House Shar Dakhan Report - May 2015


House Shar Dakhan Report - May 2015


Greetings and fairtidings Shar Dakhan! Another month has gone by and the work has been hectic. We’ve seen the end of our House Event and the beginning of the Inter-Clan event called Red Fury, I’ll include the link below. The House has flourished into a well oiled machine that I am proud in watching develop like a flower. So thank you for everyone who took part in the House event and for keeping us on our toes. Onwards to the report!


  1. House Shar Dakhan Wikipedia
  2. ‘The Lion’s Tooth’ Wikipedia
  3. Devil’s Shroud has a proposal!
  4. Sapphire Squadron lives!
  5. What Lies Beneath is done!
  6. Red Fury Brotherhood, who are they?
  7. Many Awards
  8. Communication
  9. Final words

Clan Report

House Marka Rangos

Grand Master’s Report

Deputy Grand Master’s Report

Master At Arms’ Report

Senechal’s Report

Headmaster’s Report

Herald Competition

Gaming Update

Rollmaster’s Report

Devil’s Shroud Report

Sapphire Squadron Report

HSD Wikipedia

The Wikipedia has finally been published! The work and effort was finalised a few weeks back but priorities took our attention, and when we finally returned to this it was ready to be released. I feel that this version of the House wiki is much better than the way it used to be, and we couldn’t have completed this without the summit we currently have. So thank you everyone who took part.

The Lion’s Tooth


The Lion’s Tooth is also there for you to enjoy and read. It was a long-termed project from the moment we stepped into office, but it is well worth the effort. I would personally like to thank Rhan Ocheron for the main image and my Aedile Inarya for basically writing this entirely in a creative structure, and for choosing the images. You will see this place burst with activity soon, once the events blow over and we can begin using the Blackguards and the Battleteams.

The Devil’s Shroud

We’ve seen the team develop into a network of experienced and highly organised and talented members. Marcus has strung together his members and spearheaded them into the House, Clan and Inter-Clan events and for that I commend his spirit and motivation. It is something I am proud in seeing develop, as it makes us feel it was wise to choose. When Daedric stepped into his role as Sergeant, the two came together in an effort to write their first proposal. I have to admit it does look amazing and a total thriller, the likes that can change the way this Battleteam will develop so keep your eyes peeled guys!

Sapphire Squadron

With the majority of the vote showed us that the House wanted another Battleteam, we decided to reopen Sapphire Squadron! The obvious choice was to choose a very well equipped and famous leader that we all love, Bob! With Robert Sadow at the helm, I can comfortably say that this Battleteam can flourish and prosper. Preferably without a talking seal who loved everything on legs, but we’ll see. Look out for their second report soon.

What Lies Beneath

Wow, just wow. I am totally baffled by the amount of work, obsession and total despair over this event. The smallest of things seemed to be too much to bear and things were beginning to be tough. For me, this event should of went better, the competitions should of been on time and teams could have behaved better. However the event finally ended with Darkblade taking a comfortable first place, Bentre taking second, and Marcus with a close but shy third place. Thank you for everyone in being patient and waiting on us finishing this, I will take full responsibility for the errors because they were my fault. So I apologise for the unprofessional outcome, Locke and Cethgus laid the law with me quite hard and in the most professional way. So let’s move onto fresher fields and continue proving that Shar Dakhan can and will achieve their ambitions.

Red Fury

Earlier this month, Xenmordin, Evant, Locke & Cethgus released a total of twelve competitions that formed the great assault against a pirate brotherhood. Their crime? Destroying a trade and ruining a healthy relationship between our Clan and Clan Scholae Palatinae. From there we followed them to their base, using the trusty appliances of scouts and technology, and we have begun our assault. As you saw from my email, there is a lot to do and to take part in. Currently I have only two more competitions to complete and I am finished, but right now I am focused on the Run-on with Marcus & Daedric. Our mission was chosen by vote to storm the Hangar and secure it for the Consul. Sounds simple? Not really. For sitting there is an old LAAT and several fixed turrets. What we know the LAAT most from is SW: Episode II where Jedi Master Yoda picked the gang up from a Geonosian Arena and from their execution. So it looks like exciting stuff!



  • Marcus Kiriyu

Scroll of Indoctrination awarded

  • Bentre Stahoes

Scroll of Indoctrination awarded

  • Inarya Tiberius Entar

Scroll of the Master awarded

  • Galleros Sjl

Dark Cross awarded

  • Alexander DelGotto

Anteian Cross awarded

  • Malik Sadow

Anteian Cross awarded

Shadow Academy

  • Scarlet

Elevated to SA: IV

26 exams passed

3 degrees awarded

  • Bentre Stahoes

Elevated to SA: IV

20 exams passed

1 degree awarded

  • RosieDawn

7 exams passed

  • Scithe

Elevated to SA: I

  • Darkblade

Dark Maven in Service awarded


  • Scarlet was promoted to Jedi Hunter!

  • Marcus Kiriyu was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight!

  • RosieDawn was promoted to Acolyte!

  • Bentre Stahoes was promoted to Guardian!


  • RosieDawn transferred from Rogues to Shar Dakhan

  • Davek Vore has been transferred to Rogues


  • Bentre Stahoes

Elevated to GMRG: I

15 Clusters of Fire

3 Clusters of Ice

  • Marcus Kiriyu

41 Clusters of Fire

Cluster of Ice

  • Marcus Nye

35 Clusters of Fire

  • Galleros Sjl

14 Clusters of Fire

3 Clusters of Ice

  • Inarya Tiberius Entar

17 Clusters of Fire

Cluster of Ice

  • Tellos Sapredon

7 Clusters of Fire

  • Darkblade

Elevated to GMRG: V

18 Clusters of Fire

6 Clusters of Ice

  • Robert Sadow

Cluster of Ice

  • Shirai Dupar

Cluster of Ice

  • Malik Sadow

Cluster of Ice

  • Scarlet

5 Clusters of Fire

  • RosieDawn

5 Clusters of Fire


Instead of listing every single competition, who organises it and when it ends, I will just leave you the link at your convenience. Here!

However I wish to highlight one competition. The Dark Depths is a competition created by GRD Taysar and his Master, DJK Dracaryis. You may remember him from co-organising the TIE Fighter single-player competition back in March. In The Dark Depths, you are trapped inside the insanity of your mind, where nightmares beckon your name and your worst fears giggle at your struggle. This is where the best horror writers could truly flourish and develop a chilling story that not only sends shivers down your spines, but could possibly give you nightmares just from reading the pure talent you construct! For me it was a simple dream, just a day’s work in RL gave me enough inspiration! Here enjoy folks. I know I did.

Aedile’s Corner

Greetings all. I’m going to keep this month Aediles Corner brief. I want to thank all of you for your patience over the run time of What Lies Beneath, I’d like to say that our first major event went out without a hitch but unfortunately the best laid plans and all. There is only a few days left of the Red Fury event so lets all focus up and get on it.

Personal Log

Okay short and to the point. I had a footer for this area but it is having some trouble with the greyscale background the main website has, i’ll fix it eventually but in the mean time I want to urge everyone to take part in Red Fury. It is extremely rare you find something of this production that isn’t made by the Dark Council themselves! The winner gets a lovely crescent on their dossier and who knows, maybe something more. In contrast you are more than welcome to approach Inarya or myself if you have struggles with this activity. We all struggle in some form, but it is best not to do it alone. Above all please have fun and shake hands with the amazing Scholae Palatinae afterwards, they truly do put up a fierce rivalry.

Lead By Example

KP Galleros Sjl (Krath) / QUA / House Shar Dakhan of Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: IV] [SA: X] [ACC: Q]

OP Inarya Tiberius Entar (Obelisk) / AED / House Shar Dakhan of Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: V] [SA: III] [ACC: Q]

"Red Fury Brotherhood", eh? :p

Nicely compiled report, perhaps think about swapping the bullet points on the member names with what they earned? Makes it easier to read in my mind!

I like the report. Just wish we could have rocked it a little harder. Oh well, we have another month ahead of us where we can kick it into high gear, aye? :)

Great report.

Love the CNS and HSD emblems on the Lion's Tooth image, those are cool. Sections on Battleteams were good too.

Awesome job boss! The new palace looks amaZING! Gave me a few ideas for my own reports as well, thanks ^^

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