-answering-duo, do a dynamic entry next month!
As for the ACC... Murder them all! Succumb to your dark heart!
That was a lot of fun. :)