How Many Eps We Got?


How Many Eps We Got?


Meowdy y’all!

Happy August, folks. The year is flying by. And as we approach the end of summer, that means spooky season is right around the corner. Keep an eye out for announcements because I definitely want to give the team something fun to do for the season.

With that out of the way, I want to begin by giving congratulations again to the newly appointed Aedile of House Galeres, Meero. Since Meero joined the club and took his place alongside Asani as Arcona's beloved buns, he's been a hit with everyone I've seen him interact with. Absolutely hilarious and all-around great guy, and I'm looking forward to working with him more closely in the future. So, be sure to give Meero your congrats and encouragement if you see him hanging out in chat.

Now, for some Marshals-focused news. I've decided that going forward, my approach to creating plots for you all to engage with will be a more episodic one --- smaller, more contained storylines that can be wrapped up in a few roleplays or fiction comps, with a different event for the Marshals to respond to each time. The nature of battleteams is that they tend to be small, so I think having smaller stories not only makes it easier on everyone involved, but also allows more opportunities for each person to feel involved. The episodic format allows for us to more easily mesh what the Marshals are doing with any House or Clan-wide storylines that pop up, as well.

I'm still working out the details of our first assignment, but you'll see an update very soon.

Recent News

  • With the close of the recent clan mini event, the chapter in Arcona's history regarding its conflict with the Sith "gods" has come to a close. It's been a wild ride, especially for those of you who have been here since the storyline began, I'm sure.

  • The Herald released a new report. In it, he goes over the change in the names of graphics competition difficult tiers and how rewards are distributed across those various tiers, an update to what freelancers earn when creating custom graphics for other club members, and a reminder on AI use in competitions.

  • Masahiro Haku (Wolfe) has been promoted to Consul of Odan-Urr! Check out his report here.

  • We have a new Thrantastic Regent! Excited to see what Thran cooks up in the future.

  • New Emissary report and newsletter! Beautiful artwork can be found in here, including several pieces from our own clan members Sivall, Zuji, and Jazzy!

  • Check out this report from the Headmaster and all the exciting updates listed in there. You can now search through content in the Shadow Academy, and there's an Envoy Corps course covering roleplay now!

  • And finally, the Probowl is upon us. NOTE: Although all members of the clan will be automatically sorted into teams, you do not have to participate if you don't want to. I would encourage you to do so if you have the interest and spoons, but you're under no obligation to do so.

Final Notes and Takeaways:

Well, that's all I have for you this month. There's a ton of stuff to be done around the club in terms of competitions (too many to list), so feel free to give the competitions page a look if you want to earn some XP.

P.S. we can neither confirm nor deny rumors that there is a hungry Tarentatek beneath the Citadel.

Signing off.

yeets food into a pit what Tarentatek?

Lovely report, Bril. Excited to see what lies in the future for the Marshals.

Great report Bril!!

Excellent report Bril

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