Greetings Qel-Dromans, Arconans and various onlookers. Report time has rolled upon us once again and we have some juicy information for you to sink your teeth into.
Lest you get bored by all of the chatter, we’re jumping straight into it!
Additional competitions can be found in the Competition Center.
There's a few of you with outstanding medal requests still waiting on feedback/approval from the Master at Arms, but other than those we ought to be all caught up. Let's give a warm congratulations to everyone below on their new shinies. Excellent work, you lot! Let’s see if we can improve that number in time for the next House report! (Yes, that is a challenge ;P)
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
* Scroll of Foundation (x2)
* Crescent with Amethyst Star
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
* Steel Cross
* Crescent with Diamond Star
* Crescent with Ruby Star (x5)
* Crescent with Amethyst Star (x2)
* Crescent with Sapphire Star (x3)
* Cluster of Fire (x30)
* Cluster of Earth (x30)
Marick Arconae
* Scroll of Foundation (x2)
* Crescent with Sapphire Star
* Crescent with Emerald Star
* Cluster of Earth (x24)
Alaris Jinn
* Anteian Cross
* Scroll of Foundation (x3)
Terran Koul
* Crescent with Diamond Star
* Crescent with Ruby Star
* Cluster of Ice (x8)
* Cluster of Earth (x149)
Mirus Hi’ija
* Crescent with Amethyst Star
* Cluster of Ice (x5)
Celevon Edraven
* Crescent with Diamond Star (x2)
* Crescent with Ruby Star
* Crescent with Amethyst Star (x3)
* Crescent with Sapphire Star
* Crescent with Emerald Star
* Pendant of Blood
* Cluster of Ice (x8)
* Cluster of Earth (x35)
* Steel Cross
* Scroll of Indoctrination
* Crescent with Diamond Star
* Crescent with Ruby Star
* Crescent with Sapphire Star
* Crescent with Emerald Star
* Cluster of Ice (x5)
Rhiann Baenre
* Crescent with Amethyst Star (x2)
* Cluster of Fire (x4)
* Cluster of Ice (x5)
Kanis Da'uul
* Anteian Cross
Rrogon Skar
* Dark Cross
* Crescent with Diamond Star
* Cluster of Ice (x3)
Casper Vrikaurvan
* Scroll of Foundation (x3)
* Dark Cross
Adam Bolera
* Anteian Cross
* Pendant of Blood
* Cluster of Fire (x38)
* Cluster of Earth (x319)
Juliana Kelrune
* Crescent with Topaz Star (x2)
* Cluster of Fire (x9)
* Cluster of Ice
Juliana Kelrune
* ACC Fundamentals
* IRC Basics
* Krath Core
* Sith Core
Celevon Edraven
* Cryptography 101
* Leadership Reports
* In addition to these courses, Cel earned himself a Dark Maven in Leadership. Congrats!
* Essentials 1: History
* Essentials 2: Departments
* Essentials 3: Paths & Orders
* Essentials 4: Ranks
* Essentials 5: Organization
* Essentials 6: Medals
* Comms 1: Discourse
* DJBWiki: An Introduction
* Dark Brotherhood Basics
* In addition to these courses, Yuh'orah netted a Dark Pundit in Essentials. Good work!
* Essentials 1: History
* Essentials 2: Departments
* Essentials 3: Paths & Orders
* Essentials 4: Ranks
* Essentials 5: Organization
* Essentials 6: Medals
* Comms 1: Discourse
* In addition to these courses, K'tana netted a Dark Pundit in Essentials. Trying to copy your apprentice, Kat? ;)
I'd like to take a minute to talk about Telegram.
Cue Groans
Telegram really is an amazing platform. It has been a huge boon for the Brotherhood in terms of fostering communication amongst individuals both within the same unit and among disparate units. I can't overstate just how useful it is, and how glad I am that the Brotherhood has moved to adopt it. Those of you who know me will know what a change that is, given that I was categorically against Telegram when it was first suggested (in lieu of WhatsApp).
So, what changed?
These are all extremely important, positive points in favor of Telegram.
Where's the downside, then?
Telegram has much more limited moderation capability than IRC (though it's no worse than WhatsApp). While it does offer the ability to block people or to remove people from groups, the moderation options aren't nearly as structured as on IRC. On IRC, for instance, you can set people at various "Ops" levels and assign them powers accordingly (with higher level Ops able to overrule lower-level Ops). With Telegram, you can only remove people from a group if you added them or if you own the group, which means there are times where (due to people's' sleep scheduled, for instance) moderation is impossible. You also can't set temporary bans (only remove people then re-add them later), nor mute the channel except for people specifically given "voice".
What does that change in moderation ability mean to us as a group?
It means that we need to ensure that we're comporting ourselves in a professional, respectful manner in public channels. The lack of granular moderation means that the only way to deal with any issues that arise is the banhammer, and that's a pretty heavy-handed method of sorting out problems. No one wants that to be the defacto reaction to inappropriate behavior.
Why does moderation matter?
We are part of a club that accepts membership of all ages. The Brotherhood is not solely made up of adults and the ratio of minors to adults is only going to increase as we get closer to the new movies being released. We've seen this before when the prequels came out. We want these younger (or less cynical) members to feel comfortable in our official channels. We want them to feel that they are part of the group. That inclusory attitude is important, and it saddles us with the responsibility of acting in such a manner so as not to exclude them or make them uncomfortable. As it stands, there have already been multiple complaints of people feeling harassed in official channels. That is unacceptable.
So, how do we move forward?
Arcona as a whole has taken a two-tiered approach to it's Telegram communications. The DB Chat, Arcona Chat, and any other Clan- or Brotherhood-wide channels (such as the Gaming chat, for instance) could be considered First Tier communication platforms. These channels are official and are, at all times, to be treated as PG-13. As members of Qel-Droma, you are all expected to set an example in ensuring that your own conduct in these venues meets that requirement.
In addition to these First Tier channels, there are also a number of unofficial (Second Tier) channels. These groups are not used to communicate official information and are more informal. A good example is the "HQD Chat". Though it bears the House name, only half its members are from Qel-Droma and it's not particularly "on-topic", as it were. What's said in those channels is handled on a case-by-case basis (should a complaint arise), and is generally held to a much looser standard set by the channel's moderator (let's call it R-rated for the HQD Chat, but each channel's moderator can rate it at their own prerogative).
Excellent work, everyone. July looks to have been a great success in terms of activity. I’ll not bore you with any more details, since I’m sure some of you would fall asleep at your keyboards otherwise.
Starting in our August report, we’ll be including a fiction featuring one of the members of House Qel-Droma each month. The character is going to be chosen based on who was the shiniest that month. Every Diamond Crescent will earn you seven points, every Ruby Crescent will earn you six, down to one point for Quartz Crescents. The only stipulation is that you must have a Character Sheet to be eligible - so if you don’t have one, get the frak on it!
For the month of August, our feature character would ordinarily be Strategos (with a whopping 59 points!). Unfortunately, Strat’s dossier is Character Sheet-less. In his stead, we’ll be going with the runner up: K’tana. What kind of crazy shenanigans will she get up to on Port Ol’val? Find out next month, boys and girls. Same Bat time. Same Bat channel.
Celevon and Terran wrestle over the remote for a few minutes before realizing people are still reading
Keep up the good work! We’ll see you next month!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Qel-Droman Summit,
OP Celevon Edraven
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma
SBL Terran Koul
Aedile, House Qel-Droma
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Awesome report :D
Awesome report, HQD! I like the info, the shiny points system, and your train etiquette.
Also I need me this cool link template with the dividers kthx.
(Also-also the gif below has no bearing I just wanted to share with everyone.)
You know what, Wally?