Hello House Ventress and welcome to another report! The past month has been busy and productive. Allow me to begin by welcoming the Houses newest member, Vishi!
The Aliso Summer Festival is nearing the end of its third week and I have been pretty happy with the level of participation in House Ventress. Participation overall has been good with the puzzle and gaming competitions from both week 1 and 2 eligible for an additional crescent. Congratulations to Azmodius, Aleister and TuQ'uan for placing in the competitions so far!
There has been quite a bit of interesting news over the past month beginning with the announcement for new FIST Magistrates. One of them is Plagueis' own Alaris.
Next came the results from the Rite of Supremacy. There is a lot of interesting information in there for those who are interested. Congrats to everyone who placed in the top 10 for their sub-faction.
Evant also announced a new Herald! Congrats on the appointment, Rian. While on Evant news, he also elevated Howlader to Sith Lord, congrats Darth Pandamonium, appointed Rhylance as Arcona CON and elevated Bubba and Bentre to the Elder ranks of Prophet and Adept respectively. Huge congrats to them both! Finally, he named a new Society Leader as the DB begins to officially recognise roleplay as an activity.
In news a little closer to home, a HUGE congratulations on the newest di Plagia, Tahiri!!! She thoroughly deserves it. She is also one of the very few who now has two clan titles, the other being Heir of Tarentum. Selika released another CON report which included some details of the upcoming Probowl competition with clans Vizsla, Scholae Palatinae, and Naga Sadow. It is due to begin in mid-September so expect some additional news coming soon. Tahiri released a House Tyranus report and Alaris a Proconsul report.
And in the last piece of news, Idris Adenn released a new Voice report with some exciting cluster of ice changes and the addition of new Traditions!
Phew. That was a lot of news!
Here are a selection of currently running competitions that are either quick and easy to participate in or are especially interesting.
And of course, the Aliso Summer Festival!
Furios Morega di Plagia
Warlord Taranae Rhode
Tisto Kingang
Battlelord Azmodius Equesinfernum
Aleister Mavros
Corsair TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Warrior Qormus Aquila
Mystic Sinya Ani
Mystic Zuser Whuloc
Proselyte Vishi
This has been a great month for Ventress. We had pretty good participation in the Rite of Supremacy and there have been several standout members who have performed well. The Aliso Summer Festival has been a lot of fun, and once that is over, the hype train for the Probowl will leave the station. I will stay in close contact with all of you when details of the Probowl are released.
If any of you want to talk about something, or have suggestions, you can find me on Telegram (@Qormus) or email. I’m always available for a chat.
Warrior Qormus Aquila
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Awesome report Qormus! :) <3 <3