House Satele Shan Combined Report 2 October 2017!
Welcome to the October 2017 House Satele Shan combined GJW report!
What moves you ODANITE!
Listen to my motivation music for the GJW HERE. The song is called Remember the Name by Fort Minor. The link listed is the clean version for all members to enjoy. Music has been a tool I have used to motivate myself through many competitions. Set your competition music for this GJW and go out there and reach for the stars!
Can you see that? Your light is shining through the darkness!
Well, folks, another month has come and gone. This report will focus heavily on the current Great Jedi War. Len and I are very proud of everything our members have done over the past month and the amount of activity you all are producing in the Great Jedi War. I will speak more on that later. As for now, I want to give a special mention to our members who are out there helping our Clan show the Dark Jedi Brotherhood what the Odanites can do!
As many of you know the Great Jedi War is in full effect. Phase 1 ends in 5 days on October 30th. Phase 2 will start shortly after that and run until the end which is November 20th. We will need an all-hands effort for anything you have time for. Have fun, but if you have 10 minutes here each day there are many competitions that can be completed in as little time as that. Do not worry if you feel your skills are lacking. Our Proconsul has e-mailed you all some amazing stick figure art to show off that anybody of any skill can submit and earn points for the Clan. Something as simple his stick figure art can be done easily for both the art competitions and score major Clan participation points. Remember humor could also score you a few places higher in regard to placement. Anyone remember “Stick Death”. I use to love that comic series.
Lastly, you will see quotes throughout this report from many different people throughout history. Read them as you go through and I hope they motivate you to higher levels you never knew were possible while your listening along with your favorite tracks.
So participation points are explained on the DJB website, but I wanted to summarise in a user-friendly fashion. Being the largest Clan we will be taking a huge hit due to our overall size. Yes on the last DGM report in April we lead the DJB on unique participants. We had the most, but we were only 6 participants above the next Clan. What that means to you is we need participation from as many members s possible in the bins.
While I would love for you to do all the competitions, I know many of us have busy schedules and that is 100% understood. However, if you do find yourself only being able to participate in a few then aim for 1 competition in each bin. Placing in the top ten will provide extra points, but again at the end of the day if you can only find time to submit to a few then attempt to choose something you enjoy, are good at, and hits competitions in different bins.
Currently, there are 8 bins to participate in with various competitions in them. By doing 1 competition in each bin and if you have time for more then go back and do the extras. Remember we are here to help answer any questions you have if you’re not sure of something. Please do not hesitate to ask.
2nd track of my motivation music for the GJW HERE. The song is called Lose yourself by Eminem. The link listed is the clean version like the previous one for all members to enjoy.
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” —Henry Ford
8 bins, 19 individual competitions, and a total of 30 max possible points if all are done. Every point counts from every member and will also help boost our Clan credit supply for each bin a member participates in. These credits will be used to buy even more ships, assets, and more pew pews for the Odanites!
“If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” —Vincent Van Gogh
Know thy enemy runs through **October 30th. Fun Shadow Academy exam based on the GJW. *Hunt the Jedi runs through **October 30th. A fun web hunt competition for all our **Private Investigator Odanites* out there. Puzzle runs through **October 30th*. Odanites love puzzles. If you haven’t had a chance to get this fun one in then check it out before it ends.
Well, folks, I tried sorting out the different bins. Remember 1 competition from each bin is where we earn Clan participation points for the GJW. The more you participate in will only boost the Clans chances at more points and your chances are higher rewards in the GJW and post GJW rewards when the Summit will be submitting for all participating members. GJW activity is counted higher due to the prestige, so the more you do the better Len and I can work to get you those shinies and promotions. Have fun, be humble, and do not be afraid to submit. Every submission counts and could be those few points that matter in the end.
Hello, again Satellites. We are almost halfway through Great Jedi War XII and to repeat what Maximus said, you guys have been pushing hard. Keep up the good work, how we do in the War will not just give us nice shiny medals but show everyone what we are made of!
I would like to take this opportunity remind everyone that, while it is not a required platform, Telegram is the place to be. From proofing fiction to finding teammates for the team competitions and assistance with loadouts the channels have been very helpful. If you are interested in joining the House Channel, visit the Satele Shan Roster Page and you’ll see the “Telegram” in the upper right corner. Clicking that will send you right into the channel.
In closing, a friendly reminder. The Multi-Objective (solo) Fiction is a Phase I only comp (ending Oct 30). Just keep that in mind as you continue, or start working on it. I have gotten burned out myself by deadlines in comps sneaking up and I don’t want anyone to miss out on such a large component of the War because they missed the deadline.
Have fun and if you need me, you know where to find me.
Len “Lenny Lenny banana nana fo fenny me my mo money” Iode
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” —Maya Angelou
The 3rd track of my motivation music for the GJW HERE. The song is called Gladiator Victory Song From the movie Gladiator. The link listed is the clean version like the previous one for all members to enjoy.
October was a more relaxed month due to the start of the GJW beginning mid-month. Due to the prestige of GJW participation, I will mention our heavy hitters in submissions. I look forward next month recognizing all of you as the reason we had a blast in the GJW and placed well.
Special shout out to our heavy hitters so far to Ethan , Junazee, Mauro Wynter, Sia Thiano, Tyraal Bitshiver, Kasula Daegalla, Chrome, and Len Iode.
Keep up the great work!
Due to the GJW, I will not be listing all activity since activity within units during the GJW is somewhat hidden for a reason. I will list each member who has participated in at least one event in the GJW, or had a society elevation. Next month I will combine all GJW activity in the post GJW report.
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great work so far folks!
Well, it’s been a fast start to the GJW and we are only 5 days away from phase 1 ending on October 30th at 1959 GMT. If you have free time to spare, or you are looking for something to do this weekend then you are in luck. I’m excited for phase 1 to be behind us, but it's not over yet. If you haven't had a chance in those events yet we are down to 4 days until they come to close.
Everyone has busy schedules and real life always comes first. Being a medical provider in real life I have very busy days myself and am in the middle of a move from Greece back to San Diego and then to Virginia all in the next week. My goal is to do all the competitions, but if not possible I will be attempting as many when I can in those moments I have downtime.
This event only comes around every couple of years and I know every one of you can do big things. There are at least 5 competitions that can be done in around 5 minutes each depending on how much time you invest into them. I have knocked out some of these easy competitions while on lunch break, in the morning drinking my coffee, and even sitting in bed on my laptop watching TV at night. I encourage you all to dive in even if you only have 10 minutes a day to do so.
I look forward to what you all can do as a House and how much we all will grow from this event as a House and Clan. Remember to have fun and as always e-mail, or Telegram message Len, or myself at any time if you have questions, concerns, or even if you just want to chat. I’m proud of all of you and excited for the future. Until next time folks keep up the great work
“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” —Jamie Paolinetti
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Excellent report! Glad to see so many peeps with GJW participation.
Great Report and good condensing of the info!