A Message from the Quaestor
Hallo, my lektastic Qel-Dromites!
Thank you all for your hard struggles and effort in the event! <3
I hope you all had fun, and felt that you had a chance to influence our House story. I would love to hear feedback on the voting system and whether we should use that in the future or not. ^^
Now, for the big reveal! A week or so before the end, the votes were still fairly even, but since then a clear winner has emerged. After the votes were tallied, with a total of 41 votes cast, 66% of them favored the Cartels. As such, Ol’val will remain a distinctly “unlawful” territory, though perhaps still better regulated than before all this kerfuffle, but now with resurgent Cartels taking up the enforcement of our customs and “city ordinances.” I am also pleased as a pair of very pleased lekku that we got some nice new additions to Ol’val’s “provinces”. Those shall be added to the Wiki page Soon™!
For the past week I’ve been KO’d by a nasty stomach bug, but I appear to have recovered. And this is good, because a Great Jedi War is soon upon us! The fun begins come June, so if there’s a nice wind-down period here to sharpen your lightsabers, flex those puzzle-solving digits, and scheme how to carve your names in DJB history! (Oh, and perhaps reading up on the Fic-tion Up-dates ahead of time?)
Your Lekhead
A Message from the Aedile
Hello fellow Qel-Dromans!
Hope everyone had an awesome April! I have acquired a new four-legged creature and am set to be moving soonTM. Anywho, I hope everyone enjoyed the event, you all did amazing and looks like we’ve steered the narrative in a certain direction. To learn how your votes have impacted House Qel-Droma’s story, check out the amazing fiction down below!
As I’m sure you’ve heard, there is a war on the horizon so be preparing your minds and weapons to win. The rest of the report awaits you as well and a surprirsing new Blind Key holder for the month of May. Stay awesome!
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- House Fiction Update
- News
- Awards, Promotions and Transfers
- Crescent Leaderboard
- Competitions
- In Closing...

House Fiction Update
Deep under Corellia’s Pride
40 ABY
“Fascinating,” Avery Watson sighed breathlessly as the small group of picked individuals traversed a long-forgotten mining tunnel ever deeper towards the arthritic heart of the venerable space rock. “These tunnels are ancient. I thought Ol’val’s history only went back a few decades at most.”
“Not every tunnel you see here was dug by the Mal Company,” Daros Uvenki grunted, his gaze as hard as his voice. “This rock was already old when we got here, but few bother to remember that anymore. I assumed the Blindman would have been among them.” The Human’s durasteel gaze shifted toward the suspiciously too clean-shaven man who’d introduced himself as the envoy of Ol’val’s enigmatic overlord and demanded his services not hours prior. What choice had he had but to accept—especially with his entourage.
“Yes, well, I may speak on behalf of the Blindman, but he does not regale me with all his dealings and knowledge. What sort of shadowy power broker would he, or she,—”
“Or they,” Zuza chirped helpfully from up front.
“—or they, be if they told every detail of their plans to their messengers?” Avery replied with his best attempt at illicit suave.
The Mal Company captain seemed unimpressed, but then again, it would take a lot to impress a man like him.
The group pressed on, arriving at a junction. The tunnels were strewn haphazardly with abandoned mining equipment, most of it so rusted through their model and make was impossible to discern. Rotting cables hung from the ceiling like entrails, the air so thin with oxygen breathing was like sipping through a tiny straw.
“Why are we stopping?” Avery pressed. “We don’t have time to dally.”
“Don’t rush me, envoy, this place is my home as much as yours—if not more. It’s been a while since I was down here last. Must be le—”
“Right! This way, it’s not far,” Zuza Lottson spoke up once more, her voice only slightly muffled by a rebreather mask.
“How could you possibly know that?” Duros Uvenki scoffed.
“Oh, I like exploring, and after I ran out of places to explore topside, I found this place. Not as many people down here, though. Fewer, uh, indiscretions to walk in on,” she admitted with only the faintest of embarrassment.
The collective group exchanged nervous glances, making mental notes to change the locks on their skeleton closets.
Read the rest of the story here.

Arcona News
Awards, Promotions, Consul Report
- Mune and Tali were awarded a Seal of Loyalty, very loyal, very honoroburu!
- Rhylance/Eleceos was awarded a Steel Cross!
- Sulith Becket was awarded an Anteian Cross!
- Jazzy/Avery was awarded a Scroll of the Master! Masterful!
- Totally unrelated to the former, Druzk was promoted to JM4!!! CONGRATULEKTIONS!
DB Wide Updates

And now, for the Crescent list!
Marick Tyris
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 21 Clusters of Ice
- 1 Cluster of Earth
- 2 Clusters of Graphite
Tali Sroka
- 1 Cluster of Ice
- 6 Clusters of Graphite
- Congrats on earning a Seal of Loyalty!! Go Tali!
Sulith Bekett
- Congrats on Earning Anteian Cross!
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- 1 Crescent with Quartz Star
- 39 Clusters of Fire
- 4 Clusters of Ice
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
Karran Val’teo
Avery Watson
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 4 Clusters of Ice
- 2 Clusters of Graphite
Edema R’uh-Kalinor
- 2 Crescents with Ruby Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- 17 Clusters of Graphite
Zuza Lottson
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 3 Crescents with Topaz Star
- 7 Clusters of Ice
- 2 Clusters of Earth
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
Mune Cinteroph
- 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 2 Crescents with Topaz Star
- 1 Crescent with Quartz Star
- 13 Clusters of Ice
- 2 Clusters of Graphite
- Congrats on earning a Seal of Loyalty!
Sigalit Nerys
Druzk Zornoz
- 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1 Crescent with Quartz Star
- 39 Clusters of Fire
- 6 Clusters of Ice
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 2 Crescents with Emerald Star
- 39 Clusters of Fire
- 9 Clusters of Ice
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
Meyrath Rizara
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 1 Cluster of Ice
- 3 Clusters of Graphite
Aru Law
- 2 Clusters of Graphite
- Welcome back!!
- Congrats on earning a Steel Cross!!!
- 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 8 Crescents with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 9 Clusters of Ice
- 6 Clusters of Graphite

Crescent Leaderboard
Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.
- Diamond: 7
- Ruby: 6
- Amethyst: 5
- Sapphire: 4
- Emerald: 3
- Topaz: 2
- Quartz: 1
Member |
Points |
Mune Cinteroph |
31 |
Zuza Lottson |
29 |
Edema R’uh-Kalinor |
21 |
Druzk Zornoz |
21 |
Mex |
15 |
It seems everyone is attempting to give Zuza a run for her money this go-round! In first place this month for the Blind Key is Mune! Followed hot on their trail in Zuza in second place. Tied for third are Edema and Druzk (good job y’all!) Lastly, we have Mex for fourth place!
Thank you all for your participation keep up the good work and put this energy toward the upcoming waaaaarrr!
Blind Key
The new possessor of the Blind Key is Mune Cinteroph!
Congratulations! Please use responsibly.


Kordath asks:
- ”How's Ol'val doing? Did you guys give the Paladin people the boot?”
- Tali: “Boot preparedt, delivery next month!”
- Avery: “Boot indeed.”
- ”Is Avery prepared for the horrors of War?”
- Tali: “I have complete faith in my Aedile’s abilities!” Nervous eyeing at Aedile hiring paperwork
- Avery: “Is anyone ever, really? To spare you the gruesome details, I'm much more prepared than my first war.”
- Is Tali planning any grand event leading into the hostilities to give people a bit of hope?
- Tali: “Vhat’s…ho-pe?”
- Avery: “If our Quaestor doesn’t, I would suggest spending some time with close friends and loved ones.”
- ”Does the QUA want to just bounce on this whole conflict thing and disappear on a luxury ship for a month on a 'diplomatic mission' across some of the nicer Mid-Rim worlds with a 'bodyguard'?”
- Tali: “You know, actually, I have been reading lately about this thing calledt delegation...”
- Avery: “I’ll need to give my assistant a raise in that case.”
- ”What's the next big purchase for HQD?”
- Tali: “Space Defences. Ve vere penetratedt by these Paladins far too easily!”
- Avery: “Agreed. The higher the quality, the better. Lower maintenance costs.”
- Tali: “Vhoa now, Aedile. Ve’re not made out of Credits here. I hear goodt things about Clone Wars -era blaster turrets. Sure, they’re a bit oldt, but they’re very affordable…”
Qyreia is dying to know:
- ”How do you feel about your Q&A tag also being a comment on the flavor of lekku?”
- Tali: “Vat?! You promisedt this vas a goodt one! I don’t know how the taghashes vork! Next time, I’m asking Zig, gah!”
- Avery: winces slightly with a nervous smile “I still think it's great. Zig is more of an expert on hashtags or holonet lingo. Apologies, Tali.”
A distinctly Karran-shaped man wearing an Anonymous mask over their horny head asks:
- ”How does it feel to be dating one of the most attractive people in the clan?”
- Tali: side-eyes at Avery
- Avery: side-eyes at Tali
- ”How does it feel to be one of the most attractive people in the clan?”
- Tali: side-eyes at Avery
- Avery: side-eyes at Tali
Archian came prepared with many questions:
- ”What (or Who) will be your next pet?”
- Tali: “Erm…n-no comment.”
- Avery: “I will refrain for the sake of professionalism.”
- ”Which milk is the best? And from which creature?”
- Tali: “P-please, apprentice, you have the oddest of questions…”
- Avery: “Uh. I don't think I've considered it since I'm not really a milk drinker.”
- ”What's your favourite dance?”
- Tali: “Anything I can lose myself in. Performance dances have been the, uh, go-to. But recently, I’ve given paired dances more of a chance. As long as it’s measuredt.”
- Avery: “Any kind of waltz.”
- ”Blue steak? Burned steak? Or Brown Steak?”
- Tali: “Vhich one of those do I not get a stomach bug from?”
- Avery: “The burned steak most likely but your eating experience will be severely hindered. Though, a medium cooked steak is pretty tasty.
- ”Are you ready for upcoming adventure with GJW?”
- Tali: >:)
- Avery: “Absolutely!”
- ”Any special orders for GJW?”
- Tali: “No cap, kill all!” Erm, I mean, no special orders. Only the usual: Kick names, take ass, have fun, and be awesome! <3
- Avery: “Nothing special. Just live and least amount of bloodshed as possible.”
- ”Which creature Archian should buy next?”
- Tali: “Have you consideredt a nice andt relaxing goldfish?”
- Avery: “A loth-wolf?”
- ”Should Archian plant any eggs at Voidbreaker, and in Aru's room?”
- Tali: “On the one handt, it’s Aru, but on the other, I’m not sure Zig vouldt appreciate yet another invasive species onboardt munching the carpet.”
- Avery: “I’ll have to second Tali here.”
Karran dares to ask some questions with his own face as well:
- ”Are we ready for Ol'val to become a respectable trade port?”
- Tali: “Please, no more slave trade.”
- Avery: “Gods I hope never again. Respectable in what way?”
- ”L'ara Erinos is requesting permission to form her own Deadly Viper Assassination Squad to hunt slavers. Can she requisition the resources needed?”
- Tali: “Approvedt! Goodt hunting!”
- Avery: “Great hunting.”
Eleceos (the Consul formerly known as Rhylance) has big Q’s for our cute A’s:
- ”Can Eevie take you guys out for a joyride? Really test out the speed capabilities of our ships?”
- Tali: “Am I being usedt as ballast? I’ll have you know, I’ve been hitting the gym!”
- Avery: “Were we not planning to already?”
- ”Time to become treasure hunters? If the paladins take over I mean.”
- Tali: “Ve’ve done so many things in the recent past that got people hurt: raiding supply ships, sabotaging shipyards, double-parking… It vouldt be nice to do some innocent tomb raiding for a change, vhere nobody gets hurt. Vell, nobody ve know, anyway.”
- Avery: “Safe treasure hunting.”
- Vicxa: “I heard treasure hunting and came running!”
In Closing…
Thank you again for all your hard work and I hope you enjoyed yourselves! Proud of you all and thanks for everyone who participated and made their voices heard. Rest assured, that even if the Paladins are not going to have a foothold on Ol’val as a result, we may still have some unfinished business with them in the future…
As always, if you have concerns, ideas, feedback, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on Discord (KuyAurelian#4515, Jazzy#2356) and or email.
Sherlek Holmes & Dr.Watson

Awesome stuff
Oo great report! Yay Mune!
Zuza's reign has ended. Long live Mune!!
Also bye bye Paladins. No one needs zealots of any kind...
Ooh! What kind of trouble can I get into with this?! :D
And yay, great report! :D