Welcome to the fifth House Sunrider Summit report.
Tythas City
Months after the Hab-5 incident
The wind carried the salt of the ocean through the open windows of Tythas City’s administrative spire, ruffling the edges of the banners that bore the crest of Odan-Urr. Below, the city sprawled in different states of completion—a stark contrast of the old mining habs being floated out and replaced by their modern replacements. The spire atop the newly fabricated starport gleamed under the morning sun, while the remnants of maintenance scaffolding clung to the unfinished edges of the distant Hab-5 like a dying organism desperately trying to hold itself together.
Tierra Suha’sen stood on the balcony, hands resting lightly on the unfinished and as-yet unpainted durasteel railing, her gaze distant. She watched as teams of engineers and construction droids worked tirelessly to reinforce the sinking sections of the habitat. In her mind numbers flickered—cost projections, casualty reports, infrastructure failures—all adding up to an unsteady, fragile future for their fledgling city.
The damage to Hab-5 had been worse than they had initially thought. Not just structural weaknesses from its chaotic descent but seemingly intentional sabotage, as revealed by Revak K'Urr and Nikola Dragović. The reports had come in piecemeal, whispering suspicions at first with no solid evidence, but the suspicions mounted up far too much for her to ignore them. Load-bearing columns cut through by supposedly malfunctioning constructor droids. Water purification lines contaminated by wrongly connected pipelines. Power relays failing in a pattern that suggested more than just bad luck. And it wasn't just the Hab, no. Protests in the Rift skirting on a knife's edge of riots. Suspiciously quick criminal enterprises established in the Starport, and now reports of their own lost transport sheep deep in the Abyssal district.
And she gets called before the Conclave just as all this is happening. The situation was bubbling like a pressure cooker. She had to rely on Sunrider's members to handle the crises while she doused other fires on far-away planets.
She exhaled slowly, centering herself, before turning on her heel and striding back inside. The plainly adorned meeting room was dimly lit, a stark contrast to the bright, expansive balcony. A circular holo-table displayed Tythas City in intricate detail, its glowing lines marking power grids, transport routes, undersea elevators, habitat stats, and environmental controls. But what held Tierra’s focus was the red. Markers indicating failures. Collapsing infrastructure, water breaches, pressure damage.
Nikora Rhan, her Nautolan confidante and quickly-becoming Chief Engineer, stood with arms crossed, her usually impassive expression now dark with concern. Beside her, a Bothan intelligence officer—Orsen Fa’leik, a man she personally knew from her career in SENNET; a man she summoned personally to help Sunrider—adjusted his vest and cleared his throat. “Governor, the findings are… troubling.” Tythas City's head of security, Alin Nisari, shared the table with the other, nodding respectfully as Tierra approached. Master Windos stood several feet behind the Security chief, silently observing the holo, while Revak, Nikola, Sivall, and other House members filled the rest of the room. This wasn't just a meeting, this was a war room,and everyone seemed ready.
“I assume you wouldn’t have called me here if they weren’t,” Tierra said, stepping closer. “What have we found?”
Orsen tapped a few keys, and the hologram zoomed in on a particular sector—Hab-5’s underlevels. The red indicators flashed erratically, marking failures in life support, stability sensors, and power conduits.
“These aren’t just the lingering effects of the crash,” Orsen said, his fur bristling. “We have actionable intelligence that these are intentional damage. Security footage is fragmented at best—whoever is doing this knows how to work around our sensors.”
Tierra glanced at Nikora. “You’ve seen this?”
Nikora nodded. “I’ve had teams sweeping the underlevels, but every time we patch a problem, another one surfaces somewhere else. We’re playing reactive defense, and it’s not working.”
The implications settled between them, unspoken but undeniable. Someone—perhaps multiple factions—wanted to see Tythas City fail. Not a surprise, considering who their rivals were.
As if summoned by the weight of their discussion, the comm panel at the center of the room flickered to life. The crisp, controlled voice of Advisor Delen Var echoed through the chamber. “Governor, you have an incoming transmission from the Conclave delegation on Daleem.”
Tierra exhaled sharply. “Patch them through.”
The holo shifted, and the stern figure of Representative Valnor Keldra materialized—a lesser Sephi noble, and a politician from the Daleem Preservation League, an opposition faction with much sway in the Conclave that had decried the rapid expansion of both House Sunrider and House Hoth, supposedly because of their interference with the natural beauty of the reborn planet. His face was lined with the stress of his years in bureaucracy, but his eyes carried a sharpness that put Tierra on edge.
“Governor Suha’sen,” he greeted, his tone edged with barely concealed disapproval. “I understand that reconstruction efforts are still… struggling?”
Tierra smiled thinly. “Tythas City is making steady progress, Representative Keldra.” The tone behind the title betrayed a hint of disdain on Tierra's part. As a representative of the Conclave, he had the jurisdiction to ask, but never to meddle. She put him in his place even before he started to do so.
“Is that so?” Valnor gestured toward something off-screen, and a second holo-window opened. Footage played—grainy security feeds of civilians in the underlevels of Hab Five, wading through flooded corridors, their faces weary with frustration. Another showed small groups of protesters forming in the The Rift district's administrative bubble.
“Your ‘steady progress’ looks quite unsteady,” Valnor said smoothly. “And yet, you continue to request increased funding and autonomy over this city’s administration. The League is beginning to..."
"The League will cease meddling in Noble House business unless it wishes to answer to a higher power," she cut him off ungraciously. "But I'm sure you misspoke, Representative Keldra. Surely you are here on Conclave business, otherwise we should reschedule for a meeting when the eyes and ears of House Sunrider. do not hang on our every word like this."
Valnor leaned forward, his expression calm yet calculating. A moment passed. “Certainly, I simply use this opportunity to express my deepest regrets about the situation in Tythas City. It is my hope that you will overcome." His tone was acid, his delivery venomous. She had trapped him, in public. A mistake he would not repeat.
"Thank you, Representative. I'm sure you are ready to accept me and my entourage on your frigate for the upcoming Conclave Summit on Kiast. We will be there within the hour." The microexpression on his face was a sneer of pure disdain. Without replying he cut the link.
After the transmission ended, Nikora broke the silence first. “Valnor’s making his move. If we can’t get this city under control, he’ll take it from us.”
She was right, if things deteriorated further, Valnor’s faction would petition to have Tythas City’s administration stripped from Sunrider—potentially placing it under a corporate-backed coalition that would gut the city for profit under the guise of “stabilization.”
Tierra knew, as did every person in that room loyal to the idea of House Sunrider, they couldn’t allow that to happen.
Tierra nodded, but her mind was already racing ahead. They couldn’t fight this threat purely with diplomacy. The opposition was playing dirty, and they might have to do the same.
She turned to Orsen. “Assuming this is an organized attempt to undermine Sunrider, we need to know who’s funding the sabotage. I want you to dig into Valnor’s accounts, his backers—find me something I can use in the Conclave. If it's not him, I need to know whoit is.”
The Bothan’s ears twitched. “You mean leverage?”
Tierra met his gaze without hesitation. “I mean ammunition.”
Orsen gave a slow, knowing nod before exiting the room.
Windos frowned. “Governor, if we go down this road—”
“We’re already on it,” Tierra interrupted. “This city will not fall into the hands of those who seek to destroy it. If that means using every tool at my disposal… so be it.”
Windos studied her for a moment before exhaling. “Then let’s make sure we do it right.”
In the lower decks of Hab-5 figures moved in silence. Their faces obscured by rebreathers, their movements practiced and deliberate as they disabled another section of the Hab's water filtration system.
A comm-link crackled to life in the dim corridor.
“The first phase is complete,” one of them whispered. “The people will grow restless. Their governor will look weak. Sunrider is bound to fail."
A distorted voice on the other end responded:
*“Good. Now we move to the next step. Increase the pressure. Force their hand.” *
Tythas City is developing quickly. After the nearly-disastrous descent of Hab 5 and the House's valiant efforts in saving it, things have calmed down and set into a routine. Or have they?
The city has become a focal point of many interests from across the Kiast System. By the hands of criminals, rival noble houses, or by sheer bad luck, things have started happening in the City that are hard to explain. Crises are seemingly popping out of nowhere to undermine the House and its members.
While she is busy on the capitol world, negotiating with the Conclave or dowsing diplomatic fires, governor Tierra Suha'sen has dispatched House Sunrider’s most experienced members to investigate and handle these events.
This event is focused on fiction, art and RP. There are three fiction comps, each with its own theme and its own twist, aka "the Hard Choice". These twists are there for an additional challenge since you have to consider them when writing your story.
The RP will start on Tuesday and will be themed around investigation, datamining, explorationand (maybe) a bit of combat. It'll be run in the standard d10 system. All details will be in the RP thread for those interested. Ill let you guys know when it starts.
Lastly there are two art comps. They are Regular comps per Herald guidelines, so no stick figures and basic shapes. Let your creativity loose, even if you draw with colored pencils on a day off next to some tea and cookies.
[Sunrider]All bad things... will run from 02/04 until 03/18.
The first cycle of the first season of the new DB-wide events has started: Parabellum](https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news/djb-news-season-1-parabellum)
Go check it out. See what the Deputy Grand Master has to say and join in the fun. Club-wide events are always fun and this is something completely new.
In this section I’ll touch upon the House itself, as usual.
Western Marches has started up again with Point of No Return. It runs until 02/28 so be sure to jumpin.
There's an RP running in the Discord at the moment called '[Phase 4] Point of No Return: Shot Heard Across Quermia. Go check it out. There are plenty of people participating already. :D
As always, if you want to add stuff to the House wiki (personal projects, fun NPCs or locations) please let me know, they will be noted on your activity tracker, of course.
Great job!
All bad things… event is live on Tuesday. There’s a challenge and a twist ine very comp. Join the RP when it starts. Go do things :D
Western March Phase 4: Point of No Return is on! We’re fighting droids. Clankers need smashing so go join up!
Season 1: Parabellum will be live soon Check out the Deputy’s news post.
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Bad times and fun time then, thank you for the fiction and update.