[HQD Summit Report]: Soufflek


[HQD Summit Report]: Soufflek



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo, my lektacular Qel-Dromnians!

I am happy to be making this first House report with our new Aedile, Sofila! She’s bravely taken up the reins after Archian and has already proven to be a quick learner. We hope to bring you many new stories together as we plot the course of House Qel-Droma’s future!

As the year winds towards a close and the nights get long and dark, I hope you all have a favourite tipple to cradle up with. Glühwein season has begun in Finland at least and I’m already a few bottles deep for this year’s tally. Still need to find which of the annoyingly annual blends is this year’s winner, so wish me luck on my quest for spiced supremacy!

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Heeeellllloooo Qel-Dromians!

My first report, gosh. Didn’t think I would be up here, so I am very honored and I hope to meet everyone’s expectations of me!

Holidays are coming up! Remember to be kind to yourself and others. I will be traveling a lot but will be around! If holidays are rough for you, remember we are here for you.

Ta-ta for now!

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Port Ol’val
Dajorra System
41 ABY

“Andt here’s your office!”

Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis took in the sleek and polished office space that still carried with it a certain waft of unwashed Bantha, no matter how hard the janitors had tried cleaning the air filters. It was a simple and utilitarian space with a polished black floor, modern office desk and chair, and a filing cabinet brimming with undone flimsiwork.

“Don’t vorry, you can style it as you please. Ve just try to return it back to a neutral state after the previous Aedile leaves,” Tali Sroka explained to her new second-in-command. “Emphasis on try.”

The purple-haired Mirialan gazed in wonder at the space that was now hers, swerving around as she took in every attraction from the stationery to the comms, and even private cafmaker. Running her green hands over the desk, she could feel it in her fingertips. It was all around her, electrifying and exciting. Potential, so much untapped potential. She could hardly contain herself.

“I am really excited to take on this opportunity, Miss Sroka!” she blurted. “I’ve been dreaming of getting into the thick of it and really show everyone what I can do!” She was practically bouncing in place, excitement jitters all over her face that was smiling so wide Tali feared it might break.

“You’ll have every opportunity to impress, Sagitta,” the older Twi’lek replied calmly, offering a polite smile in return. She could see much of herself in the young Mirialan, though she hoped her scars, though visible, were not as painful as her own.

“You won’t regret your choice!” Sagitta declared boisterously. “Now, what’s my first mission? Are our allies in need of assistance? Do I need to lead a daring raiding force to save a stranded comrade? Oooh, or maybe there are traitors in our midst and they need to be exposed! I’m really good at that!”

Tali stifled a chuckle, raising a gentle hand to calm the fresh Aedile’s excitement.

“All in due time,” she stated. “For a start, the recent events on Arx left us vith a surplus of reporting to do, andt vith Archian indisposedt, the flimsiwork piledt up quickly.”

Sagitta chanced a glance at the filing cabinet that seemed to creak under the weight of bureaucracy. A stack of flimsi sheets laid on top of it chose that exact moment to topple and spread themselves over the ground.

“You don’t mean…?”

“That you needt to clear the entire cabinet?” Tali chuckled. “Oh no, that’s just the indexing system for the actual archives in the basement.” The Mirialan suddenly looked very pale.

“Gets ‘em every time…” Tali giggled to herself.


Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

  • Wally was awarded a curvy and purple Amethyst Kukri! Congratulektions!
  • Our very own Sagitta was promoted to EQ2!!! Heckin’ fantastic!
  • Wally was also promoted, to the esteemed and venerated rank of EL3! There are only 5 EL3s in the entire club! I have more fingers than that!!!
  • Our Socks also received a shiny purple Amethyst Kukri before her departure to be the new PCON of Clan Vizla! Ashla guide you, Socks and may the Force Be With You!
  • Sofila also gained herself some crystalline cutlery with her first Sapphire Blade!
  • Read the Consul report here.
  • Another casualty of the Wahr was found this month when we discovered the previous Quarter’s Blind Key tracker had overheated and succumbed. The final tally read simply: ELECEOS, and he has been awarded the Blind Key. The last quarterly leaderboard thus begins with the Wahr scores!
DB Wide Updates


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

  • Socks / Socorra has accepted the prestigious role of Proconsul for Clan Vizla! Please join me in wishing her all the best on her new adventures outside of Arcona!
  • Sofila, freshly transferred from the Training Corps, has been promoted to be Aedile of House Qel-Droma! Heckin’ lektastic!


Crescents, Clusters and the Awards!

Look! This is amazing! Yeaaa! War! What is it good for!?

….. Awards obviously.

Marick Tyris

  • 1 Amethyst Kukri
  • 4 Silver Nova (Holy Moly!)
  • 1 Bronze Nova
  • 2 Scroll of Foundation
  • 1 Diamond Crescent
  • 1 Ruby Crescent
  • 1 Amethyst Crescent
  • 53 Clusters of Ice
  • 16 Clusters of Graphite
  • 23 Seal of Transcendence (Oooh, so many! So dedicated!)

Mune Cinteroph

  • 1 Ruby Crescent
  • 1 Amethyst Crescent
  • 4 Clusters of Ice
  • 11 Seal of Transcendence


  • 3 Bronze Nova (Novae Machine!)
  • 7 Scroll of Foundation
  • 3 Diamond Crescent
  • 4 Ruby Crescent
  • 4 Amethyst Crescent
  • 2 Sapphire Crescent
  • 1 Emerald Crescent
  • 1 Topaz Crescent
  • 19 Clusters of Fire
  • 1 Cluster of Ice
  • 2 Clusters of Earth
  • 16 Clusters of Graphite
  • 13 Seal of Transcendence

Tali Sroka

  • 1 Silver Nova
  • 3 Bronze Nova
  • 1 Diamond Crescent
  • 2 Ruby Crescent
  • 2 Sapphire Crescent
  • 1 Emerald Crescent
  • 2 Topaz Crescent
  • 42 Clusters of Ice
  • 16 Clusters of Graphite
  • 24 Seal of Transcendence

Edema R’uh-Kalinor

  • 4 Clusters of Ice
  • 6 Seal of Transcendence

Eilen Ru’tyari

  • 1 Quartz Crescent
  • 3 Clusters of Ice
  • 8 Seal of Transcendence (Get ‘em!)

Leeadra Halcyon

  • 8 Seal of Transcendence (Yas, queen!)


  • 1 Silver Nova (Glorious!)
  • 1 Amethyst Crescent
  • 1 Emerald Crescent
  • 3 Clusters of Ice
  • 24 Clusters of Graphite
  • 10 Seal of Transcendence

Doon Sulvir

  • 1 Silver Nova (Shinyyy!)
  • 1 Emerald Crescent
  • 11 Seal of Transcendence


  • 2 Seal of Transcendence (Every Seal counts!)


  • 1 Sapphire Blade
  • 1 Silver Nova
  • 1 Bronze Nova
  • 4 Diamond Crescent
  • 1 Amethyst Crescent
  • 1 Emerald Crescent
  • 2 Quartz Crescent
  • 344 Clusters of Fire (This girl is on FIREEE!)
  • 84 Clusters of Ice
  • 114 Clusters of Earth
  • 4 Clusters of Graphite
  • 16 Seal of Transcendence

Druzk Zornosz

  • 1 Seal of Transcendence (Every Seal Counts!)

Arden Koilos

  • 4 Seal of Transcendence (Thank you for your service!)


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.

This month we see the last quarterly race begin for 41 ABY! Eleceos holds a commanding lead, with Sagitta and Tali jousting for 2nd place and Wally bringing up a respectable 4th. Mune, Archian, Doon, and Eilen also make an appearance, great job everyone!

If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Name October November December Placement
Eleceos 78 1st
Sagitta 38 2nd
Tali 34 3rd
Wally 18 4th
Mune 11 5th
Archian 8 6th
Doon 3 7th
Eilen 1 8th


Ooooh looky hereeee:

  • Your character turned into a creature! Zuza wants you to draw it! I’ll have to find my apple pen… What creature will they be? I cannot wait to see it!!
  • Work’t asked, let’s deliver some headshots in Warframe! Blow his mind, I dare you.
  • Deathwatch has asked the entire DJB for some logo help! See if you can lend a hand
  • Pazaak was popular during the war and now it’s a thing! And Eleceos has created a fun competition revolving around Pazaak! It’s Pazaak time!
  • Are you feeling mean? Kinda killer-y? Is that a word? Oh well. Ikarri opened a comp for you DBD Killers out there! Are you feeling lucky, punk?
  • Feeling more zoom zoom and less stab stab? Zappy has a comp coming up for you Mario Kart lovers! Zoom zoom!
  • A Brotherhood Event is coming up and hosted by Zxyl! Check it out!



  • Doon wants to know:
  • ”Setting into your new position alright? Did you clean out all the fur from the previous position holder??”
    * Sofila: "I think I’m settling in okay? Pretty good? Oh, suns, the fur. I’m trying! The dust bunnies are HUGE and EvErYwHeRe."

  • ”What are your thoughts on Souffle, Sofila?”
    * Sofila: ".... w-what’s a Souffle? Let me find my datapad."

  • ”Have you gotten to know the Lekmeister very well yet? How intense has the gossip been?”
    * Sofila: "Starting to get to know them prett- Wait. What gossips? TALI!"
    * Tali: “Vhat? Ve’re the sneaky-secret information House of the Clan. Of course there vill be gossip. Now let’s brew up some tea so ve can spill it!”

  • Archian boldly asked:

  • ”Is the Leek Softer now since the SofLek is the thing now??”
    * Sofila: "Doubt it… I can… poke it to find out? Would Tali get mad?"
    * Tali: “No touching lekku vithout consent! Andt I vill have you know they are still quite firm andt perky, thankyouverymuch!”

  • ”Did you find the secret egg during cleaning out the fur from your office?”
    * Sofila: "I did! Did you find it in front of your door?"

  • ”Are there still strange noises coming out of the tunnel connected to your office? Borcatu really liked it.”
    * Tali: “I thought ve filledt those up vith duracrete last veek…”
    * Sofila: “So that’s what that noise is. Oh my suns. Why, just, why?"

  • ”How much weight Ruby Star Crescent melted with Topaz Star Crescent mixed with additional mass of the fully grown Chillaks?”
    * Tali: “More than the carrying capacity of a European swallow.”
    * Sofila: “-blank stare-"

  • ”Favorite Halloween Brew?”
    * Tali: “Boooooo!-ze.”
    * Sofila: “I’m with Tali here."

  • ”Any plans for updating the office and removing the hatching incubation chambers from the wall?”
    * Tali: “Ashla above, no vonder they seemedt to be coming out of the voodwork. Andt ve don’t even have voodt paneling in the Phantom Complex!”
    * Sofila: “I love creatures and animals so it was a hard decision for me to get those removed but I need to focus on my work somehooooooow."

  • ”What entertainment and adventures do you hide in your sleeve?”
    * Tali: “It’s a bit inappropriate to go digging up a Twi’lek’s sleeves for ‘adventure’ andt ‘entertainment’, don’t you think?”
    * Sofila: “Sleeves? Uh. -looks at her bare arms in confusion- I don’t wear sleeves?"

  • ”Can Stomps visit your office and bring some oval shape gifts.”
    * Sofila: “Ahhhhh my babbbby! I miss her so much! But no, she’s happier where she is and I don’t want to stress her with the constant back and forth."

  • ”With all best wishes from former Aedile - are you ready?”
    * Sofila: “Yep! Nope! Yes, totally not ready!"

  • ”And did you synchroleeked with the new Aedile already?”
    * Tali: “I am training her to lock lekku in attack position for our fusion ultimate spirit bomb!”
    * Sofila: “Tali, you are what?"

  • Zuza zooms in:

  • ”For Sofila, Do you have any plans for your position? Anything you’re particularly excited to get to do now you’re set up?"
    * Sofila: “I’m excited! And scared! And totally not going into this blind! Nope! I guess I’m excited to help you guys in missions more!"

  • ”Port Ol’Val has been quiet recently, is there any plans for that to change or are we going to reaching out now?"
    * Tali: “Doon has some vork for you, but ve are reaching out andt going to throw some spanners in the Hutts’ vorks. You know, as some light payback for them messing vith Ol’val andt Dajorra…”
    * Sofila: “-buried in paperwork- help."

  • Kord kared to ask:

  • ”Tail have any big post-war plans? Any trips? Vacations? Slaver strongholds for her and an enterprising Chiss to go wipe out?”
    * Tali: “After these high-stakes missions to realms beyondt mortal comprehension, some more down-to-earth shenanigans vouldt be velcome. Bandits, rivals, Hutts, that sort of fare.”

  • ”How’s Sofila settling in?”
    * Tali: “Like a fish to hardt vacuum. Erm, no I meant space station. No… that’s not it… Tropical oceans!”
    * Sofila: “... Thanks?"

  • ”And big post-War purchases for Ol’Val?”
    * Tali: “This vill dependt on how many credits ve’re affordedt, but I have been eyeing that Vulture droidt station aroundt Ol’val. It’s a remnant from the Clone Vars, but vith some paint andt tender loving care, ve might be able to reactivate it…”
    * Sofila: “OOOH SOMETHING NEW?!"

In Closing…

CONGRATULEKTIONS on an awesome GJW y’all! We absolutely smashed it, and I am beyond thrilled to see HQD nab so many Novae! Thank you for your diligent work and showering us in Seals! Arcona may not have the individually most-bestest entrants in any single field of Competition, but together we are the most active and dedicated bunch

We once again stand in awe of your combined effort and dedication. <3


Purple Lek & Purple Hair


Sagitta: HEY whats a sufle? also hi hope you and Flyndt are good!.

Foxen: a soufflé is a better, more disciplined version of you. Also, excellent baked egg dish.

Foxen: confirm, good. Inspired now. Going to see if he likes soufflé tonight.

Foxen: go do fifty laps and I will consider saving one for you and the Cole.

Blind Domination!

Good luck in your new role Sofila!

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