[HQD Summit Report]: Walk like an Lekgyptian


[HQD Summit Report]: Walk like an Lekgyptian



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo my lektastic Qel-Dromites!

I know this has been drummed and hailed loudly to high heavens, but WE WON THE WAR!!! (Previous report was published just before it was official.) Thank you for your lektastic work and amazing effort, gals and guys! House Qel-Droma gave a very strong showing and together with our esteemed near-peers of Galeres, we really kicked all the ass! (Special boot polish to combat ass smell has been added to the HQ inventory for your use.)

That all said, resting on our laurels is not the Arcona way, and especially not the Qel-Droma way! In order to keep us whipped in shape, our illustrious Consul and Proconsul are running some—did I read this right?—vacation comps…

Anyway, check them out, do the things, knock ‘em right out of the park while you’re at it! I know I’ll be doing some mojito sipping and recreational spelunking!

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Hello fellow Qel-Dromans!

It’s never too late to go out for a drink and celebrate our excellent victory in the past war. Congratulations to all of you for having participated and gone the extra mile to help ensure our Clan kept its title of first Clan.

And now that you have taken your well deserved rest, we have a Clan event! Shift your tires to beach terrain and help our esteemed Consul in the search for some ancient ruins. Or just enjoy your time on the beach. That works too!

With that being said, we now start a new journey. Almost like a new adventure begins after the war. So let’s all work together for this and the upcoming events that may befall in our Clan and House.

As always, stay safe and awesome!

Signed, The Local Gambler

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. Ask the Lekhead and the Gambler
  8. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Shadow Complex
Port Ol’val
38 ABY

“—so thanks to veeks of vork by our data-analysts, ve’ve managedt to scrub the gun cam footage from the oldt Voidbreaker enough to give us an idea of vhat the ship that attackedt us is,” Tali Sroka continued with her briefing.

The faint humm of air conditioning units and the flicker of a holo-projector were the only sound within the crisp coolness of the briefing room. After the events at Arx, Ol’val and Qel-Droma had returned to a semblance of normalcy while the galactic politics played themselves out in the aftermath. However, old grudges demanded settling and the loss of their erstwhile home away from home was still fresh in everyone’s memory. Some scars healed worse than others.

“The attacking vessel has been identifiedt as a modifiedt battle cruiser of the Nova—

The sudden hiss of the briefing room doors cut the purple Twi’lek off as an exhausted Aru Law barged in with all the decor and tact she’d come to expect of the gambling addict. Before she could scold him for his tardiness, however, the visibly exuberant Human waved aloft a stack of flimsies and exclaimed.

“Va-ca-tion! Mewdlewlewleeee!”

There was a spirited attempt at an air-quetarra solo, though it looked visibly off key—especially with the mewling sounds the Aedile made with his mouth to imitate the electric instrument.

A deadly silence filled the briefing room anew and a healthy red glow rose upon Aru’s cheeks as he realized all eyes were on him, and not necessarily in a good way.

Read the rest of the fiction here.



Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

Boy oh boy, do we have a big list of names to enumerate!

  • Our Quaestor got awarded with a Sapphire Blade! The color does go with the purple. Congratulations Tali Sroka!

  • Our resident Wookie Kelviin got promoted to Raider(Equite II)! Have fun raiding our enemies with your new insignia.

  • We have a new Commander in our ranks. Sulith! Congratulations on your promotion to Equite II!

  • Alaisy also received a Sapphire Blade! Now she can compare sizes with Tali. Congratulations Mistress!

  • Aru Law (meself) got promoted to Mystic and made his way to the Equite league! He also was awarded with a Steel Cross for his service to the SA.

  • Archian got promoted to Professional! Congratulations on your official knighting mate! Not only that, but he was also awarded an Anteian Cross for his dedication and service to the House and Clan during the War! You can read about his knighting fiction here.

  • Blithe got promoted to Courier and has taken another important step on her career in the DJB. Congratulations Blithe and may you be awarded even more ranks from now on.

  • We have a new member! Join me in welcoming Vraz Mard who has already got himself a new rank! Welcome to House Qel-Droma Vraz and I hope you find a family here.

  • A big shout out to Marick Tyris and Alaisy Tir’eivra for having completed 30/30 competitions in the War! Wow! That’s amazing of you. Thank you for your dedication!

  • Also a mentioning of all Qel-Droma members that have achieved full bin participation in the war. The list goes as follows: Marick Tyris, Tali Sroka, Sulith Bekket, Alaisy Tir’eivra, Emere Galo, Aru Law, Archian.

  • If you haven’t already, you can read the latest Clan report here.

  • And you can also read the Voidbreaker’s report here. Go check out what the horny captain has to say!

DB Wide Updates
  • Check out the Voice’s report. They added new species!!! You can read about that here.

  • Spectre Cell’s report is also up! Check it out here.

  • The Fist report analyzes war performance and talks about some changes on games. Check them all out here.

  • If you haven’t already, please take 2 minutes to answer the War Survey. Here’s the link.

  • The Grand Master has awarded the leadership. That includes a promotion for our beloved Consul! You can read about the event here.

  • We have three new Arconae! Not one, not two, THREE!!! Congratulations to our Consul Lucine, our Rollmaster Strong and the Goatmaster Zujenia! You can read the fiction here.


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

And now, for the Crescent list!

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
- 3 Clusters of Ice
- 8 Clusters of graphite

Tali Sroka
- 9 Clusters of Fire
- 43 Clusters of Ice
- 20 Clusters of Graphite

Edema R’uh-Kalinor
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Welcome back!

Leeadra Halcyon
- 4 Clusters of Graphite

Sulith Bekett
- 21 Clusters of Ice
- 12 Clusters of Graphite

Alaisy Tir’eivra
- 2 Crescents with Ruby Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 95 Clusters of Fire
- 21 Clusters of Ice
- 23 Clusters of Graphite

- 12 Clusters of Ice
- 20 Clusters of Graphite

Emere Galo
- 11 Clusters of Ice
- 12 Clusters of Graphite

Karran Val’teo
- 10 Clusters of Ice

Aru Law
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 5 Clusters of Fire
- 16 Clusters of Ice
- 8 Clusters of Graphite

- 3 Clusters of Fire
- 5 Clusters of Ice
- 8 Clusters of Graphite


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Member   Points
Alaisy Tir’eivra 15
Aru Law 5
Edema R’uh-Kalinor 4

After the war, many of you have been active and grabbed many Clusters. As for the leaderboard, we start it with Alaisy, crushing all competition with 15 points! Coming in second is Aru Law with 5 points, very closely followed by Edema, who has recently returned to our cosy House and grabbed herself 4 points and a place in the leaderboard.

Thank you all for the amazing activity displayed and keep racking up those Clusters and Crescents as the Clan event is still live!



  • Have you already subscribed to the Clan Event comps? If not, follow this link and check them out.
  • The usual Gaming comps under the FIST rule are live for this month. Go subscribe here.
  • Wanna write about a discussion? Only in dialogue? You Talk Too Much is the comp for you.
  • Does music spark images in your head? Then Pictures in the Sound is here for you.
  • Sera has given us a Mad MAx themed set of competitions. You can check them out here.
  • Here’s your chance of designing your own lightsaber. Follow this link.
  • Want a quickie? The Lost GM competition is 2 days away from being over. If you still want to compete, go here quickly!
  • The last puzzle from our Quaestor’s series of puzzles is live. Follow this link and have fun with a nice puzzle!



  • Sera asks several things:

    • Galeres vs Qel Droma swimsuit beach volleyball competition when? Is Tali team captain?
      • Aru: “How much skin does the swimsuit reveal again? I might wanna be the referee.”
      • Tali: “Suuure… I’ve always vantedt to see if Grot can jump.”
    • Favorite drink to sip on the beach?
      • Aru: “Whiskey! On the Rocks!”
      • Tali: “Can’t go vrong vith a Mojito or possibly a Virgillia Libré.”
    • *How're you guys preparing for the tomb-raiding? Is Princess A-Aru going out in the booty shorts? *
      • Aru: “Princess A-Aru the YoYo is all about that bass!”
      • Tali: Cannot comment on Aru’s beach garb, but Tali’s gonna stay safely on the beach and making a dent in the strategic cocktail stockpile.
    • You are approached by a wild Sera, who offers a drink and a hug. What do you do?
      • Aru: “I’ll always take a hug. Even better if it comes with a nice Gin.”
      • Tali: I knock back the hug and wrap my lekku around the drink!
    • On a more serious note, how're you guys doing? Anything you're looking forward to for the fall?
      • Aru: “College is starting over, so it’ll be nice to go back to old routines. I hope we can go back to something at least. The big question. How are YOU doing?”
      • Tali: Is all good! Nothing major on the horizon, but I do like the concept of rainy afternoons, warm beverages, and slow-cooked stews...
  • Archian fires a triple:

    • Does Lek to Lek is considered as Mouth to mouth rescue method?
      • Aru: “I once offered to practice the maneuver with Tali. She refused…”
      • Tali: “Leksuscitation is an invaluable first aidt maneuver that can help a Twi’lek or Togruta vho is suffering from a bloodt clot in the lekku. Very important to know!”
    • When Arcona gets their official alcohol brewery?
      • Aru: “My man! You’re talking my language. Sign this form so we can get the process started!”
      • Tali: “Not sure about official, but ve have many domestically producedt spirits on Selen, andt illegally producedt ones on Ol’val...”
    • Can Arcona adopt a creature for House official mascot?
      • Aru: “An army of well trained Porgs was my suggestion a long time ago. Wonder where that paper is now.”
      • Tali: “I thought you vere our House mascot? After Eilen vent on her little rumspringa...
  • Alaisy definitely needs some vacation away from all the murder:

    • How about spending Selen's Summer underwater rather than in the blistering heat?
      • Aru: “I like Celeste. All the glamour and gambling opportunities. The High-Stakes fire up my blood!”
      • Yumni: “Reminds me of home… I am certain my vacation there will be most productive.”
    • What is your preferred method of absolutely murdering someone? I am curious.
      • Aru: ”If by absolutely you mean making sure the target is dead with one shot, then I always trust Alana to get the job done.” sighs
      • Tali: “No-one is ever truly, definitely, deadt. Once, I thought bottomless pits vouldt do, but clearly, they’re not all they’re crackedt up to be!”
    • If you'd have to pick your Euthanasia treatment, which would it be?
      • Aru: “Lekku asphyxiation.”
      • Tali: “Heart failure, from being surrounded by loving family.” Looks up at Aru’s answer. “Come again?”
    • Speaking of death, what about resurrection? Would you prefer your old rotting organs to remain in the body, have some new ones donated and the old passed on to science or just straight out have them grown from scratch? Feel free to give me new ide- *ahem. Feel free to list other personalized protocols.*
      • Aru: “My organs are my essence. I would like a method where they could get their proper functions back without having to be replaced please.”
      • Tali: “If it’s my time to go, then it’s my time. I have no desire to return for a re-run…”
    • What are the various stages of alert on Ol'val? I think I may have triggered at least four of them already.
      • Aru: “Stage 1: People talk about it on the streets. Stage 2: The Aedile gets a notice but is either too drunk to read or gambling. Stage 3: The Quaestor gets a notice and an apology from the Aedile. Stage 4: Karran gets permission for random ramming in Ol’Val.”
      • Tali: “Hope ve von’t die. Afraid ve’re going to die. Feel like ve’re about to die. Hope ve’re going to die. Afraidt ve von’t die after all… No, vait, those were just my levels of hangover.”
    • Just out of sheer respect. Please do not be alarmed if there are signs of low humming or chanting, trails of blood, clipped nails or loose hairs and etchings on surfaces of walls or floors. And don't stare out into hyperspace for too long, Anything curious you see out there is just a figment of your imagination.
      • Aru: “The legend of Alaisy the Reaper is growing. Beware the bounty hunters Mistress. Actually, I fear for them. Nevermind!”
      • Tali: sighs and pours bourbon into Monday coffee “So it’s one of those veeks, eh?”
    • Oh and speaking about Hyperspace, any volunteers? I am preparing a... uhm, vacation resort, yes, that's what it is. Attraction rides are opened in a few days from now.
      • Aru: “Does it involve being shot into the nothingness of space during Hyperdrive speed?”
      • Tali: “I think the vacation on Selen vill be enough for me. Too much play andt no vork makes Tali a dull Twi’lek.”
  • Our esteemed Consul comes check on the House:

    • Are ya'll enjoying the lovely resort vacation?
      • Aru: “Celeste doesn’t have a proper gambling resort. I’m about to change that!”
      • Tali: sips Mojito, adjusts sun hat “S’alright.”
    • How many pints of blood could you spare? Erm... in the event of an emergency, I mean. We simply must remain in a constant state of readiness!
      • Aru: “Last notice I got from the doctor was ‘We have found traces of blood in your alcohol analysis’ so I would say I don’t have much to spare.”
      • Tali: “Last I remember Koliss mentionedt it vas safe to donate a pint, maybe two in an absolute critical emergency. But I’dt much rather just call Atty...”
    • Have you checked out the ruins on the island? I heard that it is a landmark that people are dying to see!
      • Aru: “After people stop dying to see it I may peek inside. I’ve always hated big crowds anyways.”
      • Tali: “Didt ve learn nothing from the previous Sith temple?!”
    • I've heard that there is a once-in-a-lifetime planetary convergence coming up! Shall we have a party?
      • Aru: “Beware. I hear the Conjunction of Spheres gave birth to an exotic Order called the Witchers.”
      • Tali: “Celestial Clockworks… Music of the Spheres...”
  • Zig helpfully rounds up the Consul’s questions:

    • What could possibly go wrong?
      • Aru: “I think I’ll stay away from temples this time.
      • Tali: “Yes.”


In Closing…

With the summer heat perhaps finally waning and the darker months of the year looming on the horizon, let us enjoy our beach vacation for all it’s worth and shift our gazes towards things to come! Rest assured, there are plenty of tales yet untold!

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on TG (@tali_sroka, @AruLaw) and or email.


The Lekhead & The Gambler


Am I a Arcona mascot?!

YES - I AM! Fury, cuddly and poisonous!

Thank you for the prompt report guys.

Excellent report! And congrats to everyone for their post-war shinies!

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