[HQD Summit Report]: Fresh Bloodt!


[HQD Summit Report]: Fresh Bloodt!



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo my lektastic Qel-Drominians, I bring you great news!

After many deliberations and much ponderance, we have hired our new Aedile and Battleteam Leaders! Please welcome both Alaisy Tir’eivra and Karran Val’teo to their respective posts and give them the traditional Qel-Droman welcome—No, not that one, the other one.

I am confident that both will do well in their respective posts (that’s why we hired them) and together, I trust that we can offer many new amazing stories for all our lovely characters to partake in. Expect more on the story front in the future, though due to the moving and shaking of leadership in HQD as of late, I hope you can excuse us, as we get the new hires up to speed and our space-ducks in a row.

If you have not yet done so, I heartily recommend checking out that new Mandalorian show that everyone and their Aunt Beru have been talking about. It’s pretty good! Maybe it might even stir up some of that fabled creativity! It certainly has done so for me, as you can witness in my submission for the Mando Memes.

As the year slowly crawls to an end, we can take a moment and reflect on a very exciting 37 ABY. Lifeday is still ahead of us, and after it, New Year’s. I’m sure there will be some nice comps associated, and if not, we will make some! Although this will be the final House report of the year, I want to take this moment to thank you all for this journey and I’ll see you in 38 ABY!

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Greetings fellow Qel-Dromans.

My name is Alaisy and I have been generously granted the position of Aedile in our House. I am looking forward to working with all of you, our dear Quaestor Tali and the Arconan leadership!

This wasn’t the first time I applied to the position of Aedile but I gave it a valiant attempt back in April this year in which our current Quaestor had a Lek up on me. The advice I received from our Consul Lucine and Proconsul Rhylance back then was to give it another try, so I did after a succesful Great Jedi War and now here I am.

My time in Arcona, Qel-Droma and the Voidbreaker has been a pleasant one and it has also been very busy. This opportunity came at a good time as my real life is starting to balance out and I am getting a bit more freedom to do things in the Dark Brotherhood. Not only that but these are exciting times to be part of a unique Star Wars community such as this one; a new movie, a whole series and a fantastic game that add more life to the universe.

For those who don’t know me very well, I was born in The Netherlands and I now live together with my partner and kid in the eastern Moldova region of Romania. My main passion is painting and specifically on the digital medium where I mostly create character illustrations. Hopefully, and I’m betting quite heavily on this one, it becomes my actual profession one day.

My DB character is like an extreme extension of myself in a way, more confident, fiery, dark and gloomy. I’ve roleplayed very different characters in other communities and settings before but writing and developing the Shiny Sith will give me a long term enjoyment and might help me pull some walls down in real life too. It certainly keeps me hooked to the community and story around here.

Which brings me to the things I hope to accomplish, help or motivate others within our most esteemed House. Firstly, I got you covered on the caf Quaestor! Extra dark, may it make your Lekku stand up straight. I will be helping Tali and anyone else here with ideas and executions for comps, fics, reports, events and wikis. Getting to know all of you and your characters is a high priority for me, and if you want to talk or have any ideas I’m always willing to listen.

On another note, I get to poke holes into Karran’s legs now instead of the Voidbreaker as he’s been made the new Captain of the ship! Congratulations to him!

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. Ask the Redhead and the Lekhead
  8. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Quaestor’s Office
Port Ol’val
Late 37 ABY

Tali was starting to regret her new post. Buried under an avalanche of flimsiplast—a flimsiplastilanche—she was being asked to handle the administrative functions of the surprisingly large operation which was House Qel-Droma, and at the moment, she was doing so alone.

Things had changed rapidly as of late, with Lucine taking up a more permanent residence in the Citadel what with her being Consul and all, and Emere Galo’s resignation from captaining the Voidbreaker had left the lekhead in a rather untenable position. With heaps of day-to-day duties piling up at her admittedly plus-sized desk, the Twi’lek was finding herself way beyond her depth and keeping the rapscallions that made up the House membership in line was proving to be a chore.

“Do you require assistance, Quaestor?” a familiar monotone inquired from the doorway.

Tali looked up from her mountain of sisyphean flimsi at the palid white face of the ever so helpful Kaminoan, Yumni Ha. The trader had come to be under very good terms with House Qel-Droma whenever credits were to exchange hands and Tali was under no illusion that it was precisely that which motivated her presence once again.

“Vhat do you vant, Yumni?” Tali sighed, dreading another addition to the mountain range.

You can read the rest of the fiction here.



Arcona News
  • All hail the FireLady, for she is our new Consul! Read all about it in her newest report.

  • Arcona is also in search of a Rollmaster, after our resident Goatperson Zuji stepped down from her long-held post as the friendly face for newbies. Applications end by December 18th, so get yours in! More details in Lucine’s report above.

DB Wide Updates
  • We have a new Fist and he’s made a report, check them out for your gaming needs.

  • There’s also a spoiler-free review of the Mandalorian out, if you’re interested. Check it out, if you’re not enticed to try the show out already!

  • An EA made StarWars game that people don’t accuse of being Pay-to-Win garbage? A narrative focused Single-player action game that sells well, despite all them AAA studios claiming this genre is dead? What madness is this?! Check out the Fist’s review!

  • The Voice updated a Talent. Pulling. It. Off. no longer works. Check out the report.

  • The Justicar wants to remind you, that if you intend to foster activity, you need to approve any IRL incentives before using them as motivation.

  • You want some sweet Mando bling? The Regent’s got you covered!


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

Alaisy Tir'eivra - Promoted to Aedile

Karran Val'teo - Promoted to Battleteam Leader

And now, for the Crescent list!

Marick Tyris

  • 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star
  • 4 Clusters of Ice

Tali Sroka

  • 3 Clusters of Graphite

Aru Law

  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star

Leeadra Halcyon

  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite

Sera Kaern

  • 10 Clusters of Ice

Alaisy Tir’eivra

  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite

Emere Galo

  • Scroll of the Master

Karran Val’teo

  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 3 Clusters of Ice


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Member   Points
Alaisy 20
Aru 13
Marick 10
Leeadra 8
Karran 6

Alaisy dominating the leaderboards of an admittedly rather slow month (I blame the Mando comps!) with a nice 20 points, with Aru taking second place at 13 and our new (old) member and ex-Voice Marick taking third with a respectable 10 points! Congratulations to our top placing members and good luck on getting those last crescents of the year!



  • Draw your character like one of them Rylothian girls. Pin them up!!
  • Treason! In case you’re feeling like the new Consul maybe shouldn’t sit on the Serpent throne… Or wait, why are you looking at Ol’val all of a sudden?! No! We just put out the last fires!
  • Time to Unwind 38 ABY style Draw your character enjoying some fireworks and get some of that sweet R&R.



  • Lucine asks many questions:

    • What's the working relationship like between Tali and Alaisy? Is it as intimate as the working relationship Tali shared with Lucine?
      • Tali: “Not quite as, uh, intimate… lek-cough But ve’re coming to a mutual understanding of things.”
      • Alaisy: “Like ebb and flow, one of us does the draining and the other does the filling.”
    • What are you getting your Consul and Proconsul for Lifeday?
      • Tali: “A banana hammock for the Proconsul, and the Proconsul getting a banana hammock for the Consul.”
      • Alaisy: “Red and Blue globes, I’ll let you two decide whether you want to hang them in a tree.”
    • Any big plans for HQD?
      • Tali: Stares at the boulder that is the Wiki. Becomes the Sisyphus.
      • Alaisy: “Hoping to get everyone that’s interested involved in a big House cleaning, we’ve readied the maid aprons. They’ll look so cute! OwO”
    • Did you manage to get all of the holes in Voidbreaker repaired?
      • Tali: “I knew I forgot to approve a repair bill...”
      • Alaisy: “What holes?”
    • Alaisy, what brand of polish do you use to get your clothing so shiny?
      • Alaisy: “Dimethylsiloxane.”
    • Tali, I hear you and Strong have been getting close lately. How's that been going?
      • Tali: “Erm… Uh… LIES ANDT SLANDER!”
      • Alaisy: “Sounds like competition, popcorn
    • What song would you use to characterize the new House summit?
      • Tali: “Napoleon XIV - They’re coming to take me away (ha-haa)”
      • Alaisy: “Ice Cube - Good Cop Bad Cop”
    • Is a hotdog a sandwich?
      • Tali: sprains a lek trying to think about it
      • Alaisy: “They call many things a sandwich, in my opinion, it can definitely be a sandwich.”
  • Eilen asks even more questions!:

    • Hey Alaisy, where do you find clothes with such a perfect fit for your... rather relatably sized body?
      • Alaisy: “Interesting question. You see the suit is actually alive. The suit is tree sap, Sith Alchemy is the process, and the dark side is the power source! It literally grows with me! I should probably do something about this constant growth though... And don’t ask me which tree provided me the sap, definitely don’t ask any Neti!”
    • So Tali, how long until you break and start wearing black latex lekwarmers?
      • Tali:Les Lekku et Vous already didt a line-up of such last season. It couldt not be caught vearing last seaon’s attire in my new andt illustrious post, now couldt I?”
      • Alaisy: “I’ll be ready to provide, I do think latex looks fantastic on Twi’leks.”
    • On that note - should we expect to see more black and latex in the House's future? If so, how will that affect the fashion adjustments Lucine may or may not be implementing across the clan?
      • Tali: “I’m afraidt the previous Quaestor drainedt the discretionary fashion budget for… the next five years. So...”
      • Alaisy: “You’ll be able to procure a set from my store ‘Blood & Trinkets’ in the Sinchi District on Selen. Do take good care of it though, I’d hate to see it suffer needlessly. If you start hearing screaming trees you’ll know you need to take better care of it.”
    • Now that she's sitting high in Ol'val, how is Alaisy faring so far with all these fires? Does the rising heat get troublesome?
      • Tali: “Ve needt to do something about these fires.”
      • Alaisy: “We REALLY need to do something about these fires!”
    • Had any tea parties lately?
      • Tali: “I barely scrape by on recaf...”
      • Alaisy: “Still hoping Tali joins me some time!”
    • Which looks better flowing in the wind, ponytails or lekku?
      • Tali: “Lekku. Am not bias, you are bias! Shuddup!”
      • Alaisy: “Lekku look great, but they don’t flow in the wind very well now do they? Ponytails hands down.”
    • Between all the puns to be lekspected and the constant aura of scarousal, which of you will break first?
      • Tali: “Yes.”
      • Alaisy: “I’ll do my best to provide ample amounts of both. Both is good nods in satisfaction
    • Is it just me, or is Tali's seat raised to match your head levels?
      • Tali: “... I don’t know how to operate the controls, ok?!”
      • Alaisy: “So did it go up, or down? Strong might know too.”
    • How much lek could a lekwhip whip if a lekwhip could whip lek?
      • Tali: “A lekwhip vouldt vhip, all the lek it couldt vhip, if a lekwhip couldt vhip lek.”
      • Alaisy: “As much as a lekwhip would whip if a lekwhip could whip lek.”
    • For real though, is there an actual lekwhip?
      • Tali: looks at Aedile with suspicion
      • Alaisy: “I believe its presence would sour our business relationship. One day, perhaps. steeples hands
  • Cawthren asks one too!:

    • Are we getting a Christmas bonus?
      • Tali: “You all get a complimentary piece of space-grade sealing mass andt a rubber mallet! Now get to patching those holes!”
      • Alaisy: “Do you choose door number one, door number two, or door number three?”
  • Aru asks very specific questions:

    • Do I get special perks for being the Aedile's apprentice?
      • Tali: “Nepotism is a despicable andt corrupt vay of running a House, so of course! lekpats
      • Alaisy: “You’ll get a sizable percentage of my prestige as long as you report any plots to me.”
    • What are your plans for the close future?
      • Tali: “Ve’ll be focusing on ramping up missions vith the Voidbreaker (RP Nights!) andt exploring expansions for Qel-Droma’s future piracy targets (We’ll poll ya for general plot direction and competitions).”
      • Alaisy: “First thing would be to get used to all the fancy new buttons I can press. After that, planning and coordinating plans with our Quaestor! Then enacting all the plans, really there’s a lot to do! Feel free to ask us at any time though.”
    • And for the long fuure?
      • Tali: continues staring at the sisyphean boulder that is the Wiki.
      • Alaisy: “I think the majority of our plans will be long term, the most important one is to try and make/keep this a fun place for all of you.”
    • Can i finally open my cantina? *eyes Alaisy and whispers C'mon Mistress. Smiles *
      • Tali: “Do you have a license? If not, fill in form 404b_n in triplicate andt have it filedt vith the Aedile to get you started on applying for a license.”
      • Alaisy: “You’re a Knight you can procure your very own spot on Selen!”
    • Are we going to develop Ol'val more?
      • Tali: “Yus! Andt maybe not burn it down all the time!”
      • Alaisy: “Definitely, I am getting quite tired of these fires.”
    • And can I get my hands on one of those B-Wings?
      • Tali: “Only one handt at a time, ve don’t vant to repeat vhat happenedt vith the A-wings, right?”
      • Alaisy: “You can put your hand on it, careful with the paint job though.”


In Closing…

Thank you all for an excellent year! We’ve had many great achievements as part of Clan Arcona and with the new leadership in place, I am confident that we will make 38 ABY even better, if you can believe it. We are still in the planning phase for the future arcs, though, so if you want to influence the direction of things to come, there is no better time than now to let us know! Other than that, let me pull out a quote from a favorite franchise of mine to wish you all happy holidays with: ”Consider the magnitude of your duty at leisure, but act without hesitation when action is required.”

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on TG (@tali_sroka and @Alaisy) and or email.


The Lekhead and Shiny Sith


A great report from HQD!

Great report, ya'll! I am looking forward to seeing what the Lekhead and the Shiny Sith do!

Great report kids, also, Strong is confused as to why he was mentioned so many times by the two ladies, but if they need help 'arranging furniture' he does know where the offices are already.

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