Deep Space
Undisclosed Location
The fleet of Clan Naga Sadow drifted in a meticulous formation near the Harrower-class dreadnought, its battered hull a testament to the vessel's long-forgotten battles. Vice General Araic Simonetti stood aboard the ISD Perdition, his gaze fixed on the viewport. The hulking Imperial II-class Star Destroyer commanded a menacing presence, spearheading the fleet's operations with an iron grip. Simonetti was a career military man, his sharp uniform and calculated demeanor speaking volumes of his dedication to naval strategy and tactics.
"Status report," Simonetti ordered, his voice calm but commanding.
"All ships in position," replied Captain Merak, his executive officer. "The Light of Orion is coordinating with the Lion’s Ascent to deploy combat patrols, and the Insurgent has taken up escort formation with the Bloodline and Hyperion. The Xerberus, Stalker, and Wrath are holding their flanking positions."
Simonetti nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Very well. Launch all fighters and begin combat patrols. Instruct the squadron flight leaders that they are weapons-free. I want the perimeter secured and all anomalies reported immediately."
Across the task force, TIE hangars buzzed with activity. Squadrons of TIE Advanced, TIE Defenders, and TIE/SE Bombers roared into the void, their sleek forms slicing through the darkness. The task force moved with precision, each ship covering a designated sector around the dormant Harrower.
Combat Patrol Operations
Lieutenant Mira Tanis, a TIE Defender squadron leader, led her flight in a slow sweep of the outer perimeter. Her wingman on this mission was Specialist Quo-Wing-Tzun. Quo had been anticipating his next mission since returning from the Shadow Academy. Mira’s cockpit's instrument panel began humming with data streams, radar sweeps painting the surrounding space with faint blips.
"Squadron, stay sharp," she said over the comms. "We’ve got trade routes nearby, and we don’t want any surprises."
"Roger that, Lead," Quo replied.
The first few hours passed with minor incidents. Freighters veering off course, curious smugglers trying to get a closer look at the Harrower—all were intercepted and escorted back on their paths without resistance. Mira’s squadron maintained a watchful eye, their laser cannons primed for any hostilities.
Veil Arcana tapped at his HUD, his brow furrowed behind his flight visor. “Lead, this is Two. Instruments show some faint signatures about twenty klicks out. Could be debris, but it’s too regular.”
“Copy, Two. Let’s take a closer look.”
The TIE Defenders closed in, finding fragments of old wreckage—likely remnants of an ancient battle. As they scanned for threats, Mira noticed something peculiar on her HUD: faint, sporadic signals coming from deeper in the sector.
Continue Reading the adventure here:
Sadowans, what say you? Welcome to the first edition of the Naga Sadow Broadcasting Service of 2025! The Clan has been pretty productive over the last few moons. It's been a hot minute since we were able to chop it up and brag about you all, so let me get this intro crapola out of the way first. And without further adieu:
Clan News
PCon Premonitions
Black Guard
Welcome to CNS!
Club News/Comps
Around the Clan
Greetings Sadowans!
I hope everyone had a safe and joyous holiday season, filled with warmth and celebration. While the holiday spirit was alive, my personal season came with some unexpected twists—multiple family members decided to turn the holidays into hospital visits! As a result, I’ve been playing a bit of catch-up, but rest assured, the momentum is back. Let me say this: 2025 is going to be an incredible year for Clan Naga Sadow!
Now that the chaos is behind us, let’s talk about where we stand and the exciting developments we’ve already set into motion. As you may recall, the PCon and I had several projects in the works, and we’re making significant progress on a few of them. First and foremost—and what I’m personally thrilled to announce—we’ve acquired a Harrower-class Dreadnought! Yes, another ship, but this isn’t just any ship. This iconic vessel represents a vital piece of Clan history, and now, it’s under our command. The name has already been decided through a naming competition, and while I’d love to unveil it in the RP storyline, you might see it revealed sooner. Stay tuned, Sadowans!
We’ve also begun addressing our Clan structure. As some of you may have noticed, we’ve transitioned everyone to the CNS roster, pausing House operations for now. This decision was not made lightly, but with our current numbers, this adjustment aligns with the Summit’s vision for a more adaptable and efficient structure. Our dedication to the Houses remains intact, and they will continue to play a significant role in our lore and fiction.
Looking ahead, the RP storyline is shaping up to evolve into a full-scale Clan event. The PCon and I are finalizing the details for 2025, with one key priority in mind: engagement and rewards for everyone. We want to see our members earning a steady stream of medals and promotions, so we’re actively discussing ways to increase opportunities for XP gains. Gaming appears to be the most efficient route, and we’re working out the logistics to establish dedicated sessions that everyone can participate in.
Suffice it to say, there will be no shortage of opportunities to dive into shenanigans this year. Whatever your expertise or passion within the Club, there’s always a way to contribute and keep padding your XP bank. So, what do you say, Sadowans—are you ready to make 2025 a year to remember?
Meanwhile, here are a couple nuggets to keep us busy:
Lord Muz Keibatsu: Sadow Monthly Skirmish: January
Black Guard: [CNS} Order of the Blackguard: 2025
Lucky for all of you that Darkhawk constrains my rantings into a small space in his reports, sparing you all the pages upon pages of ‘old man shouting at clouds’. In any case, this year is bound to be a banner year for the club in general, and I think it can be just as great for our Ancient Clan as well.
This will be year 30 for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and 28 for Naga Sadow. I would say that it is safe to expect all manner of special competitions and festivities for both anniversaries over the course of the year. As usual, when there are that many competitions rolling, there is a lot of opportunity to snag XP, Credits, Medals and Promotions. Keep your eyes peeled for that.
We’re (DH and I, anyway) trying to set up a standing gaming night for the clan. We’ve been pretty scattershot about when we get online and crush gaming (lately it has been Squadrons, but we’ve done Helldivers 2 and other stuff as well) but locking it down to a regular timeframe would be useful for some of us who haven’t been having the best luck on being online when everyone else is. If you’re interested, shoot one or both of us an email or Discord DM and we’ll try to get you coordinated in as well. This goes double for those of us who still have all the GMRG ranks to earn, with all their tasty perks that come from levelling up.
On the rp front, The Derelict Adventure is still ongoing. Our Clan Members have discovered some manner of human survivors lurking in the deep shadows of the wreckage, fearful of something that is decidedly not us. If you’re interested in joining in as we scan the ship for our future uses (see DH’s comment about us adding a Harrower to our fleet as another Flag) and get into some cool encounters, join up in the channel (or dm me for an invite). It works just like a play-by-post RPG, and is great training for joining clubwide ones!
Speaking of clubwide RPs, I am presently building a facility that would orbit Inos, on the outer edges of Sadow Space, which will eventually serve as an entertainment hub and base of operations for our clan members to hang out before and after they are leaving the system. This one will have diplomatic ties, so members from other clans and the Brotherhood will be allowed to hang out. There’s going to naturally be a bar (Never So… what?), some high-tech cage fighting rings (complete with corresponding ACC venue), and a weapons/gear shop. What else would your character really like to visit there as well? Let me know!
And that about uses up the allotment that DarkHawk was so gracious to allow me, so I will close it up here. If you have any questions, concerns, or snide remarks, please let me know. Otherwise, stay safe and have fun!
We saw another good spike in activity over Nov/Dec, even with the holiday commotion its still cool to see the steady pace of activity. We ended with a 89.3% participation rate. Excellent work CNS!
So here are our Blackguard winners of the coveted Blackguard title!
Nov | Dec |
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar 1st Place | Equite Veil Arcana 1st Place |
Archpriest Quentinshadows 2nd Place | Master Malik Sadow 2nd Place |
Master Malik Sadow 3rd Place | Archpriest Quentinshadows 3rd Place |
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu 4th | Quo-Wing-Tzun 4th Place |
2024 Winners | |
Strask Rurra'bek 1st Place | |
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar 2nd Place | |
Equite Veil Arcana 3rd Place | |
Master Malik Sadow 4th |
It's stupid easy to participate, the more you are active the more BG points you earn. Snag the title and hit up the comps page and do some comps or head over to the Shadow Academy and earn some degrees. All those points add up on the BG tracker!
Get into the action here
Veil Arcana - Equite II
Quentinshadows - Equite III
Master Malik Sadow was awarded 1 Amethyst Kukri
Adept Tasha Vel’Versea was awarded 1 Amethyst Kukri
Master Bentre Stahoes was awarded a Sapphire Blade
Savant Veil Arcana was awarded a Sapphire Blade
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu: Maven - Personal Technology/Pundit - Activities/Maven - Galactic History
Master Bentre Sadow: Maven - Personal Technology
Warlord Hades: Courses Passed: Department of Galactic Studies: Personal Starships
Quentinshadows: Savant - Leadership and Communication/Maven - Writing
Sato Tarantae: Pundit - Communications/Maven - Societies
Veil Arcana: Maven - Writing/Maven - Legends/Maven - Historical Legends/Savant - Legends/Maven - Lore/Maven - Galactic History/Savant - History and Lore/Sage -History and Lore/Savant - Writing/Maven - Personal Technology
Quo-Wing-Tzun: Pundit - Communications/Pundit - Activities/Maven - Societies/Maven - Galactic History/Maven - Personal Technology
We had a lot of folks hitting up the Shadow Academy over the last few months. A lot of studying going on and a lot of degrees going out! Very flippin cool and keep up the great work!
It takes a lot to go through those studies and earn our degrees. I commend all of us for furthering our education and supporting the Shadow Academy. There is a lot to learn over there and those degrees do pay off, literally. Get over there and dive into those classes. Earning a degree is an accolade worthy of the effort!
Here is a look around the Club
We want to welcome back a couple of folks as well as give a huge Saddowan welcome to our newest member!
Welcome back to the Clan:
And a HUGE welcome to our newest member X£{}N
We have a staunch group of veterans that would make an excellente' Master for any new member. I personally am a sucker for reading a good Knighting ceremony. Summit cannot wait to see you ascend through the ranks and developing your character! For our returning veterans, Summit extends the same courtesy to you and we cannot wait to see you back in action!
Well, Sadowans we have unfortunately (thank god) have reached the end of another episode of Naga Sadow Broadcasting Service. First and foremost we had a lot of Sadowan action and that is the coolest! Dust off those shelves Sadowans, it’s a new year and it’s time to showcase your stuff! 2025 will be a great year for all of us! So dive in and do not be afraid to spill a lil blood in some seedy corner of the galaxy. Drinks are on me at the Seventh Tooth the next we meet. Please let me know if I missed anyone or anything.
Until next time Sadowans…..
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