House Qel-Droma Summit Report: Funerals Make Me Cry...


House Qel-Droma Summit Report: Funerals Make Me Cry...



A Message from the Quaestor

Hey everyone, welcome to our July report! I want to start by thanking Lucine and Zuji for running the Port Ol’val competitions, and giving us a successful House event! Lucine has done great work with the fictions, the next of which you can find below. I want to remind everyone to make sure to participate in something throughout the next month, in the nearish future we may see the beginning of the next SINS competitions!!! The final round of Ol’val in shambles will run after the next chapter of SINS is complete. We can have a successful House if we all work together to make it better.

I want to open free discussion with everyone to lend your opinions of how the House is being handled, both fictionally and IRL. I respect and appreciate any and all feedback we receive, and I promise to use your feedback to strengthen our House.

I can’t wait to see what August brings us, save for my 3 year anniversary of joining the DJB. Keep up the great work everyone!!!

A Message from the Aedile

Hello, darlings! I want to start out with a big thank you to everyone who participated in the second round of the Port Ol’val comps. I also want to give a big thank you to Tali, who participated in every one of the competitions. Well done, Lek-head!

While I am pleased by the number of competition entries, I confess that I would love to see more people participate. I get it: when real life gets busy, activities for a for-fun volunteer fan club can fall by the wayside. People will pick and choose the activities that bring them the most enjoyment, and I want to facilitate that. If there is an event or a competition you want to see, do not hesitate to reach out to the House Summit and let us know. We do not bite! Or… well… most of the time, we do not bite.

Similarly, if there is something you want to see done differently or better, let us know. Even though I play a character who reads minds on a regular basis, alas, I do not have that same ability. If you are unhappy with the things we are doing, feel free to drop us a PM. Let us know what you think, and what you would like to see! Let’s be frank here, we cannot do this without you, and it is my personal goal to make sure that everyone is having an enjoyable time in this club!

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. Ask the Deadly Duo
  8. Featured Fiction
  9. Featured Art
  10. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

A Shadowport in Shambles, Part 3

The Obsidian Market
Port Ol’val

As the weeks passed, Port Ol’val underwent a gradual but striking transformation. The life support, security and lighting systems were repaired, restoring access to previously unreachable areas of the port. The charred remains of fallen down buildings were cleared away, and in their place new structures began to rise. Despite the occasional raids, shipments of food and necessary supplies began to arrive with more regularity. Gradually, Ol’val was coming back to life.

Nowhere was this more obvious than the Obsidian Market. It had sprung up in the ruins of the Besadii Entertainment District, and had grown steadily as the rubble and debris was cleared away. The stalls sold a wide variety of items, from arms and ammo to foodstuffs to exotic goods, most of which had arrived to the port in the holds of smuggler ships.

Leeadra Halcyon took in the sights and smells as she weaved through the market, on her way to her meeting with the Aedile. The rebirth of the shadowport was due in large part to the efforts of the members of House Qel Droma and Voidbreaker. Many had answered the call for assistance. They had helped in a variety of ways to help clean up Ol’val and remove most of the insurgent gang members. Thanks to their help, the Blindman’s rule over Ol’val was secure, which really meant the House was firmly back in control of the port. The Pantoran could not help but to feel a surge of pride at the hard work of her fellow Arconans.

Click here to read the full fiction.


  • Leeadra and Rhylance discuss the improving situation in Ol’val. The scene takes place near the Obsidian Market, which was submitted by Tali in the Ol’val venue comp!
  • A shoutout is given to Luka, who placed first in the Tetris competition.
  • Luka’s winning entry in the Blindman’s insignia is also described!
  • A new enemy is revealed!
  • A funeral is held in honor of an integral member of the team.



HQD News

Part 2 of the Shadowport in Shambles event is done! We are gearing up for the third and final round of this competition. Who is this shadowy enemy? Why are they trying to take down House Qel Droma? How can we stop them? Look for more information, and possibly the answer to some of these questions soon!

A big congratulations to Luka, for creating the new symbol for the Blindman!


Planning for the next round of the Sins of the Past event is underway! As many of you will remember, the last round resulted in sweeping changes, both on Selen and Port Ol’val. What will happen next?

DB Wide
  • If you haven’t had the change yet, be sure to check out Vyr’s DGM report, which is mostly comprised of a Q&A session!
  • If you haven’t had the chance yet, be sure to check out Drac’s Fist report, as well as the supplementals here and here. It contains some useful information pertinent to all you gamers out there.
  • The MAA report has some intriguing hints about the upcoming experience based promotion system.
  • For those of you who are into the ACC scene, Atra’s Combat Master report has an important update regarding the extension process.


Awards, Promotions and Transfers


  • Awarded the Steel Cross!
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star


  • Awarded the Steel Cross!
  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star


  • Awarded the Anteian Cross!
  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star


  • 2 Crescent with Sapphire Star


  • Awarded the Dark Cross!
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star


  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 2 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Member   Points
Luka 30
Tali 11
Lucifer 10
Leeadra 8
Eilen 7
Zujenia 7

Since the last House report, Luka surges to first place with a whopping 30 points! The Lavender Lek-head comes in second, and Lucifer comes in at a respectable third place. Well done, all of you!



  • FIST 2018 Monthly Gaming Challenge: Step up and try your hand at this selection of gaming related comps!
  • Thirteen Stories:Outbreak: A series of competitions being run by Magik, this can be anything from a fiction to a graphics comp. Each competition is 10 days long, with a wide variety of prompts. Be sure to check it out!
  • One Epic Year of Trivia: A quick trivia comp run by our own evil doctor! A new trivia comp every week.
  • Summer Puzzle Series: Ending soon! Do you like puzzles? If so, be sure to check out this series! There’s a new puzzle every week!


Ask the Deadly Duo

  • Lucifer asks:

    • What is the meaning of life?
      • Rhylance: I have heard that it is 42, but who knows.
      • Lucine: It is what you believe it to be, I suspect. For me, it is power, control and an inexhaustible supply of good whiskey.
    • Why do I burn from the sun?
      • Rhylance: Perhaps you have a weaker skin disposition with a higher aversion to UV radiation causing severe inflammation and reddening of the epidermis. But what do I know, I am only a Doctor.
      • Lucine: Because you spend too much time out in it with insufficient sunscreen. Remember, darling, lobster-red does not look good on anyone!
  • The Log says:

    • *** I have nothing to ask, but I just wanted to say. Your face(s)***
      • Rhylance: My face is a face, like any other, only better than yours in every way.
      • Lucine: Indeed, my face is an adorable face, is it not?
  • Satsi asks:

    • We're winding down the summer... What are yours hopes for the house over the next six months? Plans or visions?
      • Rhylance: I would love to see the story for HQD expand more as we cement our place in Arcona’s history. And who knows, maybe another House event ...or 2.
      • Lucine: In six months, I would like to see the lore related to House Qel Droma more fully fleshed out over the next months, using lots and lots of member content!
  • Xenna asks:

    • Can you build a giant ice beam and kick earth back to the glory days of the latest ice age?
      • Rhylance: I feel as if you are underestimating the levels of my intellect.
      • Lucine: Sorry, darling, I am more into the social sciences than the technical sciences.
  • Tali asks a few:

    • So, have ve securedt the Shadow Port already? Or do ve needt more kicking of butts?
      • Rhylance: Danger is ever present, but we have managed to reestablish our holdings on the port.
      • Lucine: The Shadow Port has been secured, but now we have to deal with the shadowy forces that tried to start the uprising.
    • Also, how are you beating the heat?
      • Rhylance: AC...lots of AC.
      • Lucine: Well, since someone (flat look at Rhylance) nixed my idea of a harem of Chiss to fan me with palm fronds, I am having to keep cool the old fashioned way.
    • Where shall we be heading next as a House? Internal struggles? Coup d'etat? Vengeance on the Collective?
      • Rhylance: Establishing HQD as a criminal organization is the next step. This will include taking on missions for self profit, run ins with law enforcement, and dealing with other gangs and criminals. I likes the sound of your ideas, so I will just give my pen here to our resident secretary so she can take notes here.
      • Lucine: All of these sound like lovely ideas! You cannot see it, but I am scribbling notes as we speak!



Don’t forget, folks, that if you want to have some art or fiction that you want featured in this report, be sure to drop us a line! In the meantime, check out this commision that of your amazing HQD Summit!


In Closing…

As A Shadowport in Shambles takes a break, make sure to take some time to recuperate and ready yourselves for SINS when the comps begin to drop. I would love to see if we can outmatch our cohorts in Galeres in the Clan event. I have faith in all of our abilities to do so.

Lucine and I are ever available for question answering, talking, and listening to whatever issues you think the House might have. Let's make HQD a fun experience for all of us. See you all next month!


Oh good, the HR Department didn't lose its head Wookiee, excellent.

Excellent report!



Woooo! The Wookiee is unharmed! RIP lift.

Obsidian Daggers? No, this can do. Didn't they know the name Obsidian was taken already? That's our marketplace yo!

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