House Shar Dakhan Aedile Report - May 9th, 2014


House Shar Dakhan Aedile Report - May 9th, 2014

House Shar Dakhan Aedile Report

Hey everyone, it's time for another report. The Race for San Korinar has finished, and one of our own Battleteams has emerged as the victor. The next chapter of Fading Lights is on the horizon, and the Clan is poised to strike, a sleeping giant resting from our recent internal feud...

House News

Right, first up, the Race for San Korinar. Devil's Shroud won the event, being the best Battleteam of both the first and third weeks. I'd like to give a shoutout to Macron, for the sheer number of events he entered (the most of any member in the Clan!) and for leading a pretty interesting plot in the Runon. Alexander also did a great job leading his 'Team to victory.

On the other side, Izanami, Kairus, and the rest of Dakhani Solutions were able to give Devil's Shroud a run for their money, actually performing better in week two than the other Team.

Great job to all of you guys, and everyone who participated. You've proved that House Shar Dakhan is a force to be reckoned with!

Here's a full list of Crescents earned by members of HSD during the event:

- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star

- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Legion of the Scholar
- Crescent with Emerald Star

- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star

- Legion of the Scholar

- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Crescent with Amethyst Star

That's a lot of awards!

Finally, I want to give a special shoutout to Mirado, Roxas, and Dragoon, who recently earned a Steel Cross, Anteian Cross, and Dark Cross, respectively. Great work guys!

News Outside the House

In the Brotherhood at large, a whole bunch of awesome people just got awarded for their help with the Antei Combat Centre, once again proving that if you help the whole club, you have the potential for great awards.

Furthermore, there is a large number of news and updates relating to the ACC as we get closer to the Fading Lights chapter that is dedicated to it. In addition to that, both the TOR guild and Deputy Grandmaster have released reports recently, so I recommended heading to the main page and reading through that if you want to know what is going on in the club. There's a lot of details, and I wouldn't want to risk missing some by trying to list them here!

Current Projects

With the feud having just ended, there's not a whole lot going on at the moment. The Summit is currently evaluating what went right and what went wrong, and planning what exactly we want to do next. We're also looking at possible, more serious recognition for those who participated in the Race for San Korinar, as we do after all events like this.

So...keep an eye out, and we'll have new updates out soon!


And now for the part where I list things to do! Some of these have not changed since my last report, so the wording is the same or mostly the same.

First, Sanguinus is still running trivia in #odan-urr every friday night at 11pm EST. This is open to the whole club, so if you're interested, go stomp some lighty ass! (and everyone else's) It is listed as "finished" right now, but it looks like it's supposed to be run every friday.

Next up is a couple of Diablo 3 challenges, both to kill a difficult boss. One is solo and the other is for doing it in a group. I don't know anything about Diablo 3, but if you're curious how to participate in these, I bet Malik can help you!

That's actually it for stuff that's still going from last time. There's a bunch of other competitions running that you can enter as well:

First up is this TOR competition, called Warzone Veteran. Looks like you just need to win a bunch to me, but I don't really play TOR, so be sure to read the instructions.

Then there's a couple of Star Conflict competitions. One is PVP and the other is PVE

Next, we have another TOR competition, this one to name an elite raider's squad. Find it here.

This next one is actually for Devil's Shroud only; to give the Battleteam a new motto. It's here.

Next is a couple of fiction competitions. First is Who is the Prankster King?, which is about pulling a prank on another member of the Brotherhood, and the other is called The Most Dangerous Bounty Hunter Game and looks like it puts you in the shoes of the hunted, rather than the hunter. Quite an interesting take.

Finally, there's a poetry competition. To be, or not to be

Isn't that always the question?


That's all we have this time, but in Shirai's upcoming report, there'll be a lot more about what's going to happen in the near future. He gets to talk about all the cool new stuff, and I mostly cover competition awards and currently running competitions.

Finally, graphics would make my reports look amazing, and fool people into thinking I'm better at report writing than I really am. Halp!

-- Locke

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