Versea Estate Ryloth
A bird left the tree to her right as she walked along the beaten path. Crisp air entered her lungs with each step as she neared her destination. As she rounded the next bend towards the garden, rain drops began to patter gently against her flesh. The day had been a strange one weather wise: beautiful sunshine punctuated by brief downpours, and at one time thunder had rumbled from somewhere close by, but nothing came of it.
Tasha looked up towards the sky and took in the rolling black clouds, feeling the air pressure adjust itself. She sighed, hoping it would hold off just a little longer for her pilgrimage to the gardens. The journey she made now was one the Twi’lek had been putting off for fear of what she might find when she arrived. More accurately, she knew what she would find, but she hated the idea of finding something in herself she didn’t want to see: weakness.
Ophelia has written a beautiful piece of fiction about how her new character is in the Aedile position and a bit of Tasha. You can find the rest of the fiction below.
Heya all, it has been quite a crazy week. I have been sick for three weeks, but I seem to finally be on the mend. We have a little bit of news here so let’s get to it!
Pravus gives the headmaster a grand farewell.
The headmaster gives one last report.
The DGM shows us some goodies for May the 4th.
The Seneshal gives us some coding work he’s done.
The Fist shows us some changes for Destiny and holds a tournament!
The Voice shows us his list of people.
The Herald shows off some new stuff for Equites.
And for the last, House Hoth has a new Quaestor.
Most of this month has been fairly quiet. Both Houses have been running a few comps and have been preparing for this upcoming feud with CSP. Here are a few of the current reports we have so far.
We have finished up the Rest and Relaxation series competition recently. I wanted to thank all who participated in this event and overall we had some fantastic submissions. In the end, after all of the calculations were finished our top three placers were Muz Ashen in first, Aexod in second, and Jades in third. Congratulations you all.
As of right now, were are gearing up for the upcoming feud between CSP and Naga Sadow. So I hope you all will be ready for when that comes up.
Also we have slowly been working on some updating for our wiki page, I still need some information so anyone who knows more of Marka Ragnos history, please let me know.
There are also some ideas we are still discussing about possible fiction for Marka Ragnos and possibly highlighting some of our members, but I am hoping to possibly have something soon. Thank you all for your patience.
Lastly, if you have any ideas, questions, comments or needs please feel free to send me an email or telegram message. I would love to hear some feedback from you all.
That all said now onto some competitions for you all to enjoy.
Here are links to some of the competitions running and coming up.
Clan Plaguies and Naga Sadow Double Cluster Day (An upcoming competition to earn double clusters! By Cethgus)
Heart of Coruscant (Night Hawks Exclusive RO comp by Muz Ashen)
Aftermath (Series of ROs by Sanguinius. There are 4 RO teams currently in the discussion section. If you haven’t joined a team, speak to Sang)
For more competitions, check them out here
10 x Clusters of Ice, 6 x Clusters of Fire, 96 x Clusters of Earth, 4 x Pendants of Blood, 1 x Anteian Cross Awarded, 1 x Crescent with Amethyst Star, 3 x Crescents with Sapphire Star, 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star
4 x Clusters of Ice, 1 Anteian Cross
8 x Clusters of Ice
5 X Clusters of Earth
9 x Clusters of Ice, Promoted from Privateer to Raider, Changed from Mercenary Order to Sith
14 x Clusters of Ice, 1 Crescent with Topaz Star, 1 x Dark Cross
Transferred from Rogues to Naga Sadow, Transferred from Naga Sadow to House Marka Ragnos
1 x Cluster of Ice, 310 x Clusters of Fire, 257 x Clusters of Earth, 2 x Legions of the Scholar Awarded, 2 x Crescents with Ruby Star, 2 x Crescents with Sapphire Star, 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star, Resigned from Battleteam Leader of Shadows Bane
4 x Clusters of Ice, 139 x Clusters of Fire,84 x Clusters of Earth, 1 x Steel Cross Awarded, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
2 X Clusters of Ice, 15 X Clusters of Fire, 20 x Clusters of Earth, 1 x Dark Cross Awarded, 1 x Seal of Loyalty Awarded, Promoted from Warrior to Battlemaster
101 x Clusters of Earth, 2 x Pendants of Blood
1 x Legion of the Scholar Awarded
8 x Clusters of Ice, 50 x Clusters of Fire, 1 Pendant of Blood, 1 x Anteian Cross Awarded, 3 x Legions of the Scholar Awarded, 3 x Crescent with Sapphire Star, 6 x Crescent with Emerald Star, 2 x Crescent with Topaz Star, 1 x Crescent with Amethyst Star,, Promoted from Hunter to Knight, Transferred from Devil’s Shroud to Shadows Bane, Appointed to Battleteam Leader of Shadows Bane,
Promoted from Initiate to Apprentice, Transferred from Rogues to Naga Sadow, Promoted from Apprentice to Novice, Promoted from Novice to Proselyte, Transferred from Naga Sadow to Marka Ragnos, Completed 13 SA Courses
Myst asks: Why?
Ophelia: Because it is.
Attifer Ann asks: What would you say is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned or what you think other people should learn in leadership?
Tasha: My answer would be communication. As a leader it's important to speak to your members, the Summit, and Dark Council. The more you communicate, the better you can get ideas, change things for the better, and work as a team to make your club, clan, and house the best awesome place to be in. Without communication, you lose one of your biggest strengths. It also doesn't hurt to ask people when you need help. By asking and talking, you show your members and club that you care about opinions and want to do your best to help them.
Ophelia: That as a leader of you truly wish for your team and members to do something you have to do it too. Can't cut corners, can't wait out and throw email's at them asking them to take part when you are unwilling to get involved yourself. It takes a great amount of patience to run a house and you need to be at your members level in all situations never above them.
Aul asks: Why not?
Ophelia: Why not what how?
Slagar asks: What’s it like to have to ride herd on a grandmaster and three different elders in Marka Ragnos? Do you have to clean up after their elder messes often?
Tasha: Muz has the elders house trained. If they make big messes, I have Ophie clean up after them.
Ophelia: Muz likes to kill things. Ophelia is a one Sith so I tend to hide a lot from his stabbiness. On top of that our elders do an awesome job of being involved.
Marick Arconae asks: Which would Tasha rather fight, one giant rancor or 20 tiny rancors?
Tasha: Um, I would probably fight off one giant rancor. Tiny ones and 20 of them could be very deadly.
Ophelia: I'm gonna jump in here and say Tasha doesn't have a choice in this matter, she has to face them all!
Sang asks: Why do you never play Pokemon with me anymore?
Tasha: Because I just found my game today, it has been missing for awhile.
Ophelia: Because you're obsessed with Swampert and that's weird.
Sang asks: Who/What in the DB has had the greatest influence on you in how you interact with members and continue to push forward?
Tasha: I would say that Bentre and several other members in this clan have all been very supportive and have helped me get to where I am now. Without their help, I would have probably gone nuts.
Ophelia: Oddly Muz. I've been here a while now and observed his term as GM. Used to chat on G+ and observe the drinking contests. He instilled the idea of leadership in me I have today. That and the hilarity of Stu getting hammered on shots.
Sang asks: Why does Atra not take me out on dates more often?
Tasha: Because you are a grumpy cat.
Ophelia: She lost your lead.
Atra asks: Should I let Sang know Atra isn’t dead?
Tasha: No, keep him in the dark for a while longer. winks
Ophelia: Sneak into his room, lay upon him till he wakes up then hold your finger to his lips. Hushing him before stabbing him in the heart.
Sang asks: Why do you steal my gifs on telegram?
Tasha: Because they are so awesome! And isn’t mimicry the best form of flattery?
Ophelia: Tasha is too lazy to get her own.
Macron asks: What is the fictional direction for our House in the Future? How do we, as a House, incorporate the non-Dark Jedi among us?
Tasha: First of all, Muz, Ophie and I have been currently discussing options as to where we may possibly go. Right now, I am leaning towards rebuilding Kar Alabrek and starting up the Reborn Empire. As of right now, we will be discussing further as well as working with you and all of the other members on some specifics. My goal is to have a solid plan on where we will be going in the future. Well, that is an interesting question as I am a gray jedi at this current time. I will need to think and discuss a bit more on this subject as I do not have a direct answer yet. I hope to have one for you soon.
Ophelia: What Tasha said. Hoping to get a few House fiction drafted soon once we have some downtimes. Given the events that have been ongoing and the Feud coming up our fictional stuff has taken a slight back burner. Once the dust is settled we will have things sorted. As for the Lighter members? Cleanse them or turn them. For the glory of the One Sith. Erm...Naga Sadow.
Maelous asks: What happened to my stash of booze that Tasha stole for me?
Tasha: Unfortunately, Sang confiscated all of the booze and took it away. If he didn’t trash it, the stash is probably in the Proconsul’s office.
Ophelia: Hic She lie. Tasha threw an awesome party with it! hic.
Tasha asks: Ophelia, why are you drinking that bottle?
Ophelia: You gave it to me in exchange for your new One Sith tattoos.
Sang asks: Why am I the best Summiteer?
Tasha: Narrows eyes I have to think about that.
Ophelia: Cause your a cat.
Marcus asks: Why am I always better than Sang?
Tasha: Because you are just so FABULOUS!
Ophelia: Magic 8 Ball says “Ask another question.”
Sang asks: Why is Marcus so delusional?
Tasha: Have you seen the food he’s been consuming?
Ophelia: He's eating the wrong kind of mushrooms.
Marcus asks: Why is Sang always worse than me?
Tasha: Depends on the time of day?
Ophelia: He's a Jedi, hissss.
Sang asks: Should I quit PCON and take over HSD?
Tasha: Yes!, Storm HSD and take over!
Ophelia: Go for it!
Marcus asks: Why does Sang think I am delusional?
Tasha: I think it’s because of your high hopes of crushing him?
Ophelia: Because you keep trying to take over things and fail.
Sang asks: Should I kickban Marcus for lols?
Tasha: I admit that might be a little entertaining.
Ophelia: Lols are reason enough.
Marcus asks: If I am telling new members about HMR, what do I tell them? How would you both as leaders, introduce HMR?
Tasha: I would usually email them a greeting along the lines of: Welcome to Marka Ragnos, we are a fun house that has a lot of opportunities for you to grow and get to know others as well as participate in many activities.
Ophelia: Welcome to HMR, we said booze supplies and have parties. Also you're led by a One Sith and crazy Twi’lek. Good luck have fun! Oh and if any questions let us know cause HMR is awesome and built in a foundation of history unparalleled in the rest of the Clan.
Sang asks: Is it me or is Marcus jealous of me?
Tasha: Possibly.
Ophelia: It's your epic nose. He's jealous of it
My Aedile and I had a lot more questions that we did answer, but due to how long the question section was getting, We are going to save some of these for the next reports. Thank you all!
I have to say I am very pleased with seeing a lot of the current activity and I hope that it continues! If you need anything just send me an email or message me on telegram. My email is [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
I so enjoy bring back with Ophelia. As I wrote and watched Tarryyhn burn I got to shed a tear of happiness that no one gets to turn him into a rug. Ideas on paper sound amazing until one tries them out. Stick to what you enjoy rather than going with quirks.
Been a busy Aedile with the arrival of baby Luka Vedder cough Luke Vader cough and it's decreased my time in the club due to his crazy sleeping patterns. But given time I'll be back to the same old activity as always.
I'd also like to welcome and congratulate our newest and arguably most hootiest Owl to Marka Ragnos, Aul! He's taking up the spot of BTL of Shadow's Bane and I know he’ll get it going. Good Luck Owly!
Till next time,
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Surefire way to get my attention.
Splendid report :)
Awesome report!!
Poor Rancors
Nice reporting!