House Tyranus report #5: New things are around the corner!


House Tyranus report #5: New things are around the corner!



Hello everyone and welcome to another House Tyranus report. We have some fun things going on and coming up soon. So let’s get into the report.

  • Shinies
  • New people and Promo!
  • Aedile corner
  • Quick announcements!
  • House and Clan news
  • Competitions
  • DJB News
  • Conclusion




Check out the comps part of this report and next month I’ll post all the wonderful shinies you guys got. And I mean everything; from clusters to crescents, and any other awards you all get along the way. So let’s explode this portion of the report in a few months. Also all those awards you get count towards promotions and other bigger awards, so let's hop to it.


New people and Promo!

Let’s give a hearty welcome to our newest arrival to the house Nora Olen. Welcome to the clan and hope you’re having a great time!!

And let’s also give a huge congrats to Nora as well. As of her joining on February 12th, within only 3 weeks has already reached the rank of Acolyte. Congrats Nora! May you gain even more acknowledge and power as you continue your journey with us.


Aedile’s corner

Greetings, Tyrants! It is I, Khryso. I don’t have much for you this month, but I do have one topic I want to touch on. You may recall a couple of months ago I released a survey to the Clan in the hopes of gathering some information on what activities the various members enjoy. While that survey is still floating around and open to be taken, I am no longer actively monitoring the results. Do not fret, you are still free to share your opinions or preferences via any of the Brotherhood’s various communication channels. However, for the convenience of anyone who might be interested, I have compiled the results of the survey into a document here. Feel free to peruse at your leisure and take advantage of the information within.

While there was a fair amount of participation in the survey, only about a third of the Clan ended up submitting responses. I was hoping for more, but thank you to all of you who did participate. For surveys like this, remember that more responses equals more information that could end up helping to improve everyone’s experience. For any potential future surveys, both Clan and DJB level, I would encourage members to run through them if you have the time. Regardless, once again, thanks to those who have participated. This information could prove useful not only to your Summit, but even regular members who are looking to run competitions. Remember, organizing and running your own competitions is another valuable way to work towards promos and awards, so if you have an idea, go for it. If you need any help putting it together, your Summit is here to help.

I said I didn’t have much for you, but then I ended up typing out two paragraphs, so I think I’ll call it a day here. Keep up the good work, Tyrants, and until next time, this was Khryso.


Quick announcements!

I wanted to get a couple of quick announcements here. First is a quick message from Sinya Ani Battleteam Leader of Talzin;

Hello fellow Plagueians! I am excited with all the new features being released. Here at Battleteam Talzin, we are designing our new base! We are just getting started and have a lot to work out, but so far we are looking at setting up a spaceport. Being the sneaky side of Clan Plagueis, we are hiding our base beneath a spaceport so that we can house and repair our ships without suspicion.

We are a new Battleteam, but have great things in store for Talzin. One of which is an upcoming fiction coop by the founding two members. I also have plans to host an RP and possibly a run on! We are open to ideas from any of you. Just shoot me an email or hit up my discord. And, as always, we are recruiting new members. So if you think we may be a good fit for you, come check us out!

Click the link to check out her and TuQ’s starting fiction for the Battleteam.

Then I also have a quick SWTOR announcement. As one of the newest guild officers (check out Blade’s announcement on Discord), I’ll be hosting a SWTOR session tomorrow starting at 10 am PST (1 pm EST) to 4 pm PST (7 pm EST). Come join the fun. Blade, the other great guild officers Ric and Korvis, and I will be hosting these as often as we can every week. So strap in, gear up, and come join all the amazing fun we’ll be having running around SWTOR doing all sorts of activities.


House and Clan news

There’s been a couple reports going up, with lots of new news. Let’s catch up.



Alrighty, the holiday season is over and a whole New Cycle has started. There are lots of different comps out right now, so let’s get out there and get those shinies peeps!

Clan member-made Competitions:

DJB wide:

As always, this is just a sample of the competitions available to you right now, you can find more here.


DJB News

There is lots of important DJB news.




So for a quick wrap-up, let’s get out there and do some comps, and then stay on the lookout for many more things coming down the pipeline soon. So stay tuned.

As always, if anyone wants to reach either of us with questions or just want to talk, Khryso and I can now be found on Discord (if you're not on Discord yet, I’d highly recommend it. It’s the DJB’s primary form of communication.) and of course by email. We’re always open to chat with, and easy to get a hold of!

Until next month,

Khryso Mallus,


Great report!

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