The X-70b Phantom the Hayabusa landed inside the main hangar of the Perdition. Disembarking from the sleek shuttle the Consul was met by Moff Simonetti. The two exchanged pleasantries before walking across the hangar toward the turbolift.
“I understand your expedition was to your favor. I trust there were not many obstacles to traverse?” said the Moff. DarkHawk smiled slightly, the Moff framed that statement rhetorically, he already knew the answer.
“I see the Sgt. Major still relays very thorough briefings.” DarkHawk said, containing a laugh. “I hope Ty has not been too much trouble for you sir. He does enjoy every opportunity to shadow you.”
“Not at all Consul. He will make a fine Fleet Officer. It is just a matter of time before he commands his own capital ship.”
The two entered the turbolift, before keying in the code for the command level the Consul turned to the Moff and spoke. “There is no need to keep reminding me that losing my pilot is a good thing.” Simonetti raised his eyebrows, "Honest assessment sir."
The turbolift stopped abruptly at the command level of the ship. The doors whisked open exposing that awe inspiring bridge. The panoramic view never got tiring. One could become overwhelmed by looking out and down onto the bow of the ship for the first time. The view was impressive to say the least.
Quentineshadows and his son Lukeshadows had been waiting to enter the lift when the doors opened. Quentin had been recently promoted and currently found himself in the depths of admin duties. Quentin and Luke talked briefly before headed back to Aeotheran. Quentin and Quaestor Kurious had been running a fair amount of reconnaissance patrols with little resistance. The Quaestor had sent a secure holonet that they had something they needed to investigate and may be offline.
The Moff excused himself and resumed his duties commanding the bridge. DarkHawk went to the ready room where he found the PCon already waiting. Tasha was sitting on the sill of one of the viewports leaning back against it. An intense look on her face as she stared out into the vastness of space.
“You look like you could sleep a week.” DarkHawk said.
Tasha scoffed at her comrade, “I’ll sleep when I am dead. In the meantime, you’re back what is our next move?”
Tasha moved over to the Summit table and took a seat. DarkHawk relayed the last seventy two hours in an abridged version, before they started addressing and prioritizing concerns of the Clan.
As of late the Children of Mortis had been guilty of conducting incursions against the Brotherhood throughout the galaxy. The Pendroh, Lodisa, and Urikoth systems were of interest. Back within the Orian system C.o.M. insurgents attacked the Sepros Mining Outpost. Nearly liberating Sadowan resources of freighters of ore. However they did not plan on things going so awry in their endeavor. One of their biggest mistakes was grossly underestimating Moff Simonetti and his tenacity in conducting a military operation.
Marka Ragnos and Shar Dakhan have been diligent in maintaining their sectors security protocols. Prior to arriving on the Perdition, an encrypted messages was sent out to Grand Master Keibatsu. The Keibatsu were aboard the Fallen Spear conducting operations deep within the system.
DarkHawk passed the PCon the intel reports the Council disseminated amongst the Clans. Intel suggests the C.o.M. was nearing completion of something big. What that is yet is undetermined, but recon missions would surely be distributed throughout all Inquisitorious channels. General consensus predicts the C.o.M. would be making their move sooner than later.
The Orian system had been somewhat quiet and for the most part business as usual. However, those kinds of silences would give most pause. Silence does have a sound and it is always quietest before the storm. The Clan needs to be ready.
“We should probably gather the rest of the Summit to formulate a plan. The Houses are going to need to be on point over the next few weeks.” DarkHawk said.
“Sang and Locke are conducting long range recon as we speak. They are expected back on Tarthos shortly. I will send a message to House Summits. We can rendezvous with them when they return.”
“Any new developments in locating Bentre?” he asked. It had been some time without any intel to his whereabouts.
Tasha got up and walked over to the drink station and grabbed a bottle of Sadow from the top shelf and brought the bottle along with two glasses back to the table. She slid the glass across the table and they clinked together coming to a stop. She pulled the cork from the bottle out with her teeth and poured its contents into the glasses, nearly filling them.
“You're going to want that in a minute…” Tasha said.
Sadowans, time to kick the tires and light the fires! Dust off your gear, the Clan needs you!
Well folks it's flipping June and the year is nearly half over. The last few weeks have been nothing but a whirlwind of craziness. Two planned trips, two hospital stents and two unexpected trips fell on to my plate. Then finally I had to help pack up and move my son and his family to Vegas, that totally sucked.
Despite all that, you all have been pretty steady and I cannot thank you all enough for that. We have A LOT of stuff coming down the pipeline that we need to get ready for, First thing up on deck will be the ProBowl ‘23. Master Slager is heading that bad boy up again and he has laid it out with detail in his latest report. Go check that out here and get yourselves ready so that we can make a good showing. We will have three teams this year, the Rotworms, Frogdogs and the Lothcats! As per normal we will need CNS captains for the teams which we need to select this week. So if you are up for it let one of us know, otherwise I am randomly picking names!
Pro Bowl Schedule:
Well story wise, wanted to table our mainline story idea for a moment and put us into a bit of intermission before we head into Club events here soon. Personally I feel that story was not given the detail it needed. Which is completely my shortcoming and I own that. The PCon and I have talked a little in regards to our further development. We will need to work offline to come up with a different adventure for us to dive into. We can coordinate those details in between our next events so we can have a somewhat of a pen-to-paper plan for after our major events. If you are wanting to put a comp together, get with any of the Summit members and pitch your suggestion!
"Next events you say?" Why yes! I said events, with an S. I already mentioned the ProBowl, that hits us in July. The ProBowl is a great opportunity to have a total blast working with other Clan members. You see and learn a lot, plus get to meet other Club members. DIVE IN!!!!
So after we have a ton o' fun with the ProBowl we will start transitioning into the granddaddy of them all! ITS CLUB VENDETTA TIME! For the Clan, that is our bread & butter money maker. Pit your skills against other Club members and see who comes out on top! Plenty of opportunities to showcase your skills in a multifaceted competition event! Summit will sit down and devise a game plan so we can get the masses involved and earning some gleaming medals and stacks of credits!
In the meantime, I have a few casual comps dropping this week for everyone to enjoy. Go over to the Comps page and check them out! Currently we have a pretty good mix of comps going, pick one or two and GO! GO! GO!
I have said this many times, when it comes to online gaming, I am not a staunch gamer like some of you. Kind of envious, however the only way to get better is to play. I can hold my own in Squadrons, I seriously like doing the capital ship runs. Sometimes I get lucky at HALO lol! This may raise an eyebrow or two, I feel confident enough to say I am the fourth best Mario Kart driver in the Clan! LETS GAME!
Quentenshadows promoted from Equite 1 to Equite 2
Quentenshadows - Sapphire Blade
April Blackguard
May Blackguard
Congrats Sadowans!
Now that all the craziness is done at least at my end, I can get back to business. No camper, means no camping until I go get it late Fall. My focus will be getting my backyard done, enjoying the summer. When I am not doing that I will be pushing the throttle forward here. Our enemies need a square punch to the mouth, care to get in on that? Time to earn our keep Sadowans, "You have to risk it to get the bisket!" Don't be shy, dive in and get you some! Questions, comments, thoughts or ideas. Drop one of us a line and let's see what we can come up with! If I missed anyone or anything, please bring it to my attention and I will get it corrected.
Until next time Sadowans…
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Can't wait for the ProBowl. That was a blast last year.