Shadow Gate News
You all should know about the comp I just held! (if you don’t...boo) Congrats to Kordath, Timeros and Zuju for First through Third placements. I want everyone to know that I loved each of your fictions and, with your permission, would like to do something similar in the future. Thank you all for your participation. Much love and appreciation to you all. <3
As you all know, I am on the other side of the world from where I usually am. I will be in Amsterdam until the 26th and then headed back home. That being said, this is going to be a quick(and late) report.

Crescents and Clusters
- 2 Frigid Clusters of Icy-ness
- 1 Pretty Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 1 BAMF Dark Cross
- 1 Shiny Cluster of Ice
- Darkity Dark-Dark Cross
Livana Agrona
- 2 Totes Fab Clusters of Ice
- 1 OMGILOVEPURPLE Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1 Fabulous Dark Cross
- 2 Majestic Pendants of Blooooood
Marick Arconae
- A Metric
karkbutt-tonne of shinies and thus gets no magical epic names.
- 4 Clusters of Earth
- 4 Clusters of Ice
- 1 Ant Cross, because I’m lazy it’s now an Ant cross. ::image here::
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 2 Crescents with Ruby Star
dies from shock 3 Clusters of Ice
- 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star
- singing voice And a Katicorn in a Cat Tree!
- 1 Darkity-Dark Cross
- 2 Clusters of Ice
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
Who is only getting ONE mention this report, dagnabbit!
- 18 Clusters of Ice (Holy balls of glitter batman!)
- 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 1 Legion of the Scholar
- 1 Majestical Steel Cross
- 1 Brand-Spankin’ new Cluster of Ice
- 1 Made-up Award for Best Gif used in SG
- Several really good looking bottles of homemade wine
- 1 Really cute Rotty-Puppy
- All of Shadow Gate’s love and support
- 1 Slight Push from your BTL to come back to us
- 1 Gentle suggestion to allow me to just call you Noski cuz your name is long
- 1 Poke to make sure you’re still alive
- A less than gentle ping to come say hi to your Gatekeepers
All the N00blettes
- 100 headpats to encourage you to come have fun and write with us for sparkly things
(You guys made me put in effort in writing this. The least you can do if you’ve read this far is say “Errmergrrd Krt! Nrce rrprrt!!” ;p)


Have fun and good luck!

In Closing
I’m going to London on Friday. Be fully aware that there will be pic spam. Because I love you all. <3

Ninja'ed Wally for 1st!
Now that's done with, awesome report, Kat! Three cheers for Shadow Gate participating in her comp! \o/
I'm proud of both of you.
Congrats to the winners.
Ant Cross is definitely how you get Ants.
“Errmergrrd Krt! Nrce rrprrt!!” Ha! You can tell who really reads here. ;P
<3 Kat and congrats to the winners!!! Let's keep doing the things! o---
Amazing report boss keep up the great work