[HQD Summit Report]: Taking a Gambler


[HQD Summit Report]: Taking a Gambler



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo my lektastic Qel-Dromites!

How much the world can change in but a month, eh? Thankfully, we’re still here, an oasis of calm in a world that at times may seem very strange and confusing. It’s been lovely to interact with all of your over the past weeks as getting back to our little star home has been a nice breather when stuck inside four walls is getting a bit much.

Speaking of wanting to break free, I hope you all are giving the Tenixir Prison break comp your all! The comps end tomorrow, so you still have time to finish up your NPC, pirate logo, or fiction. But above all else, if you are part of a Run-On group, do not let them down! Get those posts in!

After the prison riots have been dealt with, we can get back to exploring and expanding our little space rock home. So watch out for some Comps!

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Hello there!

I sure hope you’re all safe and warm in these difficult times. Stay inside as much as you can and use the extra time to do those things you probably wouldn’t if our lives hadn’t changed so much.

It is the utmost pleasure to be able to serve as the Aedile in such a great House. I thank our Quaestor Tali Sroka, our Consul Lucine and our Proconsul Rhylance, my granpa Master, for the opportunity and am glad to finally work with all of you.

Most of you might know who I am already, but I’ll present myself anyways. The name’s Aru. Aru Law. And I’m the new Aedile for House Qel-Droma. I come from Nar Shaddaa and have been around the Brotherhood for almost a year now.

The real me comes from Portugal, that little country on the western end of Europe. You should visit one day, it’s fun and sunny! I’m somewhat of an Earth version of Aru in terms of being overall happy and excited to befriend so many people.

I look forward to accomplishing a lot with our Quaestor and all of you. The new and improved caf machine is being installed as we speak. We are working on some comps to further develop our House and where we live. I will also be releasing some comps of my own to provide you with good times! On a bigger scale, I’ll be working closely with our Quaestor to update the House and Port Ol’Val wiki. We want your help if you’re willing to! Inform us of your interest via Telegram or email.

In closing, we have a whole new month ahead of us and plenty more comps to participate in. Be sure to check them out and earn them sweet points for you and our House!

Signed, The local Gambler

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. Ask the Lekhead and the Gambler
  8. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Port Ol’val
37 ABY

“So,” Tali Sroka sighed as she poured herself and her diminutive guest a drink of amber liquid, “You’re saying the Dawn Conclave is not just the Dawn Conclave, but part of something bigger?

“Yes,” Korii Shunzo replied, accepting the glass the purple Twi’lek offered. “Or at least that is as far as we’ve understood them.”

Still smelling of smoke and finely ground rock from the recently fought battle to exterminate the Dawn Conclave’s last refuge on Ol’val, Tali downed her first drink and poured herself another.

“Andt you vant us to come fight them? After ve’ve only just managedt to throw them out from our own home?”

The Mirialan lowered her head in acknowledgement of the magnitude of her request before replying. “It is a tall ask, and I do not expect you’d do it without compensation. However, the organization of which the Dawn Conclave is a part of, it is far bigger than that. They are like locusts, moving from one shadoport to the next, infiltrating small systems like ours and overthrowing their governments to install their own puppets. I do not know how far their reach extends, but you are the only ones who’ve successfully managed to stave them off!”

Shunzo sighed and swirled the drink in her glass, its amber color reflecting her own complexion. “I hate to say this, but you’re our only hope...” She downed the drink in one gulp.

Tali inspected the woman, both in the mundane and the attuned sphere gifted to her by the Force. Her desperation and concern for her people was genuine, but there were things she was hiding. Despite her appearance and demeanor, the Mirialan was clearly a career diplomat.

A flashing light on her datapad caught the Twi’lek’s attention, the familiar symbol of the Consul’s office alerting her to the pressing nature of the communication. She swiftly tapped over the message, eyes darting over the lines as she read the brief on a developing situation that Lucine expressed required Qel-Droma’s urgent attention.

You can read the rest of the fiction here.



Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

  • We got promotions! We got new Staff! You name it, we got it!

  • Aru Law: Hired as Aedile

  • Leeadra Halcyon: Promoted to Equite II (Congratulations Lee!)

  • Karran Val’teo: Promoted to Equite I (Like our Battle Team Leader deserves)

  • Alaisy Tir’eivra: Promoted to Equite II (The training paid off!)

  • Archian: Promoted to Journeyman I (Welcome to the Journeyman club mate!)

  • Our beloved Sera got hired as the new Battle Team Leader of Spectre Cell(House Galeres)! She will be moving to the Spectre Cell chat to coordinate their RP’s but that doesn’t mean she won’t be visiting us in The Voidbreaker. Good luck leading your new Battle Team Sera!

  • If you haven’t already, check out our Clan’s report for all the news on what’s happening in our Shadow Clan! Beware the Ides of March

DB Wide Updates
  • There’s a Prison Break going on! Still running for a day. DO THE THINGS!

  • Get your monthly Fistings! Read all about the new Praetor in the Fist Report 5.0! Also, the mini-supplemental 5.1

  • Do you hear the Voices too? Read the new Voice Report for that tasty TL;DR on the DJB-wide fictional situaiton.

  • Soo, the upgrades had a slight malfunction, but do not be alarmed. It’s being sorted. Check it out the Regent Report for more details.

  • We have a new Combat Master!

  • I know some of you have been absolutely slaying the Shadow Academy, and in response, they’ve created more SA courses!


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

And now, for the Crescent list!


  • 3 Clusters of Graphite

Alaisy Tir’eivra

  • 2 Crescents with Diamond Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 6 Clusters of Graphite

Sulith Bekett

  • 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star
  • 6 Clusters of Graphite

Karran Val’Teo

  • 4 Clusters of Ice

Zaric Jarard

  • 1 Cluster of Ice (Keep’em coming!)


  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star

Sera Kaern

  • 1 crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Cluster of Ice
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Member   Points
Alaisy 18
Sulith 10
Archian 6

A rather slow month of activity as everyone gets used to their new lifestyle. Alaisy takes the top spot with 18 points, followed by Sulith with a round 10 for points and style! And last but not least we have Archian with 6 points thanks to his Ruby Crescent. Keep up the great work everyone and let's get more names on the leaderboard!





  • The Shiny Sith asks a lot of questions:

    • Why 'The Leky Draw'?
      • Tali: “Ve hadt many options. It came down to the lek of the draw…”
      • Aru: “Well, Leky comes from Leku and Lucky. Draw comes from gambling.”
    • I would like to formally congratulate my loyal apprentice on his promotion to Aedile, I knew you could do it and I feel confident that you have the heart that House Qel Droma needs.
      • Aru: “Thank you so much Mistress! I hope I can make you proud!"
    • What do you think the dynamic between Tali and Aru will be like?
      • Tali: “At least in heels Tali might finally be taller than her Aedile, so that’s a plus!”
      • Aru: “Aru has a lot of experience in dealing with Twi’Leks. Therefore I believe we will make a great team!”
    • And what's the first thing you'll be working on as our new Aedile, Aru?
      • Aru: “We’re now working towards further development of our shady Port Ol’Val.”
    • Excuse me for my sudden absence, is Ol'val Dawn Conclave free now, what will be our next venture?
      • Tali: “Yes! After years of hardt vork, ve’re finally Conclave-free! But apparently there’s more of them out in the galaxy. Andt they von’t rest until ve’re gone.”
      • Aru: “Ol’Val may be free, but the threat isn’t over.”
    • How do you like your new offices?
      • Tali: “These are still transitionary, but I like the vay our hew HQ is shaping up! Very practical. More compact and utilitarian than the oldt one. Less massive goldt staues...”
      • Aru: “I have yet to find the perfect decoration to go with it, but I do like how big they are.”
    • Will I have some decent leg space in the new HQ?
      • Tali: “If you come in lying down?”
      • Aru: “I believe every House member specific needs have been accounted for. If not inside, we have a new garden to walk around.”
    • I've got some exotic flora that I'd like to grow in those wonderful gardens of the shiny new headquarters, they may be slightly invasive. I'll make sure to harvest them frequently, 50% off for any cosmetic products that I can make with these!
      • Tali: “Erm, invasive… how? I’ve seen enough Eastern expanse vine vids...”
      • Aru: “As long as they don’t accidentally eat any of us, or our pets, I don’t see any problem with having them.”
  • Kord hits us with some interesting questions

    • Any big plans on the horizon for HQD?
      • Tali: Wiki! Friggin’ finally! If you wanna help us, express your enthusiasm to either me or my shiny new Aedile!
      • Aru: “We’re gonna implement what we already have and develop even more!”
    • How'd the prison riots go? Any stories?
      • Tali: “Ask Strong...”
      • Aru: “I’m proud of my NPC. Not so proud of my logo though.”
    • Related to the prisons, did Aru drop the soap?
      • Aru: “I did drop the soap. But I used the Force to pick it back up.”
    • Can the Lek come out and play yet, asking for a Chiss
      • Tali: “The lek vas out stopping riots, does that count as play?”
    • For Aru: What's your Mistress's favorite flower/drink/treat, for reasons
      • Aru: “I believe she will be very impressed if you manage to find a latex flower. As for drinks, anything with a slight chance to kill might be a good option, as long as she isn’t the one drinking it. If you treat her to a nice Sithy dinner and dress to impress, she might consider accepting. Karran has experience in offering my Mistress gifts. Perhaps you should consult him.”
      • Tali: “I happen to have on goodt authority that she is partial to some Juicy P…”
    • Anyone try to burn down Ol'val recently?
      • Tali: “The Consul has not yet inspectedt our new HQ, if that vas vhat you vere asking.”
      • Aru: “Not that I know of. Could be wrong though.”
    • When can we expect to see the new HQ implemented?
      • Tali: Once we have the wiki-slaves, erm, I mean wiki-interns!
      • Aru: “Perhaps if Strong would lend us his muscles for construction, things would move faster.”
    • How we doing?
      • Tali: "Ve are. In many vays. So many doings andt goings on. Am exhaustedt..."
      • Aru: “Very well thank you. I’m really enjoying answering all these questions!”
  • Our esteemed Consul shows concern for us!

    • Any interesting attempts on your lives recently?
      • Tali: “Eh, the usual. Less orphan-stabbings, more suicide bombings. Guess it changes vith the seasons?”
      • Aru: “No and I hope it keeps that way. I just settled here!”
    • Who was your interior designer for the new HQ?
      • Tali: “Ve hiredt a renownedt designer from the Galactic Core, Veers Satchi. He’s been doing quite stunning vork!”
      • Aru: “Also, I heard
    • Have you changed out the uniforms yet?
      • Tali: “I believe those fall under the Voidbreaker’s budget. But rest assuredt, there have been talks.
      • Aru: “I’m putting up a petition to have the ladies wear mini skirts but I’ve been told that would distract certain members in our unit” Eye’s Strong
    • Aru, how are you settling in to your new role?
      • Aru: “I love being able to work for my House. Thank you again for the opportunity!”
    • Tali, how is Aru settling in to his new role? Are you training him as thoroughly and vigorously as I trained you?
      • Tali: “...”
    • Has Ol'val gotten any additional upscale hotels recently? In case I need to drop by for surprise inspections.
      • Tali: “Up-scaling is difficult vhen you’re living literally under a rock. But ve are seeing new business pop up. Apparently getting ridt of a civil var helps vith luring in small business. Vho knew?”
      • Yumni: “I did, and I kept telling you. Incessantly.”
      • Aru: “Any particular region of the asteroid you would like to see a new hotel built?”
    • Is the Shirtless Chiss Fire Brigade still working well? Don't forget, they require frequent drills to ensure peak performance!
      • Tali: “Oh I’m sure ve can deploy them onto Selen if needt be. Just let us know vhen your personal quarters catch a friction fire...”
      • Aru: “I’m still not entirely sure being shirtless helps in fire fighting. They seem ready though, and sweaty.”
  • James Marks is worried about the future:

    • In regards to the future, should there be provisions set in place for emergency response teams to cover Ol'val?
      • Tali: “Ve are taking precautions andt learning from last time. Next time someone tries to infiltrate andt invade our home, they’ll have to be at least 23% smarter than last time!”
      • Aru: “And prettier!”


In Closing…

Another month, another prison break.

In these trying times, it’s heart warming to know we’ve got enthusiastic people filled with optimism living all around the globe. When life within four walls gets a little too real, it’s a welcome window into a galaxy far far away to pop over to Telegram and exchange a few goofy lines with you all.

Atty put it well in her lovely post. I recommend you go read it, if you feel like the world around you is a bit too much at times. I also want to remind you all that we’re in this together, as Arconans, and we’ll get through it together. Keep being awesome, and wash those hands!

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on TG (@tali_sroka, @AruLaw) and or email.


The Lekhead & The Gambler


Great report guys

Awesome report you two!

Great report! Congrats and welcome to leadership, Aru! And to everyone else, go forth and help with the wiki!

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