Welcome my badass geeks and gentle-jerksnerds to my first report as Proconsul! This is like totally weird, no? Either way, this is a thing now and we have a whole slew of things we need to discuss.
So, let's jump right into this.
First, I would like to address the leadership shuffle we have achieved. We were very fortunate to have as many amazing and qualified people send in their applications. A year ago when I applied for Battleteam Leader we were dealing with a shortage of willing applicants and now we are at a surplus! To those who were not selected this time, hold on to your applications. The Summit has noticed you and we will have places for you in the future.
Second! Congratulations to Zujenia for getting Qel-Droma Aedile, Lucine for taking over Shadow Gate and Leeadra for your position as leader of a brand new Battleteam! I look forward to hearing of your progress. A little tip from a former BTL, patience, tolerance and acceptance are going to be your life savers. Remember, if ever you need help, your Quaestor and Aedile are there to help. Use them when you need to.
Now! We have a bunch of promotions and awards we are proud to announce.
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
Leeadra Halcyon
Edema R'uh-Kalinor
Rulvak Qurroc
Atra Ventus
Adem Bol'era
Lucine Vasano
Tali Sroka
Sildrin Lyonsbane
Maenaki Dalevi'in
Kordath Bleu
Celevon Edraven Erinos
Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae
Although this isn’t Clan news, this is incredibly important.
(Note: If you think something is shady or an exploitive loophole or even think “asking forgiveness is better than asking permission” think the fuck hell again. Cheating is cheating and it will not only put a red mark on your future, but it will also prevent others from enjoying something. That. Is. Not. Cool. And will not be accepted or tolerated. So, before you think “lol! I can totes get away with this” just make the smart choice and step away from your tech for a few hours, think about your life choices and perhaps reevaluate yourself and your morals. Then, if you still think it should be okay, come ask one of the Summit. Don’t ruin the fun of others for a selfish win. )
How am I enjoying? With strain, constant optimism and more effort than I should ever admit. I want to make things better for others and the effort I put into it is at a level I shouldn't be alright with admitting, but if I can make things better for one person, then it is entirely worth it to me. That effort has frequently led to others displaying a contentment or happiness from other and that matters the most to me.
Absolutely not, everyone gets either a black or a red horn to display their supremacy and badassery.
I mean, my dad taught me Klingons could get attached to my bum if I didn’t wipe properly, however I assume Wookies have nothing to do with that and come from some kind of evolution involving bears. Or monkies...or monkey bears...
The only “chucklefark” I need to deal with is you. Everyone else is an intelligent, caring, empathetic and compassionate person who I can train to becoming the leadership Arcona deserves. :p Then you and I can retire Xp
Drink a lot, learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others, try to create a plan that works for everyone without compromising the integrity of Arcona and make a safe and happy place for all the nerds and outcasts that the Dark Brotherhood draws in
Yes. Also, lace. Leather, lace, pvc, and satin, so long as they are all black and red all = B.I.T.C.H. Bitch, I'm Taking Charge Here or Babe In Total Control of Herself. ;P
Klaatu barada nikto, bish. You wanna bring up the Deadites? Do it. Mae will fight an Army of Darkness and undead by your side and laugh at you for messing everything up. ;p
What motivates me is that(one day I will be able to fire you for asking questions like this) I never want, or will allow, new people to go through the crap that I did. No person will be insulted because of their gender, no n00b will be invalidated because of their db inexperience, no problem brought up will go without an answer and no Human being in our club of nerdy misfits will go without an ear or compassionate shoulder. I may swear, I may say lewd things, I may express myself in a manner frowned upon or inappropriate, but I will never dismiss someone and I will always listen should there be a complaint brought to me. I do this because no one deserves the treatment I received and because this is a refuge for all of us with shitty home lives, mental illness, physical disabilities, social awkwardness and a desire for friendship. My life has become a brighter place because of all the people here I have met, from all the lessons I have learned and from all the hardship I have gone through to get here. As a potential “problem” member, I prove that you can go from the lowest of low to one of the most influential people in a Clan within a few years. I do what I do to inspire hope. Not just within the online community, but in real life as well.
#AskthePconicorn what's one cultural shift that you've noticed, in the club or clan, that you're proud of? What's something you would still like to see change?
Omg, Abbey. Why?! Okay, so when I joined the DB and Arcona, I was accused of being another female because they weren't really a frequent occurrence and clones had become an issue. It took a good to-be friend to prove that I was one before people started believing me. What is worse is that my reputation actually dropped due to what happens to reside, or not reside, between my legs. I was insulted, called an “insult to all females online” (by another woman, no less) and my reputation as a human being plummeted. Jokes of “girls do not exist online” and “G.I.R.L., you mean Guy In Real Life” and “get off the internet and back in the kitchen” ran rampant. People who cared to hear me speak quickly dropped to zero. I was even told to kill myself a few times. (Thanks Dash, don't you dare think I will forget. It's a woman thing.) Today, I am beyond proud to say that the Clan I joined has a majority of females as important leadership. Out of 8 leadership positions in Arcona, 5 are are taken by women. Not only are we now at equal standing and rank as the men, we now are capable of running and improving an entire Clan together. This isn't feminism, this is fact. Saying males are not suited for the job is also incorrect and reverse sexism solves nothing.
What I wish to improve upon is Clan cooperation. I joined the db and was placed into Galeres. They hated Qel-Droma. Then I rogued out and when I came back I jumped into Qel-Droma. I spent a majority of my db life dissing and picking on Gal. Now that I am no longer in a House, and I am now simply part of Arcona as a whole, I see how toxic that mindset is and no longer feel that it is an acceptable way to go about Clan leadership. Qel-Droma and Galeres are not at war. They are one with Arcona and their strengths and weaknesses are the strengths and weaknesses of the Clan. The bitterness and bs between them is something I wish to correct. Galeres has its skill in gaming while Qel-Droma has its writers and artists. In the future, I would like to balance this out so we have multiple skills in both Houses and can work on improving our weaknesses together instead of faulting and insulting one another for them.
#AskthePconicorn favorite things to write and why
I love describing scenery. I grew up in a mountainous area that was surrounded by rich green seas of thick forests, towering dark trees, berry bushes, wild mushrooms and various wildlife. Two of my grandparents were painters who would paint the mountains and creatures they saw therein and nature has always held a very important part of my heart and my being. Whether it be the sprawling cityscapes, with towering buildings and bustling life, or vast deserts with an oppressive sun baking the sands surrounding the protagonist, or rich green fields filled with flowers and moss and cluttered with various wildlife, I love it all. I enjoy describing an area to which a being resides. However, I can end up caught in the description of a scene and cause boredom for my reader. Someone should make an aspect with this. XD
#AskthePconicorn favorite food?
Personally, I don't actually have one anymore. I have tasted some amazing dishes in my life and, despite not doing it often, really enjoy food of all kinds. However,I do have a special place in my heart for cheesecake, butter chicken and veggie pakora.
Maenaki, being vegan, loves a kind of lasagna roll. She uses beans, mushrooms, a cheese derived from nuts and lentil based pasta. As I actually have very non-judgmental vegan friends, I have decided not to cast them in a poor light of the typical internet stereotypes. Mae does not eat ice, she simply eats healthy and ethically. There is no joy or satisfaction to be gleaned from the death and digestion of non-sentient beings so there is, in her mind, no point to eating them when she can have a diet of vegetation and other protein rich foods.
#AskthePconicorn IF you could only have either glitter or makeup for the rest of your life, which would it be?
LOOOOOL! You know there is cosmetologist grade glitter, right? And most eyeshadow palettes come with a glitter shade? But IF I had no choice because all glitter pigments had been eradicated from all existences, then I would choose makeup. I cannot very well do my primer and foundation with glitter alone, regardless of certain youtube videos.
Uhhh… I wanted a name far af away from my own, but still part of me. I was born in May so I wanted something that I could associate with that aspect of my being without making it too close to home. I was also eating a lot of sushi at the time and Maki was kinda my life. So, May + Maki = Maenaki. Her last name, which I would like to point out I spelled wrong on my wiki page, was random and some mixture of Cara Delevingne (who I knew of before Suicide Squad because of Die Antwoord) and my love of apostrophes. Thus, Dalevi’in.
Here's the issue with this question. I watch horror movies. From where I come from? Clowns are terrifying, not funny. I assume that they actually taste like poor hygiene and grease paint.
Maenaki’s response would be: When I am competent and trusted enough to do the tasks expected of me with the efficiency that I hold for myself.
The drama llama is merely the attention we give to those seeking attention. Some people start fights because they are looking for someone to listen. Some people insult themselves in hopes for validation. Some insult others because it is easier to start a fight than it is work on issues with themselves. The key is to not invalidate these problems, but instead to listen, be compassionate, empathize and learn to fucking care. The one thing the db suffers from is mass selfishness. “I want the coolest character”, “I have the most hard pressed life”, “I have a higher intelligence”, etc. You want fun, joy, camaraderie? Listen. Care. Empathize. Do things for others instead of just yourself. Compliment instead of insult. Listen instead of argue. Validate instead of dismiss. Basically, learn to live the words of Tori Amos: “I believe in peace, bitch.”
I believe in Unicorns, think Pegasi are cool. Alicorns, however, I believe we're created by the indecisive. Those who couldn't tell if they liked unicorns or pegasi better and simply took the lazy path of both. (Says the Seltron) However, I believe that whatever makes another person happy makes it valuable and worthy of existence. So if you love Alicorns and Pegasi as much as I love Unicorns, then we share a mutual love and that is precious.
There aren't enough words in the English language for me to express my hatred for you and this question.
I ignore you for an hour, tell you I have ignored you and still put your question here to show that I, for some reason, still acknowledge your existence.
See: Lagertha from Vikings. Warrior braid.
#AskthePconicorn 2) If Mae could and would have a pet, what would it be?
Ryn seem cute, intelligent and lacking willpower. Maybe one of them...
#AskthePconicorn 3) What is Mae's favorite breakfast to start out her day? Does she make breakfast before or after she deals with the bedhair/etc ?
Maenaki likes fruit and veggie smoothies for breakfast, simple, quick and efficient. She prepares the fruit and vegetables the night before and blends them in the morning before her shower. However, Maenaki wakes up and brushes her hair. She does not do the braid up until her hair is partially damp from the shower.
#AskthePconicorn 4) What advice would you give to new aspiring leaders?
Pay attention to others, be a leader and not a tyrant, listen, and focus on the solutions, not the problems.
#AskthePconicorn 5) What was your favorite part of Mae to design?
Planning out how to make a villain that people would love to hate...and who would never rise past Quaestor -_-
#AskthePconicorn 6) On a scale of 1-10, how much would you like to have a make up party with Maenaki?
Um, 60.
#AskthePconicorn 7) How would Mae react if she lost control of a situation?
This really depends on the situation. In combat, should she have reason to believe she will die, she would flee. In a social situation it would entirely depend on the other person. If they were aggressive, prone to violence and she slipped, making them angry? She would retreat, apologize, prostrate herself humbly before them, beseeching their forgiveness. If they were weak willed she would apply more pressure to either break them or bend them to her will. At her core, Maenaki is a coward who only cares for one thing in this universe and if that is ever in danger, she retreats, recalculates and approaches from another angle.
#AskthePconicorn 8) What does Mae enjoy in her free time?
Maenaki socializes and analyzes. She gathers information, people’s likes and dislikes, gauges their reactions and adapts accordingly. Before bed, however, she listens to melodic synth music and reads dossiers.
#AskthePconicorn 9) How many hours a month does Mae put into addressing her wardrobe? New additions?
Hours a month? Tsk, dear girl, Mae is 73 years old with at least another century of her life ahead of her. What is time but a currency to be spent at one's leisure? (About a hundred, depending on work tasks. She also likes doing hauls of a lot of things at once and then spending the rest of her time focusing on work.)
#AskthePconicorn 10) What are your plans to bring the criminal mavericks of House Qel-Droma and the military minded House Galeres closer together?
I am going to beat them both with large sticks until they get it through their heads that we are #OneClan. This is actually a very important question and one I have spent some time pondering about myself. I have no solid plans just now, with moving and all, but one a well thought out plan is fleshed out, I will come back to this question and answer it fully for you. <3
#AskthePconicorn 11) Is there an item in possessions that Mae has been eyeing?
Are living assistants a possession??
#AskthePconicorn 12) Is #DownWithThePatriarchy Mae's motto as well? If not, what is her fabulous sign?
Heh, Mae is more of a #MakeEveryoneAgreeWithMe kind of monster. To her, it doesn't matter what gender or rank you are, so long as you are of interest to her and can help her achieve whatever her task is.
#AskthePconicorn 13) As the new overcorn, what would you chose to redecorate first?
Where K'tana was the raver girl, Maenaki is the artistic goth. Spirals that lean more towards ostentatious than gaudy, lots of blacks and dark reds. She prefers silvers to golds and metallics to sparkles. The first room, obviously, would be her home on Selen.
#AskthePconicorn 14) How is Maenaki's relationship with Timeros?
Okay, let me clear this up once and for all. There is no relationship between Maenaki and Timeros. If anything, she despises him. She feels that all of his power came as a replacement to personality. Timeros trusts Mae about as much as he loved K'tana. Which, to those who block this out, was about 0 ÷ 0. Blackhole amounts of none. In their current standing, Maenaki does her job and Timeros gives her any pertinent information that is need to know. Outside from that, Mae avoids him and he passes her by without a glance unless she must be informed of something. That's it.
#AskthePconicorn 15) What is the one question you would ask yourself?
Why the hell did I tell you to ask me 15 questions?!
Maenaki’s and K'tana were once, for a brief time, friends. Hair, horns, tail/s, lekku, cybernetics, half-breed or purebred, they all equal the same amount of nothingness in Mae’s eyes. In fact, the exterior of a being is so far down the scale of on things to judge a person by (aside from hygiene, of course) that it barely factors in on how Mae thinks of others. Occasionally a thought of, “well, they're pretty enough that I could make use of their face if I need them to glean answers from someone for me,” may cross her mind, but nothing beyond that. If you cannot take care of your own hair and headtails, why should she? The former Aedile managed 4 years of the Brotherhood without losing either of hers, and she was reckless, impulsive, violent and crazy. If you are concerned about them, perhaps wear tighter lekku-wraps.
My personal take is this: Communication and consideration for the people around you are integral to the functionality of a Club such as this. Whether you have lekku or not matters little to me, so long as you are having a good time and respect one another along the way. We’re all here for a common love.
Now, go start some war practice. Jump into some ACCs, write some fictions, do some character sheet breakdowns for fun. Hell, go do some war SAs for fun.
Love and black stuff,
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To my pconicorn:
Proud as hell!
To my and my pconicorn's subjects:
Yay!!! First pcon report of badassitude! Nice one Kat. :3
RYNS AREN'T PETS!!! : o (:P)
Love everything about this report and nice header :D
Nice report! Loved everything you had to say, and look forward to seeing you excel in your efforts.
I feel like I should quote one of your anti leadership rants everytime you do a report...
Mostly because I'm so impressed/proud. This is informative, well thought out, and a great touchbase with the memners of the respective Clan. Excellent work, Kat, and keep up the great work.
I loved your answers. All Arconans, young and old, are in good hands.