[HQD Summit Report]: New Year, Same Old Lek


[HQD Summit Report]: New Year, Same Old Lek



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo, my lektastic Qel-Dromans!

Welcome to the wonderful world of 40 ABY! Hope you all had lovely end-of-year festivities! Considering all that’s been going on, I must say mine were quite successful and pleasant. New Year’s especially was very nice and could enjoy a nice cozy moment watching fireworks off the ol’ balcony. Good riddance to 2021, bring on 2022!

Looking forward to what we’re in for this solar orbit, I’ve heard whispers it’s going to be a Great Jedi War year. In more pressing news, though, it seems bad things are afoot on Selen as well, so keep your lightsabers sharp and blasters warmed for what may go down. Oh, and pay absolutely no mind to the brewing street war that’s about to boil over on Ol’val. I’m sure that won’t be causing any problems whatsoever…

In far more important news, we have a new Aedile! Say hallo to Jazzy/Avery below!

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Hello fellow Qel-Dromans!

I hope everyone had a splendid holiday! Welcome to the first LeksAvery report. If you don’t know yet, it is I Jazzy who has stolen the shoes of A-Aru as your new Aedile. If you have any questions or need anything from me, I can be found pretty easily via Discord. Avery is a gentle doctor and engineer who does his best to help where he can.

Anyway, I look forward to serving you all this year. Onto the fun report goodies!

Signed, Jazzy

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Shadow Complex
Port Ol’val
40 ABY

Avery Watson ran his hands along the smooth featureless surface of an expensive office desk. The dull reflection on its surface showed a man still coming to terms with his newfound purpose in life. He had asked to be more—and life, or the Force, had provided.

“I hope you’re adjusting vell?” Tali Sroka inquired, holding an armful of binders against her chest. “There’s not much time for a proper induction to your tasks, but I’ll do my best to guide you. Ashla knows ve can’t trust Aru’s notes,” the Twi’lek muttered, casting a look at a colorful scrapbook the former Aedile had helpfully left for their replacement. Some of the pages were sticking together and Tali had no desire to know why, while the ones that didn’t were crammed full with various scraps of notes all drawn over in bold marker scribbles.

“I think I’ll manage,” the auburn-haired Human replied, sliding the notebook off to the side with a muted look of disgust. “Anything in particular you’re expecting of me, Quaestor?”

“At the moment?” Tali adjusted her grip on the binders. “I’ll let you sink your teeth into these. Just the daily reports andt vhatnot. Sign off andt approve, shouldn’t be anything interesting. Nothing happens aroundt Lifeday anyway.” She stepped closer and laid the small tower of paperwork on his pristine desk.

“I see,” Avery nodded. Whatever expectations he’d had of being an Aedile, this was definitely bypassing them by an uncomfortable margin.

“I’ll see about getting you in touch vith the intel officers once they get back to their posts. Once you get more comfortable running the day-to-day, ve’ll addt more to your plate. Don’t vant to overwhelm you in one go,” Tali smirked.

“Right, makes sense. Small steps,” Avery agreed, though even this small mountain was looking daunting enough. How had Aru managed to handle all of this while maintaining a balanced and healthy—oh, right.

“One question, if I may?” he inquired as the Twi’lek turned to leave.

Tali paused, hand on the door controls, and turned to look over her shoulder. “Vhat’s on your mindt?”

Read the rest of the story here.



Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

  • We have a new Aedile, Jazzy!
  • Aru was awarded a Sapphire Blade! Danku for your amazing work, A-Aru!
  • Mune was awarded an Amethyst Khukuri! Ooo, soo cuuurvy!
  • Balthasar was promoted to Courier! Go, Balt, Go!
  • Rollmaster applications are still open for a bit! Huuurrryyyy!
  • Read all about our Clan’s end-of-year extravaganza here!
DB Wide Updates


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

And now, for the Crescent list!

Mune Cinteroph
- 10 Clusters of Ice
- 10 Clusters of Graphite

- 14 Clusters of Ice
- 3 Crescents with Sapphire Star
- 8 Clusters of Earth

Tali Sroka
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 3 Clusters of Graphite

Lucine Vasano
- 4 Clusters of Ice

Edema Ruh-Kalinor
- 4 Clusters of Ice

Avery Watson
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 18 Clusters of Ice
- 5 Clusters of Graphite

Zuza Lottson
- 3 Crescents with Ruby Star
- 8 Crescents with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 2 Clusters of Ice

Doon Sulvir
- 1 Cluster of Ice

Aru Law
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 4 Clusters of Ice
- 16 Clusters of Graphite

Leíf Fern'gulli
- 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
- 3 Clusters of Earth
- 2 Clusters of Graphite

- 2 Clusters of Graphite
- 2 Pendants of Blood (Woo! Go Balt!)


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Member   Points
Zuza Lottson 22
Avery Watson 12
Socorra 12
Tali Sroka 9
Aru Law 7

Wow! This was one hell of a month of activity!

Zuza takes 1st place with a whopping 22 points. She is followed by Avery and Socorra with 12 points, Tali with 9 and Aru at a lucky 7.

Great job everyone and keep it up next month!

Blind Key

Zuza takes the Blind Key this month! She’s clearly missed having it around, seeing how she crushed the leaderboard this month to get it back.

Congratulations on your key Zuza!



  • This month, the SA brings us a World Between Worlds! Check out your worst memories!
  • You want some flash gayms? Here ya go!
  • Our very own Balthasar is running his first comp! Check out these chicks!
  • Aru’s Big Load of puzzles is still running strong! Try one of his puzzles!
  • Or maybe you prefer SW movie poster puzzles?
  • Aru has also been watching the Witcher and made some themed comps. Adventure with the Child of Surprise!
  • Co-op Fiction to steal/infiltrate another Clan’s prized possessions? Count me in!
  • Someone’s trying to steal/infiltrate our Clan’s prized possessions! Who could have seen this coming?! Stop them!
  • How would your character have turned out different if they had(n’t) had the Force? Tell us!
  • The Club-wide plot thickens! And with it, comes a Fiction comp. Go, engage with the plot, make it your schutta! Show it who’s boss!



  • Archian wants to know:

    • “What was your main drink during New Year's Eve?”
      • Tali: “I got this nice bottle of sparkling vine from Lucine, Chatoo de… something or another. It made a very nice Mimosa!”
      • Avery: “Corellian Whiskey. Smooth but strong.”
  • Edema asks:

    • Curious why we use the name of Qel-Droma when he died a Jedi?
      • Tali: “I think it is quite fitting, isn’t it? Ve have both Sith andt Jedi, but in the endt, ve’re not that badt.”
      • Avery: “As Tali mentioned, there is room for all here.”
  • Aru asks four things:

    • I may have left some papers on one of my hidden drawers with sensitive information, not at all nudies. Can I have it back?
      • Tali: “I’m sorry, your clearance has been revokedt andt all excess material has been shovedt into the incinerator…”
      • Avery: “Refer to Tali’s reply.”
    • Good luck to Avery on their new job! I wish you the best!
      • Avery: “Thank you. I have some questionable shoes to fill. When you return, Aru, I’d like a word with you.”
    • How'd you come up with LeksAvery?
      • Tali: It kinda sounds like Tex Avery, what being an cartoon(ist) from before I was smol.
      • Avery: I liked the way it sounds. Plus the picture reminds me of Avery ^.^
    • Gonna ask this again next month to see the response, but, how do you foresee your dynamic to be?
      • Tali: “I’m seeing fewer banthas in the office.”
      • Avery: “One is already too many. I hope our dynamic will simply be beneficial for the clan and friends alike.”
  • Socorra asks three things:

    • Avery, Aru probably left some sweet stuff behind. I'm not saying you should go through it, but you should totally go through it."
      • Tali: humms while TK’ing stuff into incinerator
      • Avery: “I will pass. There are some questionably sticky items here.”
    • "When will everyone spell Ol'val correctly? Asking for a friend."
      • Tali: “OI’Vål?”
      • Avery: “Is this a problem?”
    • "Why was the name Ol'val chosen, anyway? Olys Corellisi rawks but I may be severely biased."
      • Tali: “I vasn’t there vhen it vas chosen, probably someone neededt their ego boostedt…”
      • Avery: “My knowledge is too limited on this matter.”
  • Sage asks two things:

    • "Is the milk supply assured? The Boss needs his milk to keep his bones strong and crack some skulls."
      • Tali: “I heardt there are these vater-mammals you can get that milk directly from the source from.”
      • Avery: “Go to the markets. There are good, hardworking people who sell milk there.”
    • "Is The Boss allowed to continue his pit fighting activities under the name Qel-Droma now that big bro Law isn't there anymore?"
      • Tali: “Ve vill sue you into full Nelson.”
      • Avery: “There is a very outstanding debt under Law’s name. I would hope you do not wish to incur more.”
  • Kali asks one thing:

    • "What's the best place in Ol'Val to dance and perform some gigs? I've been practicing."
      • Tali: “I hear goodt things about the, ugh, Tittilating Twi’lek. They’re always hiring.”
      • Avery: “I would suggest the Concert Club Sub Ol’Val.”
  • Kordath has only one thing on his mind, and it’s disgusting:

    • So when is Tali taking a vacation?
      • Tali: “Vhen I resign…” thousand-parsec stare
      • Avery: “Does Tali need a vacation? I’m more than happy to supply the funds for one.”

In Closing…

We have another 365 days of StarWars delight ahead of us! With new RP activities, more Possessions, and all manner of terrible foes scheming for our undoing in the shadows, this is looking to be a promising year for House Qel-Droma. Put your tray tables up, and lock your seats at the full upright position, ‘cus I’m predicting this is going to be a bumpy ride! (Farsight +4)

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, feedback, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on Discord (KuyAurelian#4515, Jazzy#2356) and or email.


Sherlek Holmes & Dr.Watson


Great report!


Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Ve're all dooooooooooooomedt!

Erm, I mean, good going Zuza! So proudt!

Great report!

And awesome Activity people! Glad tot be part of this House!

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