House Ventress Report #8


House Ventress Report #8


Hello House Ventress and welcome to my 8th Quaestor report! There has been some exciting developments in the last month so without further ado, let's get on with it!


Table of Contents

  1. News
    1.1 Dark Brotherhood
    1.2 House Ventress
    1.3 Clan Plagueis
  2. Competitions
  3. Activity Report
  4. Final Thoughts



DB News

We'll start in the Regent office this month with not one, but two reports released by Anubis. In his first report, the first booster pack was released! Amazing work from the Regent and his staff to get this out the door. It contains a nice mix of armour, weapons, ships and vehicles and there was even something for the clans to play around with. In the second report, planetary assets were officially released and made available to the clans. I am really excited about this one and allows the Clans to put their story development into something beyond a document. It also makes it easy for future clan members integrate themselves into the story faster by seeing these new structures and their custom aspects. Both reports also contained an update on current and future projects, so check them out if you're interested.

Drac released two supplemental reports over the past month. The first was a PvP platform update with specifics on requirements to earn CFs for several games including Hearthstone and Squadrons. The second one was an update to the Rites of Combat and announcing a new Magistrate.

Atra had a couple pieces of news from the office of the Justicar. The first was an announcement that he was hiring for the 2022 term. These closed a couple of days ago and I expect announcements for the successful candidates shortly. He also spoke of the need to be respectful and tolerant with each other, especially on chat platforms such as Discord, and reiterated the member mediation process. In a [supplemental]), he codified the chat policy surrounding spoilers.

Alethia Archenksova gave us another Exarch report containing tons of information on the new roleplaying process in the DB. Definitely one well worth taking a look at!

Howie announced the retirement of the Legion of the Scholar. I think this was a good move because it was redundant when we have the Crescent system.

And finally, Idris gave us a fantastic fiction update!

House Ventress News

House Ventress welcomed a new member yesterday. Everyone, please say hello to Darius Andromeda.

Plagueis News

Not much to add here as there has been no news released since my last report. I suspect we will see something soon though!



Here are a selection of currently running competitions that are either quick and easy to participate in or are especially interesting.


Activity Report

Warlord Ronovi Tavisaen

  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star

Reaver Mauro Wynter

  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 24x Cluster of Graphite

Battlemaster Qormus Aquila

  • 2x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 3x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1x Crescent with Quartz Star
  • 21x Cluster of Earth
  • 48x Cluster of Graphite


Final Thoughts

It has been a quieter month, but that suits me. Not every month can be a hundred mile per hour fun fest! Great things are coming though. Slags will announce a new event soon, and we're only a few months away from the next Great Jedi War which will be exciting! I'm often on Discord (@Qormus), and always available by [Log in to view e-mail addresses], so if you ever need something, just let me know!

Battlemaster Qormus Aquila
Left Hand of Dread

Nice report Qormus

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