House Shar Dakhan - I'm Still Alive, Are You? - 11/15/2015


House Shar Dakhan - I'm Still Alive, Are You? - 11/15/2015


Greetings Shar Dakhan,

So yeah... it's been a bit of a busy time since the last report. We've had the entirety of Ashes Fall that resulted in some pretty major personal changes for me in terms of the character I'm portraying in the club, and I saw a lot of character development for others as well which was — frankly — the entire point. I love seeing that and I am thankful for the overall participation levels I saw. Even more so with telegram, you guys are crazy in there and I love it. Makes my days easier when I'm waiting on the bus and read through the day's conversations.

As is known, my door is always open and I welcome everyone who walks through it. Feel free to message me whenever you have a question or idea and I'll work with you guys as best I can... unless I'm at work. In the event you contact me and I am at work, you will be addressed when I am next able, within 20 minutes of my departure from the aforementioned work.

The key to your time here, and the key to my role, is for you to have fun. I'm just a content generator to enable that fun for you. So, tell me what makes you tick, what is your version of "fun"? Everyone is into something different. Clearly, I'm a fiction junky, and a jack of all trades, but not everyone is. I know we have our gamers, our authors, our artists and everything in between. It's my job to find a balance in content for all of you to enjoy, but that's difficult and I actually need your help to do so. If you have an idea for an event, hit me up and we'll work through it. Or, if you're in a Battle Team (as you all should be, come on!) feel free to talk to your team leader. It's kind of their job too.

So! Without further pompous bloat on my part, here are some important links relative to you guys, and a quick rundown on it. There is a Wiki Tribune report out, where our own Consul — Locke Sonjie — nagged his way, erm sorry... suggested his way into nailing Wikipedian of the Month with his ideas for the Clan Prospectus! In the MAA report, which I suggest you read, you will find changes to the "Time in Rank" for our Equite levels. This is kind of important, so check it out. Additionally, you have the Combat Master report with some great snippets on some of our Force Power usage, upcoming events, and weapons. Then you have the Voice report (coming last on my rundown because I'm staff), where you have some quick updates on our current projects and that whole thing where I demonstrate my masochistic tendencies with being promoted to Lead Minion, otherwise known as Praetor.

Wiki Tribune Report #5: Prospectus? We don't need no stinkin' prospectus!

MAA Report: The Clock is Ticking

Combat Master Report #7: All The Things

Voice of the Brotherhood: Report 9


All right, here's that part where I put in a quick-access key of comps for you all to participate in during our current lull between events!

This isn't everything that is available, however, and you can find the full list right here

Notable Accomplishments

I'm not listing it here because I would have a slot for everyone, even those who haven't done other activity... But all you lovelies got yourselves 1x Seal Of Loyalty for being a part of our collective awesome! (Unless you happened to be Rogue that day, in which case I am very sorry dbb0t got one and you didn't)

Malik Sadow

  • 1x Pendant of Blood
  • Comms 2: Telegram - Passed

Shi Long

  • 1x Anteian Cross

Keira Viru

  • 17x Clusters of Ice
  • 140x Clusters of Fire
  • Appointed to Praetor to the Voice
  • Dark Pundit - Essentials
  • Dark Pundit - Vendetta
  • Dark Maven - Philosophy
  • Gray Jedi Order Core - Passed
  • Mercenary Order Core - Passed
  • Loyalist Order Core - Passed
  • Sith Order Core - Passed
  • Jedi Order Core - Passed
  • Philosophy I: Views - Passed
  • Philosophy II: Cults - Passed
  • Vendetta 1: Foundation - Passed
  • Vendetta 2: Submission - Passed
  • Vendetta 3: Fiction and Graphics Tips - Passed
  • Essentials 1: History - Passed
  • Essentials 2: Departments - Passed
  • Essentials 3: Paths & Orders - Passed
  • Essentials 4: Ranks - Passed
  • Essentials 5: Organization - Passed
  • Essentials 6: Medals - Passed

Shirai Dupar

  • 1x Cluster of Ice

Bentre Stahoes

  • 2x Pendant of Blood
  • 2x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 3x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 10x Clusters of Ice
  • 5x Clusters of Fire
  • 2x Clusters of Earth
  • Comms 2: Telegram - Passed
  • Gaming 102: Fist-o-matic - Passed
  • Freighters/Transports Studies - Passed

Scarlet Agna

  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 2x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2x Clusters of Ice

Allistaire Von Drake

  • Promoted from Neophyte to Acolyte
  • 7x Clusters of Ice
  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star


  • Promoted from Neophyte to Acolyte
  • Comms 2: Telegram - Passed
  • Gaming 201: Pazaak - Passed

Qyreia Arronen

  • Promoted from Runner to Courier
  • 2x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 2x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 16x Clusters of Ice
  • 1x Anteian Cross
  • Dark Maven - Writing
  • Dark Maven - Philosophy
  • Dark Savant - Writing and Philosophy
  • Dark Maven - Flight
  • Gray Jedi Order Core - Passed
  • Mercenary Order Core - Passed
  • Loyalist Order Core - Passed
  • Sith Order Core - Passed
  • Jedi Order Core - Passed
  • Philosophy I: Views - Passed
  • Philosophy II: Cults - Passed
  • Capital Starship Studies - Passed
  • Freighters/Transports Studies - Passed
  • Galactic History I: Formation of the Galaxy - Passed
  • Poetry Studies - Passed
  • Grammar Studies - Passed
  • Runon Studies - Passed
  • Test of Wisdom - Passed
  • Writing Studies - Passed
  • ACC Qualification - Passed

Zadenn Kabur

  • Essentials 1: History - Passed
  • Essentials 2: Departments - Passed
  • Essentials 3: Paths & Orders - Passed


So, here's the section where I've compiled your questions... and yes, I've compiled all of them... you people are remarkably single minded when you want to be.

Qyreia asks:

Do we have any impending plans in-universe outside of the slice-of-life RO?

Right now, a lot is up in the air because of the non-Vendetta (but totes still a Vendetta) coming in December... and the excitement of the new movie to look forward to. Who knows what will have to be changed and added! Really exciting stuff.

Sang asks:

When are we doing our next inter house event? Will it be joint or competitive?

Whenever you want to, buddy! I'm all about that "jolly cooperation"! I think we would have to run it past our boss though... He might have plans. You never know.

Bentre asks:

What must I do to secure your love?

Tranquilizer darts would be a good first step...

Kiriyu asks:

What must Q do to secure your love?


Sang asks:

Must Bentre and Qyreia fight to the death for your love?

...yes? But I do not guarantee delivery upon services rendered.

Bentre asks:

With the time restraints being eased on Equite promotions, how would you encourage hopeful Journeyman to make that leap from JM4 to EQ1?

Pretty much the one thing I can say, and this applies to all levels of membership, is to never stop doing what you did to get to JM4. That time was about teaching you the activities expected of our members, and that's what we look for when judging the activity of our Equites and Elders.

Sang asks:

Can you give us a sneak peak into what you're doing as P:Voice?


There you go! But man, you better get that prescription checked out...

Kiriyu asks:

Are you planning any Journeyman/Novitiate-centric events? A chance for the newbloods to prove themselves?


I would love to, thanks for volunteering! My people will get in touch with your people!

Sang (and Bentre, see below) asks:

What's next for HSD?

Do I look like the kinda guy that has a plan? Why do people ever think I have a plan? Okay... so the plan is to wait and see what happens in December and then get things going!

Bentre asks:

I am wondering what sort of things our grand Quaestor has planned in the near future for our House?

See above! Once I know the information that December is bringing, I look forward to working with my Black Guard (to be announced!) and my Summit team, including BTLs, to work that one out!

Sang asks:

How can I win my student's affection when he so clearly hates me?

Impress him with your dancing skills?

Xanos (and everyone else) asks:

When will Keira start accepting that she is already in a serious relationship with Q?


Sang asks:

Who will annoy Sang in fiction now?

You underestimate Keira's power... She has the same gift for comedy as her predecessor!

Sang asks:

Am I invited to the upcoming nuptials of Q and K?

If there are ever nuptials for anyone that remotely involves me, and I won't say who, then yes, you are totes magotes invited.

Xanos asks:

Besides the hot Zeltron, what is your new character's motivation for serving Naga Sadow?

Mostly because it is all she knows right now. The perfect leader in the sense that Methyas found her without any memories to speak of and trained her specifically in a leadership capacity. Perhaps it was a backup plan in case something happened to his original agent (Atra) or perhaps something more altruistic.

Who knows?

Mactire asks:

Will Atra's Force Spirit guide someone in the clan?

Yes... ish...

Scarlet asks:

Will Atra ever come back from the dead?

I am never really one to write myself into a corner if I can help it. As others have said when watching the Game of Thrones... If you didn't see the death, how can you be sure the death occurred?

Allistaire asks: (gfdi)

Can I be the person who marries Keira when she and Q get married?


Xia asks:

How does it feel to play a female character? I mean... Xanos knows already, but this must be a new experience for you, Atra.

Wha-what!? A legit question... Um, damn... I wasn't ready for this. Let me get my things in order... erm... It's kind of odd to be honest. I'm so used to writing a certain way and now I have to stop and think before I put words on the page. Atra, as with so many of my male characters, are splinter personalities that I have constructed and compartmentalized and I can just become them when I write. This one is still a work in progress and I haven't fully constructed that persona yet.

Thank you all for the questions, both serious and otherwise. I look forward to next month!

Aediles' Corner

Due to RL issues, I've decided to grant my Aedile a reprieve from this section for this report... Also, the My Little Pony renovations weren't finished on time...


Quaestor's Last Word

I really don't know what to say here that I haven't already said, so I'm just going to steal my own words from past reports...

Keep doing you, everyone! The strength of Fiction and the bonds between our members is fantastic and I cannot stress how much I love it. Yes, we get a little crazy in Telegram, what with all our spamming, but that's because we all get along so well. That's not bad, in moderation, but we can all do with a little less sticker spam from time to time.

Keep it up, minions. You're all my favourites and I can't wait to do more with all of you. Looking forward to the doing more events with you all in the future, and I'm excited to see what you all have in store for me.


I'm not even in CNS and I love this report. Also #askHSD "Why you get rid of Atra IC, he was sooo dreamy?" swoon

Awesome report, love the signature

IC question for #askHSD: "Will you trade Q for a box of skittles?"

Nice report :D

Turel asks:

Why you get rid of Atra IC, he was sooo dreamy?

Because you touch yourself at night!

V'yr asks:

Will you trade Q for a box of skittles?

If they are sour or tropical Skittles, you have a deal, my Herald.

Love the report. :)

I like the report and I like what you did with the signature.

What motivated you to try a female character?

I dispute the existence of that final question!

For a report, not so bad. Lacking the epicness of you admitting your feelings for Q though. Qyreira is a thing, best accept it before you get traumatized.

Also, sick signature. We're gonna make you do those for all of us. :P

I dispute the existence of that final question!

Dispute all you want, it's real.

So were the real questions about you and Q, of which the people still demand answers!

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